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I was working in kitchen thinking about what has happened yesterday night... How did i become daring in that aspect!?... My cheeks must be red by now... Damn... This is soo embarrassing... I didn't expect any of this to happen... What must he be thinking of me now...

I held onto my cheeks and tried to cool them down..

" lakshmi " I heard arjun calling me and I looked around to see him looking into his phone...he looked busy..

" ji " I said and looked all around the kitchen except at him...

" are you done with preparing breakfast? " he asked and I looked at the vessels.

" 5 more mins " I said and turned around, trying to cook fast.... That's just an acting... I want to hide from him now... At least not facing him is better...

" lakshmi....
Why don't we try French kiss " he whispered near my ear and I gasped, blushing profusely... This is soo embarrassing.... I want to dig a hole and hide myself. He is teasing me...

" oh
I thought my wife could never be shy" he said hugging me around my shoulders with his big arms... I felt warmth all over my back... He is very tall...My Gaint man...

" why " I tried to atleast divert the topic and as well as myself from becoming a tomato...

" because yesterday she termed ME as
' naughty kid ' when I asked her did she see me how big I am " he said and I remembered what it was...

" oh that " I said..

" why do you respond so normally to it? Shouldn't you be shy while talking about it? " he asked and I laughed,
he looked at me questioningly..

" Ofcourse I have seen genital parts before " I said softly stirring the curry.

" that's daring of my wife to say that she watches porn " he said and chocked on my own saliva....

Arjun POV :

I never thought that my wife can be soo open minded to accept that she watches porn... I mean, most of them do watch but I don't want her to watch it anymore... I will make sure of it....

" hey hey
I don't watch porn!
I've seen them for real okay " she said and I cut her off by yelling
" what!?"

" Ofc
We saw many cases of hydrocoele in male scrotum, hernia cases...
And even female's too during OT preparation and labour, c-section " she went on and on...
I was partially happy that she dosen't watch porn but I was burning with the fact that she watched real ones... I know as a medical student she must have seen them, but still....

" know what, I was the first one in my batch among both boys and girls to touch the male genitilia for the diagnosis as all my batch mates were feeling uncomfortable to touch that part....and then sir called me up to do the tests and as I couldn't say 'no' , I did the tests. " this sentence of her caught my attention... She touched them! what the hell! And she is boosting about it! What is wrong with this girl!?

How could she touch another Male's counter parts! My body was at verge of blasting but I controlled it...

" you would never do that again okay? Don't touch male counter parts again okay? " I said to her softly and controlled myself...

" hey, I didn't touch them directly with my hands... I wore gloves...
Are you jealous? " she said... Is this girl dumb? Who wouldn't be jealous when their wife touches others male counter parts...

" okay okay,
I won't do it again " she said controlling her smile by biting down her lip...

Oh my little kitten is tempting me...
I lowered my face and her eyes widened... My lips touched her soft feathery ones... My one hand moved on to her waist and the other one into her loosely braided hair. I nibbled for sometime and she gasped when I pinched her waist. I invaded her mouth which is now my favourite taste... She tasted like my wildest desires...which could be evoked if I don't leave her now...

I left her and she kept her head in my arms... I smiled seeing her shying because of me. Maybe....

As soon as I loosened my arms, she ran to her room... I smiled seeing her retreating self and then continued cooking whatever she left in the middle.

I went to her room with a tray and saw her dressing up baby in a rabbit costume dress. He will surely regret letting his mother select clothes for him in the future.

She looked around and then smiled shyly . I kept the tray on the couch and then gave her the milk bottle. She fed the baby first and I took my time to look around the room... I like this smell of jasmine in her room....

She sat beside me on the small couch and we had our breakfast in pleasent silence....

It was evening by the time I was done with checking few of my documents.
I want to talk to her...

I went to her room at the corner of the floor and there was a maid with the baby. She was playing with him and as soon as she noticed my presence, she has informed me that lakshmi went to terrace, with fear...
My presence creates fear in everyone
maybe except for her....

I went on to the terrace and looked around, I found her in a corner looking out into the dark starry sky without a care for the world as if she is drowned in her own deep thoughts.

My steps took me towards her and I stood behind her. I hugged her and she jerked and then when she noticed it was me, she relaxed in my arms, leaning on to me.

Lakshmi's POV :

I was looking out into the dark sky filled with stars... How beautiful it is to stand on terrace with wind slowly blowing by and the stars smiling at you... Nights are my favourite....

I remembered yesterday . Was I correct in what I did?... I never thought our relationship to exceed beyond friendship which I thought it was highly impossible initially but here I am with him in a relation which I don't know what to name...
Is it going too fast? Ofc it is... But is it right? Is it okay? Is it safe?.....
All these thoughts are flooding my brain...

We didn't like each other before, I had faced terror and torture staying with him but now I carve for his presence. Why is this change? Because he was trying to give this bond a chance? Because he took my words into consideration?
I felt good with him this past month, I felt a sense of belonging and warmthness from him... It was addicting.... his jealousy, hugs, kisses, possessiveness, his cologne and not to forget his Godzilla body....

I loved almost everything about him except for his anger issues....which he is trying to it for me?
He is trying much to give this bond a chance...

Suddenly there were flashes of our marriage , the time he tied the sacred thread around my neck...tying our fates together.

I felt a warm breath near my neck and my waist was encircled with hands from behind, I jumped at the sudden intrusion and then looked behind to see it was my husband who was smiling softly... I smiled at him and we looked into the night sky together, feeling the cold breeze.

I sat down and he sat down beside me... I want to know him more... Would he lemme know? without him getting angry or would he feel that I'm intruding into his personal space? I never like to be a nagger...

Povs :

" ji
Tell me about yourself " lakshmi asked softly.

" what do you want to know wifey? " he said in his deep voice looking at her face... That wifey word from his mouth caused volcanic eruptions on her cheeks... By god's grace it's night or else he would have teased her!

" ummmm
Tell what ever your wifey should know " she said looking at metal rings on his fingers...

He knows that she asking about his personal life... That's a forbidden part of him...

" lakshmi
You wouldn't like them " he said thinking about his past...he never liked to talk about them, the mere thoughts of these deeply engraved memories always bought out the immense pain which he always tried to contain inside... It was not something he could forget...

Here lakshmi was thinking about what his sentence meant....
'Is he afraid that I would dislike him for whatever he is going to tell me?
I would never do that... I mean, no one is perfect and we have to work together to bring about the best among us...'

" hey
We are wife and husband
Though it's little too soon to say that sentence though ,
But as a wife, I would accept you the way you are and I would help you with whatever I can...
We are in this together " she said rubbing his little finger unknowingly.. But that little action of her filled unknown warmthness in his heart making it known that there will still be someone beside him till the end , alone in this world... He couldn't decipher how this little girl could cause havoc of emotions in him...

He didn't take another second to reveal his past for her, he understood one thing that she should know about him sooner or later because he found himself attached with her... To her soul... She has rights as his half , to know him...

" I was in mafia before " he said and expected her to run away or cry like any other girl would respond...

" wooow
That's awesome! " lakshmi shrieked with enthusiasm which blowed our arjun's mind... He didn't expect her response to be like this!

" so you must be a proffesional fighter and shooter right!
You have to teach me firearms! " she shrieked again and arjun was caught off guard by knowing how crazy lakshmi is !

" so what do you do in mafia? " she asked him innocently though she knows that there are various mafia groups which she read in wattpad but she wants to know what her husband does in particular...

" I used import and export firearms, we used to eliminate people who cause threat to our customers and to my business underground... We used take in assassination deals but only after making sure that they are a potential threat.... I mean, who are criminals, not the victims or innocents..." he was trying to explain himself but was cut off by Lakshmi...

" u mean Bad people right?
That's not a bad thing but you should hand them over to police or higher authorities rather than taking them into your hands... It can cause you alot of trouble if you would be caught" she said innocently but here arjun was internally laughing at her, thinking that she didn't still understand how powerful he was that the whole continent is under his power and no one can go against him... Ofc to scare her less, he didn't mention it..

" oh yes sure, I would keep it in mind" he said and this made lakshmi happy thinking that he is trying to change but she didn't know that arjun could never change but only pretend....

The breeze flew by moving away the strands on lakshmi's face....
her mind is still stuck on a fact that she couldn't understand , why is arjun against girls? He called her names that she couldn't even imagine.

" arjun " she called him slowly and he turned to look at her face under the stars and the moon which seemed serene...

" why did u call me bad words...
I would get it if you were angry...but you called me all the time with those names as if you hate the whole female existance in this world... " she said trying to make proper sentences... She can't spill out her mind which could anger him later.... Arjun cursed himself for calling her with those names....

" why do you think so " he asked, not liking where this topic topic is going to end....

" as if something made you hate our whole female race " lakshmi tried to make a joke out of it but arjun clenched his fist and gritted imagining her....

He has to tell her, he can't hide it from her, he has to let her know about his past...everything... Maybe later he can let it go after he let's out his heart content that has been a pain and burden....

That's the only reason for him to become more cruel than he was...

He looked at lakshmi who is looking at him with her big eyes eager to know the reason... ' I can't lie seeing those beautiful orbs of her.... I want to feel the depth of them by letting myself go....' he thought...

He held her hand and pulled her onto him... Her legs on the either side of him. He made her sit, facing him....

Lakshmi was taken back by the intimate position that they were in...
She was a little taller than him now beacuse she was sitting on him and she liked it... He kept his hands around her waist and then stared at her closely.....

" I was married before " as soon as those words came out of his mouth lakshmi let out a gasp...
She couldn't imagine that she is his second wife...but before she can dwell on it more, he started speaking...

" as soon as I came back to India after my education in Harvard, my father asked me to take up a manager post.
I didn't deny because I need to know how our business runs... From the base... 


No one knew that he was the billionaire's son but rather he was known as Arjun rathod... His identity always hidden from everyone.

He worked like a normal manager and understood the working standards of his company which he worked hard on improving by giving his dad suggestions about the ground level aspects.... His dad was proud of his son and understood that he would lead this empire to greater heights rather than his first son Sanjay who is an example for an idler and swindler.

As every other day, arjun reached his office and went to his cabin. Being the head of financial department, he had to make sure that the finalists that have been approved are to be tested by him in one last round and 5 among 20 finalists are to be hired... He dosen't have time for this but he has to do it.... He can't neglect the members that are going to be hired and he dosen't need a burden on his department , so he was ready to eliminate all the 20 if they are worthless for this company.

He went inside the room alloted for the final interview and sat beside the 2 other senior members of the department who are old in age but have sharper brains... These 2 members are the gems of the department and he respects them the most... ( like wise the seniors do think of our arjun as wise capable and too  intelligent for his age)

The interview started with arjun getting disappointed at the finalists capabilities...

Everything was fine,  until she came..

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