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As soon as I entered inside the home, I heard a shrilling voice of Rosellina screaming in top of her lungs.
Alex threw his bag aside, started running and I ran behind him up the stairs....

As soon as we entered the room what we saw there was totally different.
It was husky who was chewing on to her doll's head.
' Has this dog gone nuts? Why is he chewing on to it soo badly... Is he not fed?'

All my sarcasm aside and I went near husky and let my hand pass through his head. He left the doll near my foot after chewing it senselessly and I bent down and took it in my hand. Husky is not someone who will do something stupid. I believe in him more than myself, but after my son.

The head of the doll was already loose and I snapped it off completely breaking it into 2 pieces. What I saw inside was full of wires and small chip boards. This doll dosen't seem like those normal Robotic dolls , the wiring and internal structures are much complicated....

I turned around to see Rosellina already with tears and she wailed loudly seeing the doll being completely broken in my hands.

I was irritated for a second. I don't like dolls from when I was small itself. My dad was a self made Man and he didn't have much money when I was born. So he couldn't buy me those dolls or castles even after I cry but later I eventually started loosing interest in them and didn't ask him as I knew how hard it must be for him to work over hours and I couldn't let him spend soo much of money on these unimportant things.
Even though later he sarted earning better and we became soo called 'rich' eventually but I didn't want them.

He felt bad everytime he saw me staring at them, thinking that he wasn't able to get me those dolls when I was a child as he brought for my brother and sister.
But I never regretted my decision. I felt good about him not getting me those as I knew that , I became a person who I am right now because of all the little things he has done which had pained me but he moulded me into a person with strong character unknowingly.

I came out of my thoughts and looked at the girl with small whimpers leaving her mouth.... Alexander took her in his arms and consoled her.
He looked at me and I looked at his daughter.

" why are you crying Rosellina? " I asked her softly but there was ere of strictness in my voice.

" doll " she said and I went near her. I showed her the head and body of the doll , holding it in my 2 hands seperately and let it hang down my fingers. She nodded her head and a new set of tears poured down.

" do you know why it's hurting? " I asked her and she nodded a 'no' innocently , rubbing her nose.

" because you believed that 'this' would stay with you forever dear.
For that I would say
You are mistaken
You are on your own in this world
Make yourself strong
before anyone breaks another doll of yours " I said with a deeper meaning and remembered what my parents said to me on phone....

I looked at her to see her staring at me and then rubbed her tears away with her small hands and looked at her father.
" I'm strong daddy " she said in her small voice and hugged his neck.
" yes you are dear " he said and rubbed her back. All the while I could only miss my father seeing them...

After a few seconds, she got down and went to husky
" Bad doggy " she barked and went to ibbu who is staring at his hands.

I smiled and turned to look at Alex whose eyes were cold. This dosen't scare me much.

I showed him the doll and he looked at it. I broke it's body into 2 more pieces to make him realize what's in it. He took the pieces from my hand and left.

I turned around to look at my baby who is laughing as rosey was making cute sounds on his stomach.

I asked them if they have taken a bath and they nodded 'yes'. I patted husky's head and went to my room. I took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes.

I went to the rose's room and brought her down for dinner by holding rose's hand in my right and Ibbu on my left hip.

I fed Ibbu making him sit on my lap and he was eating blabbering something... All I could do was act as if I understood and put the spoon in his mouth and he ate. I hummed and said " oh " " really? " "okayyy " "hmmm"...for response while he blabbered and ate.

He was done being fed in 5 mins and I looked beside me to see rose keeping her head down and not eating. Her food was untouched, I looked towards Alexander to see him trying to control his anger as I could see the metal spoon in his hand almost bent into 'U' shape.

'what's all their problems?
These ppl are more weird....'

I ignored Alexander and looked at Rose.
" sweety, is the food not good?
Shall I prepare something for you? " I asked her out of little concern.
She is a sweet girl...

" aunty's  f...fine " she said and I could  hear a crack in her voice at the end..
Why is she crying? Don't tell me she is not still over with that doll....

" come here " I said and raised her up into my lap , after putting Ibbu on dining table. I raised her face up and looked at her pink nose. She is really crying?.  But why?. Is that doll much dear to her? Maybe I shouldn't have said those words to her....

I patted her head and brought the plate near us. I took the spoon and kept it near her mouth. She opened her small mouth and took in the spoon.

" do you want spinach? " I asked after feeding her a spoons. I hate spinach even now. There will be World War 3 in my house whenever it's a spinach curry.

" yes " rose said with enthusiasm which was not found earlier in her with a big smile. I fed her whatever she wanted and I looked at Ibbu who is staring at me angrily with accusing eyes. I looked at him and he looked to the floor. I followed his sight and looked at husky who is sitting on the floor staring at me angrily....
What happened?

Oh shit !
Fuge !
I didn't feed him and my dog saw this little realization in me and barked at me once. That was more than enough for me to jump out of my chair and kept sweety on the table. I ran to the kitchen and looked around.

Meat would do, I thought and took out a pack of meat from the fridge and placed it in oven for about a minute and then placed it in a plate.

I came back and placed it infront of him while he ate. I sighed and looked at the ones who are staring at me.
Suddenly Ibbu started laughing in his cute baby voice while hitting the table and sweety too started laughing... I smiled sitting on my chair and continued eating my cold food.

Alexander POV :

Seeing a dog near my baby made me pull out my pistol but I was pushed aside as lakshmi went towards the dog and rubbed it's head. She took the doll laid by the dog neat her leg.

I sighed knowing that my rosellina is alright. I would kill anyone that hurt her..... Soon this dog would be out of my house....

But what she spoke to my daughter seeing her cry made me shook. Those words were deep and hard to digest for my baby but the next second she stopped crying and nodded saying that she is strong.... I tried many times to make her not to depend or keep attachments and emotions on things but she couldn't....
But after listening to lakshmi , she stopped immediately and obeyed her...

Should I be happy that she is being strong and overcoming her neagative traits ?
or should I take my measures to keep her away from this lady who could control her by her few sentences...

I went down to the dining and sat waiting for my daughter to come...
I heard footsteps and turned around to look at them all coming hand in hand....
She was never a person to mingle with outsiders....

Lakshmi was feeding her son childishly and I took in a spoon full in my mouth, I was about to keep another spoon when I heard a small whimper from beside me and turned to look at my life who is sobbing silently with her head kept low. I fisted my hand with anger.... These two people should leave.... They are hurting my angel...

I grunted and by the time I raised my head to look at her, she is not in her place....

I looked at Lakshmi as she was feeding my angel and asking her either she wants to this or that....

She looks happy now...
She is smiling...
My angel is happy....
My angel is smiling...

I heard that dog bark and lakshmi stood up and ran to the kitchen and bought a platter of meat for him and placed it infront of him.
Who is owner oh whom ?
She is scared of her son and now her dog too?

But I knew not to underestimate this girl who made a deal with my father. The most feared and powerful person once...

I saw her as she ate her cold food with a smile on her face and remembered the one whom I never wanted....

She helped them wash their hands and sent angel to her room , later she went back to her room along with baby and dog.
Here I am alone now..... I stood up and was about to leave when I felt a tug on my pant. I looked down to see my angel who is looking at me with her light brown eyes... She tugged my shirt down and I bent to her level.
She kissed my nose and left running to her room with her small feet....
After spreading a smile on my face...
Which wouldn't last long....

As soon as she left, I went to the pool side and opened the cabinet.

This alcohol
Was the only thing which never left me.... This smoke was the only thing which danced to my sorrows keeping me a company....

Third person POV :

Alexander has an immense pain which he was hiding from the world or maybe he is trying to hide it from himself to feel less painful...
But pain was the only thing which he has ever seen in his life...
He is in pain
And so does everyone around him...
But both are different....

As soon as the sun rays hit his tattoed tan skin, he covered his head with his forearm. He got up and looked around. This wasn't new to him...

He went back to his room and cleaned up himself. He went down the stairs and sat along with everyone.
2 children and her
Or to be more specific... It's 3 kids for him....

He saw her eating Serolac along with her son and soon his daughter too joined the gang and the powder was all on their mouth and were licking their hands....
Can't they just put it in bowls and eat?

He bought bowls for them to eat in and though he hated the thought of her and his daughter eating kids food, he didn't object seeing his daughter smiling.

" eat in this " he said placing the bowl on table but none of them acknowledged him. He was about to put the powder in the small bowl but a hand stopped him.

He looked at his daughter who's face is smeared with powder, he took out a napkin and cleaned her face. She forwarded her small hand to his mouth to let him taste the Serolac...
He denied nodding a no...but our angel is as stubborn as him...
He opened his mouth to say ' no ' and in the next second her small fingers were in his mouth .

Though he wanted to spit it out but seeing his daughter's eyes, he let his saliva mix with the powder and as soon as his taste buds are activated..
' it's edible ' he thought.....

He removed the box from there and asked the maid to serve them breakfast. He could see the puppy eyes of all 3 kids but he ignored and ate his breakfast.
' Who eats Serolac for breakfast? '
He thought.

Lakshmi was dressed up again like she is on a mission.

As soon as they reached their office, they went straight to the private elevator and stood straight.
Are these both really robots? Because they are acting like one !

As soon as they reached their floor, they went to their respective cabins and Mr. Dan couldn't help but think that his boss's attitude has rubbed over Roberta.

It was 10:00 am and Roberta placed a cup of coffee, he tasted it and nodded , Roberta left.

As soon as she left, Mr. Dan bought in 2 Men.

" hello Mr. Alexander " said a man with blonde hair while the other one sat quitely without speaking another word.

" to what do I owe your presence? " Alexander said looking at the 2 Men who sat infront of them. What he couldn't understand was that whether these 2 Men who wanted to have a share in his business do really know about him? how much he hates unwanted presence of fools who are no more than pests infront of him...
He is tolerating these 2 infront of him only beacuse of their fathers who have had a long term relation in business since the time of their father's ruling.
But this wouldn't safe gaurd those 2 who are dancing on thin line since they entered his room.

" the drugs have reached the port and according to the deal, we get to have 20%  partnership with you " the one in black armani suit said with happiness in his face.... His father would be proud to know that his son got to be in partnership with the dangerous one and he had plans to take down Alexander step by step and acquire his position. Thirst for power.

But that was soo wrong of him to think of because, the next second there was sound of a gun shot and a 'thump' sound.
Now here lies the body of a man who thought that he can over power Alexander.

Alexander kept his pistol back in his desk and didn't even spare a look at the body that was lying on the floor along with the chair. He turned and looked at the other man who is sitting quitely, the same expression since he entered....

" I would like to take my leave " he said and Alexander nodded.

He was about to leave and at the same time, the door opened from the otherside . It was lakshmi pushing a pushing a glass trolley with gold colored vessels and cutlery.

Alexander looked at her face while the man did the same too. They didn't expect the intrusion. Or maybe his death was an intrusion in to Alexander's time table.

What surprised Alexander was that she didn't even show a single emotion on her face. Either it was perfectly covered or she ain't afraid at all...

" Mr. Dan, it's inconvenient at the time of lunch, handle the body with respect " lakshmi said as she believed the saying in her college that ' the deads are the teachers '. These bodies are the ones on whom they have dissected and they were taught to respect them as they are the ones who have imparted them with knowledge even after they are dead.

She kept the tray infront of him after moving the files. If it would have been her, then she wouldn't have eaten in the same place....but this man is no man... It is truly said that he is son of Lucifer. Who will eat ? with blood all around at the corner of the table and on the floor infront of him and not to forget the head shot body too....

Alexander was still searching if this little women was scared but she wasn't... She is behaving as if she hasn't seen anything... He has seen my woman who shout and cry seeing a dead body but this girl....

Mr. Dan got the body removed with his men and got it cleaned up while Alexander was eating....

" keep an eye on Moris " Alexander said to Mr. Dan and he nodded. Mr.Dan already knew what was to happen to James... Being in field for a long time, he knew what will happen to the one who tries to deal with the devil.

Lakshmi soon left from there and went inside her cabin. She sat on her chair and as soon as she felt the cold metallic arm rest touch her skin, she shivered. A shiver not because of the contact with the cold surface but because of what happened just a few minutes ago.
A.  Dead.  Body.

She chanted ' om namah shivaya ' for thrice as to impart a little peace to the person who just passed away.

You must be thinking that why she ain't crying like she did when she saw Anil desai getting killed. She was scared at that time seeing the pain he had to endure during his last breath.... Acid, knives and what not? That was a terrible death for one who is innocent.... Not to forget that death itself is an injustice for him...

But this guy whom Alexander has killed got a smooth death...
' Common, we can't escape death when our time has come... ' she thought... ' this guy must have really pissed Alexander ' she thought again reasoning to herself...

She didn't have her lunch because even though she was okay with things happening around her, her stomach didnt like it....

Was she becoming strong?
The answer is 'NO'
She is becoming numb and unresponsive to everything that could affect her.

The day in office soon ended and Lakshmi is more than happy to leave this building which looks beautiful outside but harbors evil inside.

As soon as both of them entered home, they saw all three of them playing with ball. Alexander's phone started ringing and he excused himself while lakshmi sat on the couch seeing them all playing and relaxing for a while....

Alexander entered his study room and sat on his chair. The room was dark.....
" yes " he said recieving the call.
" boss, the person behind the doll was Mrs. Smith " Dan inforned and Alexander cut the call.

He looked at the corner of the room in darkness....
' what should I gift you Mrs. Smith? ' he asked with his eyes red filled with rage. No one can escape laying a finger on him...


As soon as dinner was done, Lakshmi went back to her room along the baby and dog.

Alexander was left alone with his baby girl who is stuffing herself with ice-cream.
Though Ibbu too wanted to eat the white thing he saw in rose's bowl but his mother was too strict on him. He wailed and stretched his hands more and even bent back like the rice crop in field when there is  wind.
But who is the mother here😎 ?

She hates ice cream and she dosen't want her child to eat it too! She wants her baby veryyyyyyy healthy.

Only Alexander and angel were in hall room and Alexander couldn't help but feel helpless when he see's his daughter who is alone most of the time... He hated the thought of leaving her alone, he wanted to be with her....but he couldn't.... He is atleast trying to be with her when ever he is free but he knows that this wouldn't be enough considering that he is a single parent... He has to take the responsibility of 2 roles....

" papa ice cream? " rosey asked softly seeing her dad who is having stress lines on his forehead staring at her foot.

" no baby ( he said coming close to her and sat beside her)
Did you like the flavour?
Shall we try other new ones? " he asked wiping cream from her chin.

" no daddy " rosey said looking at her now empty bowl. She kept swinging her foot in air while sitting on couch..

" why baby? " he asked softly looking at his little one... He knows surely that she is disappointed...
'Didn't she like the favour? Or does she want more? Maybe the ice-cream is over in fridge.... ' he thought...

"aunty said 'no' to" she said putting the spoon on her chin trying to remember the name aunty has been calling the baby...

" Ibrahim? " Alexander said and she nodded " yah Ibbu, she calls him with other names too.... " the little girl said and looked down at her bowl.

" he is a little baby, he shouldn't eat them " Alexander reasoned out with her and she kept silent. He knew where this was going and what his little girl must be going through...

" am I not? " rose asked thinking why she dosen't have one to take care of her like aunty takes care of Ibbu...

She too wants to play around and tag with  Mumma the way Ibbu does all the time... She to wants to get bathed and dressed up by the one she could call Mumma the way Ibbu does...

" no baby
You are a big girl " Alexander said softly knowing what his daughter's brain is thinking of... But he is helpless again infront of her.... This is the reason why he didn't let her mingle with kids...

" daddy
I want my hair to be combed and..and someone to sing a or tell me a story at night....
I feel like..
I feel left out " she said in her little baby voice which broke Alexander's heart.

" don't you like daddy? " he asked and the little girl turned to look at her father who looked sad to her.... She immediately hugged him standing on his lap and her little hands around his neck. She felt his growing beard pricking her cubby cheeks and she giggled.
" I like daddy
Love daddy " she said and laid her head on his shoulder.

He felt warm....
but he knew this is for time being before she asks again....

" daddy, I shave your cheeks? " little girl asked with her golden curly locks jumping in the air along with her....

Alexander's eyes widened knowing that he forgot to shave. He can't let his baby touch his beard remembering those deep cut which she put on his face last time.... It is still there even now....
But sometimes he laughs seeing that cut on his chiseled jaw and it was one hell of master piece which attracted more females to him...even though it's a simple cut on jaw....

" now if baby dosent sleep then daddy will make his beard attack " he said and rubbed his jaw on her face to which his little girl laughed....

He tucked her in her bed and went to his room. He looked out at the night city through the glass wall...
' I have everything which others could only dream of....but my child wants something which almost everyone has and I don't have... Is this fate ?
Then I'm gonna rewrite it
I will remove the one who gave her the taste of something she dosen't have....'

Heya guys!
I know that the target hasn't reached yet but I have updated because I know a few if you must have already banged my head in their imaginations for asking 700+ votes 😂.
So this is a surprise for all those who banged my hand and also banged theirs too....

And by the way,
This time the target is
700+ 😂 .


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