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Arjun POV :

I was in meeting with one of my delegates and my phone started vibrating. I kept it on silent mode and continued the meeting.

After an hour of conference , I went back to my cabin. I sat on my chair and started checking out the financial reports.

I heard a knock and my PA rushed inside, I looked at his sweating form
" yes " I said and closed the file and kept it on the table.

" sir, I got a call from your mansion that ma'am has ran away " my PA said and I was shocked for a few seconds. My mind was unable to process the piece of information...
I looked at his face and I could see that he was telling truth.

What the hell?
How could she Run away?
There were many gaurds and maids all around the mansion, then how could she escape?.

" search the whole forest !
She would be in the forest itself.
Ask the team to check the cameras installed in forest and detect her location as soon as possible " I said and asked him prepare for my jet.

This deal is not more important than that cheater who thinks that she could get away from me! I'm gonna teach her a very good lesson as soon as I'm gonna catch her. I took my coat, briefcase and left my office...

After a couple of hours, I came back to NYC and reached my estate from airport via helicopter. I have got information that she was still not found and she took the baby along with her ! . Passing through the forest, I have used my binoculars, trying to find her.... After an hour, I got a call and I kept my binoculars aside.

" Boss, according to the footage from the forest , ma'am has got out of the forest from northwest, where there are no electrical fences " security head informed me from the mansion and I grasped my phone tightly. Northwest..
How did she come to know exactly the spot where there is no fence?
Is someone helping her?
Did she go to that fucker Vihaan?
The mere thought of it hit my muscles constrict in anger.

I ordered my Men to land on the helipad on my mansion.

As soon as I got out, my gaurds came surrounding me and I dismissed them entering into mansion along with my PA. I asked my PA to deliver the footages from the basement to my room , he nodded and left immediately.

As soon as I entered the hall, the couches were torn and all the content of it was pulled out. While passing through the hallway, I had a glimpse over the dinninghall, the dining table was made of exclusive crystal and that too was broken . I went up the stairs and entered my room .
The rose wood work of my bed was destroyed completely along with my study table. The laptop was hanging partially from the table with its circuits exposed.
All most every item was broken except for the wooden chair.

I looked down to see the ink that trailed towards my closet. As soon as I entered inside, I saw ink allover my piled up clothes. I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

I heard a knock and I went out,
I don't want anyone to see my wife's craziness.

" yes " I said looking at my PA.

" these are the footages sir
I have gone across the first half of the footage,
Please check them " he said. I understood that he wants me to check them personally but why is having  different expressions on his face?

" keep searching for her,
She wouldn't have gone far.
Alert our men all around the city " I said , he bowed and left after taking my order.

I took the footages and went inside the study.
I took out a laptop from lower cabinet and connected the footage pendrive to it.

I clicked the one on lakshmi's room and opened it as it was the recently seen video by my PA. What made him stop seeing in the middle?.

The date was headed back to one month before and I could see her clutching to her sheets in the morning, I was there beside her lying on the bed and I left her after the night I had her.

She was sitting and looking down at the bed for a couple of minutes after I left her room and suddenly she looked up. She looked specifically in the corner of her room and glared at the corner.

She went to her washroom and came out in her clothes....

Mosy of the videos had the same thing, she always keeps staring at every corner of the room, handles, vases, books.... Why is she staring at them?

When I clicked the next video, I have seen myself punching her... I still remember that night when I have met  that bastard Vihaan at the party and he asked me about lakshmi....later when I came back to mansion, I found her sleeping on the bed and I gripped her hair and punched her all over her body in my drunken state.... I looked at the video which showed me getting out of the room and she was lying on the floor . Later she got up and wiped the blood from her mouth and limped to her bed, buried her face in the pillow and she started crying...

She stared at her table and then she started screaming
" are you happy now?
Don't let me catch you bitch!
I will make your life a living hell you fucking slut!
Take him if you want! " she yelled and she went till the table groaning. She touched her penstand and threw away all the pens. She put her hand inside the pen stand and the next moment she was on ground, groaning in pain and slept on the floor for the rest of the night....crying.....

I ran out of my study. I ran across the corridor and reached her room. I looked at the penstand and I threw away all the pens. I kept my hand inside the net penstand and I felt something at the corner on base. I pulled it out and I was shocked to see that these were small spy cameras.

I looked at every corner of the room and I called my PA immediately. I asked him to call our tech-hacker team, who deal with the technology and tracing. I sat on her bed with the small spy cam rolling in between my fingers. I couldn't think anything.... Nothing....

As soon as I heard a knock on the door, I came out of my trance and looked at my right hand man(viraj) and my PA along with the team. I showed them the small spy cam and they nodded their head. They took out their anti-spy detectors with latest infrared infested in it. They've connected it to other gadgets and blockers.

Within 5 minutes, they have removed all the spy cams which were around 500 in this small room, washroom , balcony and closet too. Every corner had a spy cam. They had been keeping a tab on her every moment...

Why didn't she tell me before?
These surely can't be hers.... She dosent have much money nor she has connections to obtain these highly advanced spy cams.... They are sold in black markets only...

I ordered my PA to check the whole mansion and I went back to my study. I sat on the couch and looked at the laptop on my study table... I looked away from it and stared at the ceiling.

I heard a knock and the team head came along with the equipment.
" boss, are we allowed to check this room too? " he asked looking at the floor and I said a yes.

After 20 minutes, the whole team took out around 943 spy cams . These cams were more advanced than the ones found in her room and they are of a diameter 0.5cm and very flat.

PA came and informed me that all the cams have been removed. I went down the hall and looked at the table which had loads of cams, beneath the table, there were 2 large bags filled with cams.

" Boss ,
Our men have detected the cams in and around the mansion , and I have deployed our other team from west to remove them. " viraj said and I nodded as this team of 50 can't handle it. They are not designed for physical labor.

I looked towards the table
" what have you found out? " I asked.
" sir, all the cams are deactivated since the afternoon. No information can be drawned from them as they are selfdestructed automatically.
They are highly advanced and even smallest of the whispers can be recorded. " the team head said and I nodded.

" Boss
We have got the information that 4 months back, there was a huge purchase of these cams. Different types have been ordered , but by different members. people who have bought them are unable to be traced " viraj said and I nodded again because all I could think was that she was monitored all around.... Or was I monitored?.... For whom were those cams installed for?.... But how does lakshmi know about them? when even I couldn't find them?.....

I dismissed my members and told them to keep searching her...

I went back to my study and looked at the laptop with bright screen in the dark room..... I went and sat on the chair. I played the next video.

It was night and I went back to my room, I slept on my broken bed.
She was also broken....
Broke by me....

I remembered the night she asked me to take her out while I was fucking her and she was bleeding.... She said me to not to stop and I got angry and punished her more.... I gulped as tears formed in eyes.....

She said me to not to stop because we were being observed... And she was scared....and..and I... I hurt her mo... more.....

How many times she has asked me to take her out and how many times have I punished her?
They can't be called punishments...
I was killing her everytime... Slowly....
and after few weeks she stopped asking me....

I could still remember her coming till my car door and looking at me with hope that I would take her out....and how I closed my car door on her face after warning her.

Every other day
I have tortured her until she couldn't take it anymore... Forced her... Until she bled.... Made her see things which she shouldn't.... Used her as maid.... Made her eat from floor....with her mouth.... I blackmailed her with our son... Our son?.... Huh... I don't even think he would accept me after what I have done to his mother on his name....

Suddenly my thoughts went to the day she came out crying from the hotel and sat on a bench.... How I thought of killing the ones who made her cry.... Then what about me?....

I remembered the day when I said her that my sites blue prints have been leaked and she consoled me....
All she ever asked me in return was whether If trust her and I said 'yes' whole heartedly .... I trust her more than anyone....
So it must be from then this all started... Someone must have forced her to do this.... But why?....

Tears rolled down the sides of my face and disappeared into my hair line....
Maybe me not trusting her hurt her more than all those things that I have done to her.....
All the while when I was doing those things to her, she must have asked herself thay why did she believe in my words ' I trust you '..... She must have felt betrayed.... It must have pained her more than anything....

I looked at the empty ceilings....
wait... She didn't let me know the reason for her crying on that day in hotel.... That was also the time when she met that bastard in the same hotel.... We've got a unanimous video of it....
Was that all a visual manipulation?
Was there something more to it?
Was it not something which looked like it?
But why didnt she let me know?
What made her to hide it from me?

I took my phone and called my PA, asked him to get the hotel footage by morning.

I looked to my left side and looked out into the night sky through the balcony... This is her only escape spot from my torture... She remained calm when I made her bleed everytime... She just stares out into the night sky with her soul dying....

I shut my eyes tightly seeing her crying face... She never let out a sound from her mouth , but those tears always roll down her cheeks.... continously.....

I turned to my right and opened my eyes and as soon as I opened my eyes , I saw her looking at me deeply into my eyes.... I saw tears that were coming out of her eyes and she turned her face up and started screaming with terror maring her expressions , I looked up to see myself thrusting into her with anger, like an animal....

I tried to push him away from her but I couldn't stop him. I screamed and yelled loudly clutching my hair and suddenly it stopped and everything disappeared......

I tried to control my breath, my mind was filled with all the things I have done to her.... I leaned back on the bed and stared at the ceiling....

So ,
This was all a lie...
I guess they made me do what they want .
The images of her crying to walls hopelessly replayed every moment I closed my she wanted the pain to end but the very next day she had to face it all over again...

Why dear...
Why didn't you tell me a word about it... Why ?... Why did you keep it to yourself ?.... Why did you bear all the pain?....
Was it because you still trusted me?

I laughed at my own fate... Why would she trust me anymore after all the things I have done to her?
And I still wanted her to trust me after all this? and for what? To break her more?....

.....My heart was already heavy....

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