Is it just me 2

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Is it just me? Or whenever you read a sidepack one shot book you do this.

"So I wanna read miniduty. *starts looking through chapters* " vikklan vikklan vikklan KSImon Zerkstar vikklan vikklan vikklan...more vikklan. FINALLY MINIDUTY" then you only read that one chapter in the whole book then you're done with it.

Is it just me? Or is the fact that the school has blocked wattpad on computers a thought that makes you want to kill yourself?

Is it just me? Or is Chinese whispers racist? Because you're emplying that the Chinese person can't transfer basic information...I might ask around.

"Hey is Chinese whispers racist" "ah yes a very interesting question I shall ask around see what Steve thinks"5 mins later "hey Steve is Chinese whiskers racist?" "Wow I never really gave it thought. I'll ask Kevin though" *5 mins later* "hey Kevin are Chinese nickers racist?" "Well...I...don't know. Let me ask Jeff" 5 mins later "hey Jeff do Siamese sisters wear nickers?"

Is it just me or does life feel better once you have taken a big poo

Is it just me or when you decide to take your phone to a concert to record it you never watch the video ever?

Is it just me or whenever you are behind someone you don't like going down stairs you just get the temptation to push them?

Is it just me? Or do you have a panic attack when you get a phone call that you didn't expect

Is it just me or whenever you have finnished your business on the toilet you take a peak at what's inside. Come on we have all done this at one point but never admit it. We have just gave up our past 5 minutes to sit and we wanna know what's been going on during that time so don't even think about commenting "I haven't done this" because I know you have

Is it just me? Or when you decide to read over one of your old books the cringe is real

Is it just me? Or does being depressed in 2016 different from being depressed in 2014. For example.

Being depressed in 2014

"I think I'm depressed"

Your best friend: "don't worry I'm here for you no matter what" *hug*

Being depressed in 2016

"I think I'm depressed"

Your best friend: "lmao same"

Both of you: lol

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