A planing battle

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3 years later

I'm training extra hard today it's the winter and I'm already done with training but I need to keep my skills up people say I look and act like my dad but my brother was the first born so he's the leader right now I'm hunting for my clan careful not to cross the borders. then I stand at the spot I saw a clan cat just like my dad kill my mom and I will kill them for it.oh yea my brother is planing to battle thunderclan for killing our parents then to the next clans and we will rule the forest. I never liked any of those weak thunderclan cats anyways. they barely practice or guard their territory while stuffing them selfs trust me I have crossed they're borders many times and never got caught once so might as well cross now. "hey what are you doing in our territory !" A Tom yowled I froze startled for a sect hen was able to turn to find a cat who looked familiar leave his apprentice. "leave thunderclan territory now" I swiped at him only to scratch his cheek good enough "I can hunt where I want to" I hissed "you look familiar do I know you" he randomly ask "no your thunderclan I'm blood clan " I say before walking "hey leave then " I hissed and jumped on him "snowpaw go get help" the apprentice looked at the cat "yes stonefur" and ran off. I didn't even try to beat him he was just very weak like all clan cats and soon the kit came back with more cats "leave now - u look familiar" I was shocked even a cat behind her nodded the she cat stared at me and I fell in love but I couldn't. "smoke!smoke!where are you!" Shoot my brother is looking for me "smoke is it you" the cat behind the she cat asked "I'm softheart this is cloud sky and he is stonefur remember us?" They looked at me but I hit softheart in the head and walked off "hey! Come back here!" He yowled but I walked away with my brother "who were they" he said looking at cloudsky "I don't know"i replied it was fun being alone with my brother I missed him.

(Im making a chapter right now so be back in like 1 hour I'll probly have like 2 or more up )

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