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Cooking is soo tough...
I really want to touch the feet of my mom for cooking everyday .
My superwoman.

I have to cook dinner and all the basic stuff I know , I have cooked in lunch and breakfast.... If I cook something simple again saying that 'u shouldn't eat heavy food at night's' then I might as well end up getting a punch square in my face....

Oh yah
Why fear when YouTube is here!
I took out my phone from my pajama pocket and typed ' how to make guthivankaya ' .....
I paused the video and went outside in the garden and into my mini fields.
I went to the sector where the brinjals were there and took a few of them...
I cleansed them thoroughly in the sink...

I started preparing the curry and I did add spices according to my taste.... I smelled the aroma and it was wonderful!... I made curd rice, plain rice....  That's it... More than enough... I ain't a chef to make 3-4 curries for him...
Standing infront of the stove ain't my thing....

' Ding Dong '
Who must it be? My husband hasn't got the etiquette of doing this...
I went near the door and put up the chain-lock on the double door and opened it slightly... I raised my head up and saw my husband who was looking at the other side... I immediately opened the door and moved far away from the door...
He went up stairs to his room . I opened my Insta and took pics of my culinary skills for my insta feed....

I didn't know how much time had passed by and my session has got interrupted by throat clearing...
I looked back to see my husband with a glint of amusement.... How will he know how much hard work I have put in my curry!....

" set it in garden " he said and I nodded turning back to the dishes...
He went out and I arranged everything on the backyard table...
He sat and I put a plate with rice and curry... He ate quitely without complaining and I was relieved...
Every single day seems like a war in this house.... ' survival of the fittest '...

He went inside to wash his hands and sat on the other chair...
Oh shit!  I didn't get my plate...i dont have energy to even move after standing behind him for god knows how long....

I took his plate and served my self...
It dosen't really matter as I eat in everyone's plate at my house... He is my husband so I guess it doesn't matter.... But the words 'my husband' sounds too weird for my own liking...

I was too much involved in my eating that I didn't observe the movements in front of me until I heard the screeching sound of the chair...
I looked to see my husband looking at me with a pearcing gaze....
Oh god!!!  Don't say me that he remembers the incidents of today!

" what is this? " he asked and I looked at the table to see butter milk.....
My love....

" butter milk " I said and he nodded taking away my glass.... My jaw fell down hitting the table....How dare he!
He drank it in a single go as if it's a vodka shot! I silently ate crying for my buttermilk...

" another glass " he said as if I'm a waitress... I nodded and went back inside with plates and vessels...
I made 2 glasses of butter milk and took them out in the backyard.... He was looking at his phone and I placed One glass infront of him... He looked away from his phone and took the glass in his hand... I looked at the spoon on the table and as I was a mild OCD candidate, I took it back inside the kitchen....
As soon as I entered the backyard, I saw him drinking my glass of butter milk too!  This is too much!  I almost ran to him and snatched away my glass and gulped the whole heavenly liquid.... I wiped my mouth and my eyes fell on my husband.... He rose a single eyebrow at me and I ran inside with the glass.... I don't want him to kill me now for the glass of buttermilk!  But what got into me to make me behave like this?  I should have made another one for myself...
I raked in frustration and prepared myself for sleep... And also with fear that he might come and beat me up..

Soo I locked my door( guessing that he might have keys to all rooms).... I pushed a cupboard to the door and went back to my bed....

He won't be able to enter now.... I can sleep peacefully....

Arjun POV :

It's been a week that I haven't seen her from that night. She is growing her claws....  She prepares breakfast and leaves it on table by the time I come, she sends lunch with my driver and the dinner is left on the dinning table too....
Dosen't she know whom she is dealing with?

Tonight I'm gonna deal with her... I have to scare her a little and make her stay in her line.

After having dinner, I went to the corner of the floor where her room is.
I put in spare keys in them and opened the door lock, I pushed the door but it didnt budge open...
I pushed the door slowly with force and moved the heavy object that she pushed onto the door.....

I entered the room and looked at the cupboard.... Is she scared of me? Then why would she safeguard herself with a cupboard? Mocked my subconscious...

The whole room was filled in dark except for the windows which allowed the moon to lighten up her on her bed.... She is hugging her pillow tightly and covered herself with bedsheet till her neck....
Her hair was braided and few strands made their way onto her face.... Her long black lashes were resting peacefully on her soft skin.. Her lips in pout due to her face pressing into the pillow....

She is like a small baby....
My fingers moved uptill her face to touch those cheeky rasgulla....

I moved my hand away immediately, what am I doing? This is not for what I came here!  How can I think in such a way? She disrespected me and I'm actually growing a soft side towards this girl?!  I fisted my hand....
She is infiltrating my mind...

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " I shut my ears as she screamed. She switched on the bed lamp and looked at me for a couple of seconds and jerked back until she hit the bed post...
Was the only thing I can see in her eyes and her body is shivering like a leaf....suddenly the glimpses of past came back.... I looked at her and she clutched her bedsheet tightly....

" plzzzz " she said with almost tears brimming in her eyes...

I sighed " I'm hungry " I said the first words that my brain made up...

She looked at me for a few seconds and nodded removing the bedsheet..
I felt my throat going dry... She was wearing a black lace nighty that reached till her mid-thighs , her lustrous skin is glistening under the moon light..... Her few strands of hair were teasing her skin on her cleave...
She looked like an innocent seductress which she is.....

I gulped hardly another time and watched her reach out for her black long cape ....

I turned around and left her room...
I went to my study and sat down on my chair looking out from the wooden French windows.... The silent forest in darkness portraying my dark life.... The once lost light of my life which ended in the deep pits....

My thoughts broke the second the knocks were heard.... " come in " I said still looking out into the forest...
I smelled the fresh aroma ,
" I've made soup " she said and I looked at her more than necessary...
She started shivering under my gaze..

" only soup!? " I said looking at the bowl placed infront of me... She stood 3 meters away from my table looking down pinching her fingers...

" I can't see at night in the It's dark " she stammered.... Soup would be more than enough for me now as I had my dinner already but lemme put a Lil fear in this Kitty Kat...

" don't you have vegetables or other groceries in home? " I asked her in deep voice and she shook like as if she got electric shock....

" I pick out the vegetables required only at the time of coo.... cooking... " she said... Dosen't she know that she has to keep stock inside home under emergency conditions which might be used!.

I took a spoon full of soup and tasted fresh and exotic... I took another few spoons slowly looking at her who kept her head down staring at the floor as if it's da Vinci's creation...

" are you jobless that u do this planting and field work which is unnecessary ! " I said loud in the last to see her reaction...

She fisted her hand as If she is controlling herself....

" Sir this is not ' unnecessary ' " she said gritting her teeth...
Sir?  Quite interesting kitty.

" Oh really?  Then what would it be called as? " I said slowly getting angry for her answering me back...

She slowly moved towards my table and leaned putting her hands on the either ends... Her eyes were red

" do you know that the registered number of cases in NY are 30,811?!
Do you know how the the virus is speeding from one person to another via direct and as well as indirect contact?  Do u know how many people might come in contact with the stuff that is coming into this mansion? Do you know how many of them can be silent carriers ? Do u know that even then they are active carriers , that could affect us?!
No u don't! Beacuse all u have to do is Critisize my efforts that I'm doing for people in your mansion and you!
Now I don't even care if u get it!
All I do is care about myself!
Beacuse I'm an allergic asthmatic patient and this could be fatal to me!
I will die if I wouldn't take required precautions it selfish but I don't care! " she yelled banging my table with her both tiny hands with flaring nostrils.... Her cheeks were red with anger....her strands falling onto her face halfhazardly.... She looks cute...was the only thought that ran through my mind looking her state...

Her words rang in my mind
I walked to her slowly and her eyes widened...she realised her mistake... She took a step back and I stood on front of her....she put her head down and stopped moving...

I touched her chin with my index finger and made her look up to me...
" so u don't care about me? " I asked her slowly in my deep voice... Her eyes speaking confusion with fear for me.... " tell me again that u don't care about me " I said remembering her words... I don't know why I'm doing this...but something in me dosen't want her to turn away from me....

" Ahh... " she hissed and I looked at her struggling in pain, I loosened my hold on her chin.

" u don't take care of yourself then why should I? Do u take me for your servant? U don't respect your own body and health so don't expect me to do it " she said staring at me with anger.....
Why is she angry?
How dare she speak back!
I want to hit on her tiny mouth so that she would never dare to talk back!

I glared at her and gripped her shoulder.
" don't you think that mouth of yours
could cause u trouble ha?  Shall I deal it for you? " I asked her and she shivered in my hold. I released her and she ran away as if I can't catch her in my own place....
This girl surely knows how to get on my nerves.

Lemme see how she would deal with the lock down with us alone in this mansion .

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