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This is the most recent parts 1/2 part(one page of part) and part

Art cred
Half part my real life friend
Part me

Skeet: Hey guys me and Wildfire saw something near the bushes it ran away but-
Skeet: WA-WHAAT?!
Skeet: have w-w-w-w-w-w
Stara: ??? What? I have what?
Quartz: Ok Stara. Listen carefully. Turn around slowly and look behind you...
Stara: Ok but I don't see what the big deal is
Stara: ...

My part
Stara: What have you done to me!
Stara kicks Quicksilver
Quartz: Stara, calm down.
Stara: Not until he tells me what he did to me!
Quartz: Hush...
Quartz: I know what's going on here.
Stara(enraged): Well? WHAT?
Quartz puts her wing on Stara's shoulder
Quartz: We need a quiet place
Quartz: we're here
Stara(aggressively): So?
Stara jumps on Quartz
Stara(blinded by fury): TELL ME!
Quartz(sighing): ok...
Quartz(voice softens): You are a....rare case...
Quartz(mystical): Every 1000 years. A Pegasus is born to a non Pegasus family. These foals are usually killed but...
Quartz(sympathetic): You are different, you are alive and I know why. Your mother didn't want to give you up, she was killed and you were cursed, your wings invisible but, the unicorn was an amateur he preformed the curse wrong only hindering the wings invisible that's why Quicky was able to revive them.
2nd half of my part
Stara: I'm confused you said invisible twice
Quartz: the first invisible I meant... Destroyed
Stara(questionable): Why do you call Quicksilver, Quicky?
Quartz(blushes): Well... He's... My friend! Friends can call each other names right?
Stara(slightly not convinced): Oh I guess that's okay.
Stara(thinking sheepishly): I used to call Skeet Skeety
Quartz(intrigued): You also have embarrassing nicknames for friends?
Stara: I used to call Skeet, Skeety.
Quartz: So you had a crush on him
Stara looks surprised
Stara(cheerfully): No, I've never had a crush on anyone
Quartz(snorts): Forget I said anything
Stara's gets a confused expression and Quartz smiles, meanwhile
Bonzo: *sighs*
Marrow: Bonzo!
Bonzo gets a shock
Bonzo: *its only marrow*
Bonzo: *i have it*
Marrow is shocked
Marrow: Yeah!
Marrow(muffled by unicorn horn in mouth){in this story unicorns' horns fall off when old and they grow new ones} So how'd it go?
Bonzo(ignoring question): *You seem happy*
Marrow: I am

Bonzo is a monkey and therefore can't speak horse but Marrow and Shadow still seem to be able to understand him
The 'thing he has done' was the sudden appearance if wings on Stara's back leading her discover her true origins
Wildfire is Quartz' sister
Quicksilver is a unicorn
You know who shadow and marrow are
Even though my friend is a girl the character she put into the story is Skeet
Stara was the first character I put in the comic
The comic isn't over yet.

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