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The light of dawn seeped into my room.
I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window.
There was a pearly glow in the sky.
I inhaled a deep breath and then closed my eyes as I let the early morning rays seep into my skin .

I took out my phone waited for my children to lift my call . After 3 rings they responded to the call and talked to me for a few minutes before going to their school . Noor was left alone as her brothers and sister left , so she blabbered on and on in her cute voice as I looked through the files on laptop . I know that this little girl of mine just wants to hear my voice...... as much as I want to hear theirs....

Well I guess she is the only 'normal' kid I had.

I heard the main door bell ring from down the stairs and my mother questioning . I came out while replying to my daughter on phone and saw my mother was almost about to faint.

I panicked and quickly said a 'bye' to my daughter and cut the call . I ran down the stairs and saw the other person who was standing at the entrance was Antonio. He wore his casuals, a black shirt and pant, exposing most of his tattoos on his arms.

I sighed and then stood beside my mum.
" hey Antony " I said as he side hugged me and my mother gasped from side almost burning my skin from her glares .

" maa, this Antonio.
A friend of mine.
I have said you that I had lost memories previously. So they along with the Rodriguez family took care of me " I said and my mom smiled a little while still hesitating.

Xiao too popped out suddenly along with little fei'er on her hip from behind Antonio . I smiled at them.
" we shifted to India " Antonio said as Xiao tried talking to my mother. My mother talked to her warmly and welcomed them inside.

We all had our breakfast together and my dad interrogated them with a smile on his face.
Fathers na.....

After getting ready for the office, I left long with Antonio and my sister ,as Xiao stayed behind at home.

As soon as we reached the tall building, I looked up at the building and then lowered my eyes to hide the cold gaze.

As soon as we entered the building , my father's PA guided us to the elevator as the door opened and we entered the 19th floor which is a private floor of my father . As per the instructions of the CEO i.e. my father , the PA has arranged cabins for us and shifted all the files from my father's cabin .

Without wasting another second, staff meeting with the heads of each department has been arranged within seconds as per the orders given .

Third person POV :

All the heads of each department had been notified in mere seconds. They didn't knew what this meeting was for.

Some of them guessed that maybe boss has returned. Some of them guessed that the company has been sold. Some of them guessed that this another play by that little daughter of their boss .

Lakshmi entered the conference hall and sat in the main chair at sharp 11:00 am as per the notice . All the members in room looked at the young women who had the momentum of their previous CEO. They saw another huge man in a suit who followed behind her, sat to her right followed by their CEO's daughter who sat on to her left. All the members seated had still been questioning the identity of the women who sat in the main chair . There were a few members from the board of directors who wanted to question the identity of this women but had been cut down immediately .

" shut the doors.
Fire them " the crisp sound came out and the conference doors were shut by the security from outside.

All the heads looked at each other. Hardly 50% of them had attended while the rest of the heads still didn't step in. One of them stood up to inform but was cut down by the crisp voice again .

" fire them all.
Their Resignation letters on my table within half an hour after the conference " . Lakshmi said and the whole room fell silent.

" ma'am
The finance department head hasn't still arrived " One of the chief executive head spoke up as other people stared at the woman in black suit .
But as soon as those words were spilt out , the executive head felt chills behind his back looking at the sharp gaze of lady in the main seat.

" fire " she said pointing at the executive chief with the corner of her eyes for a second to the PA. He was shocked for a second and then immediately called in the security who came in and pulled him out while the man just kept on shouting and making nuisance while losing his composure as fear crept in him. But no one cared about him .

" Report
The same way it used to be 6 years prior " lakshmi said while rolling the paper weight on the black glass of the table and all of them were still in their chairs.

Lakshmi looked at Antonio.
He stood up and went towards the presentor as the lights dimmed. All the members sitting in the hall sweated profusely after seeing their names on the screen.

Each and every person had been pulled out and everything had been pointed out. All the deeds that have done. They thought that no one knew... But they didn't expect all of them to be exposed with proofs on the screen in front of them .

Including transactions, leakage of blue prints, deals nulled and sold to other other companies. Materials swapped and brought from cheaper price and sold to the clients....
Everything is mentioned.

The lights turned on and they all collectively looked at the lady who is sitting in the same position who swept her gaze on each and every person in room slowly. Sweat trickled down their heads as the room always eerily silent .

" I'll give you one day to clean up this mess. Or be ready to be sued " they heard her saying softly as she left the conference room.

As soon as their new CEO left. The whole staff clamored into fear . All the proofs of their fraudulent activities are detailed without missing out a single penny that have extracted, including the other parties whom they are in contact.

The people who are asked to resign, as well as the people who attended the conference, all of them started working within next second. If that lady could pull out much information from past ten years, then one must understand the powerful people who stood behind her.

Lakshmi entered her cabin and sat on the main chair. Her father's PA entered her cabin and stood infront of her.

" so what should I do with you? " lakahmi asked looking at his face. This was the same man my parents have trusted for years but as soon as my father left, he did as much as he could under his disguise to extort under my mother and sister.

" give me a day's time miss " he said and lakshmi waved her hand telling him off.
It was 7:00 in the evening when she left. Antonio had been of much help and he guided her sister , leaving her to fend off those old hags for herself. As the maximum positions had been vacated in various departments, lakshmi had to go through the list of the candidates that Antonio had checked and verified to fill in.

She reached her home and took a bath immediately. She went to her father's room with a plate in her hand and looked at him as he was flipping through a magazine.

" how was your first day ?" he asked taking the paper wrapped Mirchi baji she bought from a stall on the road. She knew her father always liked it there...

Her father already knew what she had done in the office today. He knew that this would be the first step his daughter would take as soon as she stepped in. She hated those old people whom he kept on mercy. But he didn't expect them to back stab him when he was low....
Though he never liked he pr acting head on and making enemies , but he can't stop her now.... Knowing that that way of means she handles is different from him .

" it was good dad.
You don't have to worry.
All you have to do is recuperate well.
Eat and sleep well.
So that you can soon meet your grand children " lakshmi said and he was shocked for a whole minute .

" grand children? " he questioned slowly and lakshmi nodded softly while explaining the same story her in-laws had said to almsot everyone in the mansion.

Her father was shocked and happy the next second. He was so excited that he kept on asking questions as she showed their pics on her phone. She promised that she would bring them on the weekend only if he would take proper care of his health to which he nodded and smiled. Now that he has something more to live for . He needs to make up for this daughter of his and also to his grandchildren whom he never met before....

In dinner time, they ate together while discussing about the office work while her mother kept on nagging at them to eat first.
Well the only silent one was fei'er.....

More than half of a month passed by in a blur. Everything has returned back to normal and even Basheer too came 10 days back to India after he knew that Antonio had went to help lakshmi.

Thought Lakshmi was happy to know that her close ones are coming up to help her but she had Antonio cut off all the information of them reaching the bases of serpants. The more of them arrive, the more danger will it be for her family....

Her family's financial situation came back to normal after filing a few lawsuits superficially and dealing most of them with under handed methods, otherwise she would have to roam around the court for years.
If words doesn't work, then hands would....

As soon as lakshmi came down the stairs, she saw her parents talking and having breakfast along with her friends .
" di, your saree's are so good " druthi said goofing around.

" thank you
But you dare touch them " lalshmi said slowly while rolling her eyes threateningly . Making sure that her words entered her sister's brain.
She saw her grinning and pursed her lips knowing that her sarees will be crushed and crumpled by the time she comes back to home.

" beta,
It's been a long time...
You still haven't bought my grandchildren to meet " Her father said looking at her daughter. He really wants to meet them.... They are after all his grand children !

" nanna
They will be coming tomorrow here and also don't forget that you and amma are going to be the one's taking anu's parents places. " Lakshmi said making sure that they don't forget anu's marriage....

" what are you saying?
Of course we have bought all necessary things for her and also asked her stay with us till marriage.
She said that she will come in a few days. " Her mother said frowning listening to how her daughter is ordering around .

Lakshmi put her tongue out knowing her mistake and smiled with a puppy eyes.

Soon Basheer , Antonio and lakshmi reached their office.
As soon as she reached her cabin, she sat on the main chair and leaned back looking at basheer.

" Basheer , has the security fire wall been set?" lakahmi asked making Basheer stop texting in his phone and look up at the lady who is staring straight in his eyes.

" I know Alexander all too well.
There is no free meal in this world.
Let him know what I want " she said and basheer nodded before leaving the cabin. Antonio looked at Lakshmi and she glanced back at him while turning back to do her work as he left.

Some where in an another continent.
" ofcourse that girl is a money grubber " said Stephano Rodriquez and laughed while looking at Alexandro Rodriguez's grim face.

" just put in 10% more of shares. " stephano said with a smile while thinking of that crafty girl. What they wanted to spread was intelligence network and a clean huge company is an attractive pie that fell from the sky for them .

Of course they wanted to do it without her knowing but sure enough she is very sensitive and a calculative person like her must have already made arrangements.

Of course what Alexandro and stephano thought was absolutely right because Lakshmi doubted the moment basheer came.
But she acted as if she hadn't noticed it and let Basheer set his people up in their office . She waited until the time is ripe and until they couldn't step back , to trap them .
Well , now they are .

She watched him without even him knowing and as soon as she understood what that father and son had been planning to do further .

This was perfect.
They would give her the most efficient people. They would give her shares plus she would also get the news all around within and outside the company through these people.
This is a double profit for her.
She gleamed thinking of people and money falling into her pocket without even having to work for it.

If Alexandero and Stephano heard of this, they would have vomited blood and called her 'black bellied' snake !

Time passed by and after a hectic day, Lakshmi went back home as Antonio and Basheer went back to their temporary stay which is few minutes away from lakshmi's home.

She took a warm shower and slept without having dinner.

The next day she wokeup early in the morning and wore a coord set, braided her soft curly hair and left for the airport.

As soon as she reached, she saw her kids running towards her. A huge smile spread on her face as she walked towards them quickly and hugged them all together. She took noor in her arms and guided all of them into car along with anu .

As soon as the kids reached their grandparent's home they stood infront of the door waiting along with their mom. The door opened and they felt a gush of wind and saw themselves being lifted up in the air.

They were taken inside and let them stand on the floor. Lakshmi's parents were shocked and as well as happy seeing kids. All of them introduced each other while the kids were being fed non stop.

Anu smiled seeing aunt and uncle once again. They are very much warm hearted couple. She talked with them for a couple of minutes and went to fresh up. Neelu kept gobbling whatever her  grandma fed her without saying a 'no' even for formality. Well , she never had a word 'no' for food in her dictionary.
Lakshmi smiled seeing how happy her father is.... Showcasing all of his perfect teeth.

Not to forget how the old couple were shocked seeing their grandchildren's intelligence.

As there were only 10 days left for marriage, Lakshmi planned to take anu for shopping. Though the main dresses have been already bought. There still few things they have to buy.

With little goblins in the house and pampering grandparents, everything in the house is soon messed up. But it was a bliss .

Lakshmi went up her room as soon as she saw a number displaying on her phone .

She locked the door and then lifted the call.
" hello " she heard his voice and hummed in response.

" have the kids reached safely? " he asked and she hummed in response again.

" when are you planning to come back? " arjun asked while fiddling with the hexagonal paper weight. It's been almost a month that she had left after informing his grandmother.

Though she doesn't want to see his face or talk to him, but he misses seeing her.... Atleast once a day...
He always stares blankly at the empty chair at the far end of the dining table.....

" I will send the children back tomorrow " she said and cut the call without waiting for him to respond. He looked down at his phone, as if he could see her. The most he wanted was her....
The more he tries to get near her, the more distant she goes away from him....

He sighed gloomily and then looked back at the files infront of him half heartedly.

Anita sent Butler calling her son out in to the garden. She looked at her son as he sat infront of her and then looked at Manika who tagged along with him. Though she didn't like this girl, she couldn't do anything as they are part of family too.

" Rahul's wedding is coming up soon. I hope everything from our side have been already arranged " she asked while sipping on tea .

" yes mother
Everything has been prepared
No need to worry " Arjun replied and Anita nodded approvingly. She had seen Rahul growing up under her care. Although his parents, who were their friends are no more , she made sure that he was safe and sound .

Manika gripped her shirt tightly under the table. Sanjay, Arjun, Rahul, Vihaan.... none..... All of them had been taken away by those snobbish women she hated to core.
She wanted all of them to die!

She looked at arjun and gritted her teeth while looking back at her feet with anger welled up in her heart . She will make sure to not to loose this one who is beside her......

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