68. Some users may Delete their Books or Whole Accounts suddenly...

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... & some do that without any Explanation...

If they leave a Conversations message explaining that 'they have no more time for Wattpad' or anything like that - at least their followers know what happen - & it helps them 'accept that fact better' than just looking for a given account they liked - & finding a message 'Sorry, this profile Seems to be Missing' - when it was 'still here yesterday'

- so then they are like 'What happened to It? O_O - I don't understand! :/ ' 

*Or you might have started Reading someone's book on their Profile, you liked that book & wanted to continue Reading it in some time - but next time you check their account & want to keep reading - you suddenly notice that 'this book is Not Here! :/ ' 

- so then you are like 'I Liked that Book! :/ - Where is It? 😐  - I wanted to keep reading!' 

( But don't worry - I don't delete MY BOOKS :) 

- that's why their Number is Constantly Growing!  ^_~ )

🔷 I am just telling you that 'some users may act like this' 

- to let you know that 'it happens here' 

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