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Today is Prom! Jimin was coming to pick up Joy and Taehyung was coming to pick me up.

Last light, We all walked around our neighbourhood till three in the morning but what was shocking was all that time Taehyung was holding my hand And Jimin was holding Joy's hand. It was as if we are couples and are on a double date or something.

Finally, after spending hours on my skincare and hair in salon, we were back at my place. Soon, Joy was ready and Jimin came to pick her up but I was still struggling with my makeup.

Finally, after a long hour; my makeup was done and I got my dress on, to be honest...it was looking quite good. Black colour did compliment my skin tone.

"Wow!" Someone gasped and I knew who was it, It was Kim Taehyung. Joy probably left the door open and this little cute creature made his way to my room.

"Should we ditch the prom and spend some alone time?" he said as he approached me slowly while loosening up his tie, he gently brushed his hair and bit his lower lip.

"Umm, I don't know but we should at least go for an hour," I said which a confused look on my face.

"Tom, you know what? Your dress will compliment the floor well" he said before he grabbed me in his arms and looked straight into my soul with his deep and soulful eyes.

"Really?" I questioned," is it not complimenting me?" I said

"Ahh, I was just kidding. You are looking gorgeous, hehe we should get going" he said with an awkward laugh.

Tch, poor Tae; he was trying his best but I made him nervous. To be honest, to some extent he actually intimidated me and I thought that we will end up in the bed but then the cute Taehyungie got all flustered up.

"We should leave" he said as we started to walk, he was continuously holding my hand and dress as the trail was quite long.

He opened the door for me and we got in the car, well; before I make a fool of myself I wore the seat belt and heard his soft chuckle.

"Good girl" he said as he he patted my head which made me blush as hell and the fact I was wearing a pink blush made me look like an extra red tomato.

"Cute Tomato" he said,"wait a minute~ did he just read my mind?" I questioned

"You are loud thinking paboya" he said as he gently hit me on my head.

"Oh~" and now I was more redder, ahh why am I such an idiot.

Soon we reached the venue, Taehyung helped me with my dress as he was holding my hand and dress all the time. Soon, I met Jimin and Joy with rest of the BTS. All of them were looking good and girls were obviously FANGIRLING over them.

"Ohh, Jimin looks so good" someone said and Joy game them dead glare which obviously scared the shit out of them.

"Will you like to dance?" Taehyung asked me as the DJ was playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

"Sure" I said as I held his hand and we reached the dance floor

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, his hands were resting on my waist while mine was fixed on his shoulders. We kept looking at each other and had this never ending eye contact moment. Our bodies moved in sync with the music and all I did was to look at his beautiful eyes.

The DJ sucked, it only played the music for like an hour and after that party was quite boring so we decided to go out and sit in the lawn.

"I can't wear these stupid heels anymore" I said as I took them out and held them in my hands.

"Here, sit down" he said as he Took my foot in his hands and made me wear his extra comfy sneakers and snatched my heels,"wear them or else you'll hurt yourself" he said as he stood up.

"But what about you?" I questioned with a worried look on my face.

"I'll wear your heels and you know what,  I can dance in heels quite well" he chuckled.

"What?" I asked with all confused look

"Haha, just Kidding, I have socks on so it won't affect" he said as we started to walk again and Oh my lord! It felt like heaven in those sneakers.

"Hey Tom, I know I am not perfect *oh man you are!* but I'll try best to keep you happy. I don't know if it's only me or you also feel the same, but you make me begin to smile, you make me feel special, you actually make me feel wanted and I love spending time with you. I had crush on you since middle school, everything about you attracted me, you pale skin, your long black hair and your cute little chubby cheeks; I love them all. I don't what you'll say but I really like you" he said as he held both of my hands and kept massaging them.

"I- I like you too, Taehyung. I like you alot and I also feel the exact same, I also love to spend time with you-" I was about to complete my sentence when I suddenly felt soft lips pressed against mine.

"Um, I am sorry; i didn't ask yo-" he broke the kiss and said but then I kissed him back.

"I love you Paboya" I mumbled

"I love you more Chubs" he said.



And they lived happily after:)♡

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