A dream

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I went to sleep and woke up I'm the forest a thunder clan behind me he chased me as I ran I was scared he came for revenge but I scratched him and ran into a brighter forest soon a start cat came "how dare u hurt him!" He yowled after jumping at my throat but in stead of killing me he went for my collar! He had little struggle ruling it off as if he had a color to. As he took off my close he ran off I chased him but a other cat went in my way a white one " u look like a cat I know" he took out his claws "oh yea scourge " he hissed before jumping on me but I was to shocked to move and he hit me and bit me in the distance I heard the cat again "what did u do to him!" I can tell he probably saw my collar. I woke up fine but scarred to move he knew my dad I kept wondering how but I couldn't so I went to thunderclan a to catch some food. "Hey u stop!" Shoot a payroll saw me,I was barely in a few tails and a patrol saw me I ran without looking into shadow clan and hunted there. I caught 3mice before being chased out and 2 fish befor leaving. As I walked I saw where they buried bone, he was a good mentor and friend and I'll never forget him. Near the border I heard yowling and I knew probably the queen I saved she was close to kitting. I put a mouse near there camp and left it was for the queen. As I walked on tiger hit me ! "Hey let's walk" I asked and he agreed. As we walked he was a tail ahead so I went a little faster " u know we could have won the battle if......" I couldn't finish before he hit me in the side "we don't talk about that ok"he growled so I stayed silent the whole walk (I don't care if it was short I have a life and I'll make another tomorrow or sometime later)

Realizing mode: 3......2......1... OMG 31 veiws that's 31 more than I expected OMG yay I'm so happy😆😆😆😆😆😆😆thank u. Allllllllllllllllllllll yay OMG no way

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