18. Respect Other Fandoms, Please :)

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You will soon notice that there are Really Many Fandoms on Wattpad - but if you're not Interested in the things some Other Fandoms like - just don't follow them, & don't read their books - focus on What You Like, & make friends with Lots of Users who like the Same things as You DO! 😊

Everyone has the Right to Watch movies they Like

& Listen to Any Kind of Music They Like :)

- It's just a matter of taste & their choice - so Saying that 'Someone Else's Fandom is Stupid' is not Ok. ( If they're not doing anything that is 'wrong' at any aspect or 'socially unaccepted' - let them Stay with Their Fandoms & Respect their choice even if you don't understand 'why they like This movie' or 'how can they listen to this kind of music?' - & You stay with Your Fandoms - And Everyone will be Happy!  ^_^ ) 

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