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Right now I am standing at the exit terminal of the airport . I looked around and found Antonio coming towards me with his infamous smirk .

I started walking towards him seeing his smiling face and I couldn't restrain myself any more as I  ran towards him and hugged him tightly while he twirled me around in the air .

" your smile so contagious man ,
I feel like I have already gotten half of your positive vibes" I said and he smiled while letting me down on my feet .

" welcome Kristen" he said and I smirked looking at him while taking my fake identification cards .

We drove to Antonio's home and I got out of the car only to be crushed down by a figure .
" missed you Lakshmi" Xia said still crushing me in her tight hug .
" move back aunty . You are killing me" I said and she moved back acting hurt . There's never been any less drama with this lady infront .

" stupid
I'm just 3 years older than you !" She said glaring at me...

" which makes you 28 , not anymore young . bruh .
your husband is my uncle and so here you are........ my a.u.n.t. " I said and she hit me on my shoulder . I entered the home and looked around at the duplex house . Small and cute with all the photo frames held on cream coloured walls . Antonio is a way more older than Xia , but we already know that love is blind....and in their case it's brainless too .

I heard the sounds of a child murmuring and went inside the kitchen to look at fefe.
Oh god , he really did grow up fast !
He stopped juggling in the fridge and turned around... he looked at me while I swooned at him . He has totally gone on his mom . He trotted out of the kitchen while passing by me and I laughed . I am sure the kid is scared of me .

I returned back to the hall and sat opposite to Antonio on couch . He nodded looking at me and I nodded back , while Xia came in and placed food . The only thing I don't like in this place is xia's food . I tried to smoothen my stiff smile at her and started digging into my plate .... Antonio tried to hold back and I rolled my eyes at him .

After our lunch , xia gave fefe to the maid and we went down the underground basement from the storage room . The automatic authorisation has activated as soon as we stood infront of the screen and after identity was verified , the dimly lit room brightened itself . Amongst these dark walls lies some of the darkest secrets which are so called privilege to the members of the troop . Nothing but sercrets that others could give their life to know or take our lives to burry the secrets with us .

Xia kept her finger on the plain wooden table which soon activated itself into an intel hologram which has the most secured and untraceable network . The whole house is like a black hole with jammers which has the technology of miss leading the person via connecting it to the external portals from finding this place and as well as it activates 20 other places all over world to redirect the location and hide this place .

" Mustafa Ali Abbas , related to the target of our last mission .
Escaped a week back while we traced out his informer who was one of our comrades . He lost 25billions , 2 of his ports sealed by government , 121 men lost and a raid in his largest business which is a brothel .
Almost an year and half back , his half brother was our target in the Syrian mission .
In simple terms , it's a Revenge" he said and I stayed quite .
There has to be more to this......

" it's any thing but revenge Antonio.....anything but revenge " I said slowly while processing the whole thing . There is a huge motto behind this . Even after knowing that 'Roberta' was dead , he was still persistent on finding that 'me' . All of his losses are indirectly linked to me . Anger is a small word that could quench his thrust with a small character like me .

" we shall attack one of his bases and let the worm come out on its own " Xia said and I denied immediately .

" he must have his eyes everywhere now . He must have already been notified by my arrival in Russia.
If he could find out dead Roberta in India .
Then I guess it's not that hard for him to locate Kristen too . He is waiting for us to attack . There is a high chance of someone still backing him up with the intel from our main base .
We must shift back to Alexander's head quarters and destroy this place" I said slowly letting the other two digest the information . Though outsiders can't find out this place , it's unknown to everyone within the base about the place Antonio is staying in......

" how many times have been tracked ?" I asked Antonio smelling the fresh paint smell of the walls .
" twice in a year" he said and I nodded back . So the others have already had an inkling that she might come back to stay with Antonio . The wolf hidden deep within the group is actually sending out information to the outsiders to keep an eye on Antonio.....
It was already evening and we all stepped out of the basement . We went in the hall and looked at our little fei playing around in the hall , sinking in between his toys . As soon as he saw me , he ran and hid behind his mother while I smiled at him .
"Not all kids will like you darling" Antonio said and I rolled my eyes at him .
" only your kid likes you" I said while smirking and he raised an eyebrow at me... I still remember how badly rose cried while seeing Antonio...not to forget my kids were frightened too....

Xia went to kitchen and little fei sat on the sofa looking at his small hands . All I want to do is squeeze his chubby cheeks... I miss them....

Soon Xia came out with a bag and handed it to me . I nodded taking it while going back to the guest room . I showered and changed into casuals .
I laid down on the soft mattress and let my eyes close .
I opened my eyes and looked at the clock as it struck 19:30 . Jet lags are horrible .
I came out of the room and saw Antonio talking to someone on phone . I stood silently while leaning on to the wall and listening to him talk .
He looked over at me and mouthed ' Alexander ' to which I nodded and went to hall knowing that his call would take time .

I looked at all the black cases kept in the hall ready to shift .
" destroying intel is going to be painful" Xia said and Antonio came humming behind us .

" why destroy it ? Shift it some other place and let it be still operated by someone" I said smirking and Xia smirked at me knowing what I meant . A plan to Distract .

I saw little fei holding the grills and descending down the stairs with a plane in his hand . He rubbed his eyes groggily and called out 'mumma' which twisted my heart... it yearned for my kids... but it's okay... soon I shall go back to them after all this is over .

" call her aunty" Xia said and I glared at her . This damn girl , I know her intentions all too well . The kid kept quite while looking at me and I felt happy . Me Aunty ? No Way !

Soon two of our most trusted men came and helped us to put the huge black cases in the car . These are invaluable treasures for us . These personalised weapons are made exclusively made while keeping the user in mind . Everyone of higher rank has their own set of weapons based on their speciality . Mine is firearms which is kept in safe with Antonio . Though I had taken 2/3rds of them while going back to India , Antonio still had got rest of my firearms to be upgraded .

After sending the intel in another car to a discrete location , we asked the men to destroy the location which once held a small duplex house.....
Antonio is driving while I sat beside him and Xia with fei in the back seat . I looked around in the busy streets... it's been long....
I heard Xia speaking on phone and glanced away .
She is a fighter , a strong one if I might add.... just like Antonio . Their story is kinda funny....and I'm lucky to be a part of it.....

It was a couple of years back when me , Ben and Antonio went to deal with a client who hasn't been paying back for the due bills on ammunition that he had been purchasing since an year .
Nonetheless as soon as we entered this underground smuggling arena , we were searching for him every where . That was when we saw this one girl and that client of ours whom we had been tracking down.... he was calling her 'wife'....

So Antonio planned on kidnapping this 'wife' who was sitting on his lap in a red satin dress with a slit exposing her creamy long legs and blonde hair . We went on with this plan because women who are here are not innocent after all . When she went to a counter , Antonio followed behind her and we could hear him conversing with her through the microphone . We sat back while he was trying hard to impress her .

" why do I feel like he is rather kidnapping her with her consent" I asked Ben and he laughed while taking a sip of wine . I know Antonio must have heard us for sure as we saw him crush the glass in his hand . Oops.

" how much bitch" he asked and the next second I choked on my saliva and Ben spurted out his wine . After seeing what just happened next , we started rolling on our stomachs while laughing out our asses . That girl hit Antonio in groin and left from there . Seeing that heavy man with tattoos crouching onto the floor while holding his groin with a red face that was about to ooze out blood and that mouth in thin line was sure a scene .....

We cut the crap and left Antonio there .
We went to that client while he was shocked looking at our faces . Ben held his neck tightly from behind while he tried to escape and pushed him back into the couch .
We came to know that all the goods are with that girl .
Antonio and Ben sat on the either sides while holding him down tightly and the girl came back while swinging her hips more than necessary. She stared at Antonio and Antonio glared back at her . She rolled her eyes and then looked at the rest of us .

I took out a needle from my holster and was about to inject her from behind but she held back my hand . She twisted my hand and I hit her on her shoulder hard enough with the other hand for her to loosen my hand with needle which was in her grip . Ben took her down while Antonio removed all the weapons on her .
She started cursing in 'god knows what' language and I stared at her face . I was done with this crap and was about to make her unconscious and dump her somewhere near garbage but she shrieked at us to catch that man . We looked behind to see that client of ours running away .

" how far will he go when his wife is here ?" I asked . She pushed Antonio away and ran behind the client while I ran behind her .

We stood on the road gasping for air after seeing that he has fled . The woman started running in the other direction while Antonio tackled her down again .
" bitch" we heard him say to her while we stood behind him . She gave a hard punch on his jaw making him stumble back .

Antonio was about to eat her alive but stopped as soon as Ben asked him .
" you are a serpent ?" He asked and the girl brushed off her sleeved while getting up from the ground with a scowl on her face . I was shocked for a second . And that's it .
Antonio detests disrespect the most .
He held on to her hair and....... it just came off....

Her luscious black shoulder length hair feel in front . Soon our car arrived and they asked us to get in . She sat in front of me and Ben while Antonio sat diagonally . She peeled off the fake skin mask off her face while wiping away the gooey thing on her face . I heard the person sitting diagonally inhale a deep breath and looked at Antonio who is staring at her too intensely .
Ben coughed a little and I looked away from the mini show .

This was how their love started .
From killing each other.....till killing for each other .
It's a cute mafia story if you ask me....

" how about we go back to Russia ?" Antonio asked while keeping an eye on the guards who are carrying the boxes from our car .

" it's not safe" I said while looking at the empty dark alley . I heard a sound of humming from Antonio . As soon as all the boxes have been placed inside , a guard placed four X10's in our previous places where we have been sitting in the car , then activated his own - X10 and drove away the car for disposal . [ X10 - it's a hologram of a person created by scanning the person with X10 , -X10 is an anti detector which inhibits the person from being identified by any device ] .

We entered inside the base and the lights went on automatically . As soon as we reached the door , the lights shut off and a scanner slide out of the white wall . It cold rays of light blue rays passed through us and the scanning was done as the doors opened automatically . We entered inside and after another screening of foreign device detection , we were allowed to enter the white hall .
This is a whole world running on it's own .

Antonio and Xia left with fei and I went back to my dorm . It's a single bed room and study room almost everything in white . I removed my shoes and removed my weapons while lying down on the bed . I pulled out my phone and unlocked it .

Neil - location ✉️ . Target - unknown .

I locked the phone and laid it beside me . I still can't understand who is his target . He is trying to reach someone via me . If Mustafa wanted to get a hold of me , he would have done that after I have destroyed his assets or after I have killed his brother, because I was still the 'Roberta' who was under Alexander and he could have trapped was easy then...but why is he now digging a dead person's grave ? Who told him that I was alive ? He didn't bother before when I killed his brother but what does he attain by doing this now ? There must be someone else who must be using him . Using him to get back at me or else distracting me.....

There is someone else behind this.... Mustafa is just a rag doll being played by threads on someone else's fingers....

I descended down the stairs and pushed open a huge door . People were hooting and talking while a few were mourning....

I spotted lil fei holding a large plate in his hand while walking gingerly with fear of spilling . I smiled and took the plate in one hand while raising him up with the other hand and placing him on my hip . He started pushing me away but I held him back tightly on my hip .
" tell where is your mumma " I asked him lil roughly and he pointed to a table while keeping his head down .

During the whole dinner we were quietly munching on our food .
Walls have ears too.....
Third person POV :

Five members have been dispatched into today's mission at 10:30 am when they received information that right hand men of Mustafa , Zaheer is coming to deal in a public place related to embezzled drugs .

Lakshmi was dressed up in a tunic with a side sling and held on to Xia's hand , pretending as college students on shopping spree . Antonio dressed up as a cleaner and pulled down his hat while looking at the surroundings carefully and making sure that chip is properly placed in his ear . Lucas and Basheer are disguised as patrolling guards .

Zaheer entered the mall with his men disguised . He knew that he is no where near safe when he is out of his region . As soon as he located his client , he went towards him swiftly while keeping an eye on the surroundings . Antonio tailed behind them swiftly from a distance and notified his members about the target location and actions . Xia nodded at Lakshmi and unlocked her phone while tracking Antonio's tracker via gps and started following the leads . Lakshmi took a cover for Xia while looking around anything suspicious and making sure that there are no traps set up .

Zaheer went inside the room with his few guards while the rest of them guarded the room outside .

" what is this !
I paid 25 billions for the drugs but they have disappeared from the port before it reached our hand !
Give me back my money or get me drugs within 3 days .
You know better not to offend me Zaheer !" The middle aged client in grey suit yelled in frustration for losing a huge amount and as well as the goods . He thought of earning double the amount from the initial investment but now , he is in total loss because the investors started drawing back their amount .

Blood oozed out of the clients mouth as the bullet passed by through his mouth and hit the wall behind , painting it with red .
" sorry to offend you " Zaheer said while putting back his gun in the pocket and glanced at the dead man and left the room . Antonio was staring at the door from the opposite side of the floor and as soon as he spotted Zaheer coming out , he signalled his team to take their positions . They all followed them from a far till the underground parking lot .

Antonio started signalling his team on a plan and before they could take them down , all men around Zaheer are lying on the floor dead . Antonio ran towards Zaheer and before he could escape , Basheer held him down while shooting in his arm and leg . Lucas kicked away Antonio's gun on to the ground .

Antonio stared at Lakshmi who was cleaning her silencer with her frock ends .
" Antonio , the silencer is hot" Lakshmi said innocently . Antonio couldn't just believe that this girl again went on her own terms . Of course he knew that she will never listen but every time she disobeys him , it's like there is no need for him to stay in this time . Though he wants to strangle this women in front of him . He better knows not to . God knows how many needles are hidden on her body , which could kill a person in breaths time .

" Why planning how to tackle down those bloody idiots .
We can just shoot them" Lakshmi said looking at his wide eyes and Xia smirked at Antonio . Xia and Lakshmi are hot blooded females of the team .

"Dislocate his jaw" Lakshmi said to Lucas and turned away .
The moment Lakshmi stepped out of her room with a passport early in the morning, dressed up in black jeans and grey shirt with a bag pack . Arjun knew that she is leaving....

He didn't want her to leave...
He thought that at least for the sake of children , she will stay back with them but she is leaving as if nothing could hold her back , not even her children.... he didn't want to separate the children from their mom . He wouldn't be able to live with another regret of snatching them away from her again .
Though it's been just a few days of the father and the kids meeting each other , but their bond was strong enough to feel pain at loosing each other...

As soon as Lakshmi left the palace , Arjun too followed behind her with his passport and a brown travel bag . As soon as he reached the airport , he contacted the airlines as she was going in a restricted zone . The airlines officials have updated him with the news that it's Ms. Kristen Romero who is boarding the flight in private jet of the Rodriguez .

Arjun immediately boarded his plane and sat inside with multiple questions lingering around his mind . His mind went numb thinking that she is a ' serpent ' .
He called up his right hand man Viraj and asked him to get the info on Kristen Romero .

Viraj was in base while dealing with ammunition and as soon as he received a call from his boss , he was asked to find out about a women named Kristen Romero with basic details .

It was tough to access the information on the person named Kristen Romero as her profile was kept highly confidential . It was as if this woman was born today, everything freshly baked . But it was not hard for them to access with one of the best hackers in the world . With the info given by his boss , after obtaining the airport footage , he understood that it was mistress . He spared no effort and time and tracked down that she was 'the pro lady shooter' of the serpent batch 1X Roberta . He gulped seeing the deals in which the mistress was involved and pieces of footages in which his mistress shot people mercilessly.... like his boss...
He never thought that the sweet minded simple looking lady have such a bloody taste of torturing and killing someone . More terrible than his boss in some cases....
He gulped .

Viraj informed Arjun about lakshmi's previous identity which was wiped out and also informed that now she is in a disguise as Kristen and went on a mission . He sent Arjun all the clips , deals , contracts , missions in which mistress was involved previously along with the clips of footages which were blur .

Arjun looked at his phone with his heart hammering in his cage . He couldn't fathom that his wife who cried for the lives of people , begged him to save people... is now an all that she said in the hospital are true.....
His hands went cold as he thought about it.....
What has his life become ?
What has his wife become ?
How come their fates turned out like this ?
His eyes were dull .
He couldn't sleep the whole ride while thinking about her and seeing his wife's dull eyes as she exhibited her cruelty in the videos . Though he knew that one whom she killed were no saints .
But he didn't want her to become like him....

When his heart was dead
Her heart was beating
Now that her heart is dead
His heart started beating
Who can unveil this play of fate ?

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