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"Well, we are here!" He said as he stopped the car in front of my house.

"Umm, yeah.  Thanks for the ride by the way" I said as I was about to get out of the car.

"Hey, joy! Wait" he said to which I turned back and he gently pulled me towards him for a hug.

Now, all I could remember was that I was engulfed in his warmth, his arms wrapped around my back tightly and his neck resting my shoulders.

"I was feeling cold, so I decided to take some of your warmth" he whispered and I could feel the vibrations on my left shoulder due to the vibrations of his larynx.

His peachy smell and body warmth was literally the most comfortable place I have ever been too.

He broke the hug and was about to say goodbye when I did the most unexpected thing and that was to pull him back for the hug. It was as if my body was craving for his warmth.

This time my face was buried in his chest, I was indeed feeling embarrassing but I still wanted to that.

"Looks like I give warm hugs and you like them," he said

"Hmm" I hummed

"Please don't turn red or else I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing you," he said and gave a peck on my hair.

I was indeed turning read but now I buried my face completely in his chest to hide it from him. I hear him chuckle and say "you are damn cute" to which now I was literally red like a tomato and hot like the sun.

My temperature was rising like hell. But what he said literally made my heart skip a beat.

"Will he really kiss me?" I thought while hugging him tightly.

Time skip:

The next few days passed with all four of us spending most of our time together, we laughed together, ditched many house parties to spend time with each other and did night stays at Jimin's apartment.

Me and Tom became a good part of the Bangtan boys, we watched movies with them, went to sky parks, picnics and realised how close they are. Tom and Taehyung became really close to each other and we all could tell how they felt about each other.

I spend most of my time With Jimin. I saw him smiling, laughing like a maniac, sleeping like a puppy and cry like a baby. We both cried together and shared our deepest darkest secrets together. I got to know about tragic death pf his Mom and how butch his stepmom was, why he decided to move out and how important the boys are for him.

They all really closed, closer than family cause they were there for him when no one was, they believed on him when nobody was ready to do so.

It was rightly said that don't judge a book by its cover, who knows it can hide its deepest secrets in the middle pages of it. Jimin was just like a book; he looked happy, cool and chilled but deep down he was lonely and longed for someone whom with he can share his feelings.

Since me and Tom lived at Her apartment, so we actually, well not actually buy partially shifted to Jimin's place and spend most of our time designing the props and invitations.

Every night, I ended up falling asleep next to Jimin under the sky full of stars. I never felt so peaceful as I felt with him. It was something else, not only I felt contented and peaceful but also euphoric.

Waking up next to him had some different impact on me. His cute, and sleepy face was something else and it gave me immense happiness.

On the other hand, we both could see the romance going on between our Love birds and all we did was to control our laugh.

"Hey, Joy! I am not getting how to put this layout" tom said

"Ohh wait, I'll help you," Taehyung said and went straightaway to her. His arms were encircled around her shoulders hands were colliding with hers.

Tom was completely flattered and all she could do was to look at his face.

For some unknown reason, my eyes searched for Jimin who was coincidentally looking at me.

Well, we both were about to burst into laughter but then we ran out towards the balcony.

"Ohh god! They are such a love birds" he said as he laughed and tried to catch his breath.

"I know right!" I said bit then I realised that his hands were on top of mine.

I stopped laughing and looked at him, he also noticed that and stopped laughing. I took my hands and walked inside while scratching my neck.

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