Shadow's P.O.V

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I was jolted awake when i heard a really loud squeak .

-What the fuck was that?- i asked myself.

I rolled over and checked my phone 

"2:30?! in the fucking morning!!!!!" i exclaimed.

i turned on my bed side lamp and heard the squeak again.

i looked around and finally underneath my pillow.

"Amaimon? What are you doing underneath there little one?" i said softly as i gently picked up the green rodent.

i sighed softly and rolled out of my bed with amaimon still in hand and i walked to my kitchen and set him down on my counter.

I looked down at him and said " I don't have any hamster food i suppose chocolate won't hurt will it?"

i heard him squeak with excitement as i set some chocolate chips down and watched him scarf it all down with a small smile on my face.

i gently started to pet him as he ate and i heard my phone go off in my room .

i sighed and straightened up " I'll be right back little one."

and i walked to my room and grabbed my phone off of my nightstand. 

I looked at it and saw it was Mephisto calling me.

I immediately deadpanned.

- why is he calling meeeeee?- i whined internally 

i answered the phone

"what do ya want clown?"

'Now that's rude ms.Jones ' he cooed and i rolled my eyes ' i was checking up on you and i have another errand for you to run for me'

" You may not know this but i just secretly died inside thanks to you" i said " what is it?" 

'i need you to check on the twins for me,dear'

"Ughhhhhhh butt i dont wannnnnaaaa" i whined childishly.

' I'll raise your pay grade.'

"fine! but    you better mean it!! ill check on them in the afternoon besides im getting awards tomorrow im becoming the Paladin"

'That's great love but i'll be sure to be there when you do ta ta now ill see you tomorrow and oh watch out for amaimon.'

"wait. what do you me.." *click*"Aaaaand he just hung up...."

i sighed again and rolled my eyes and walked back to the kitchen to notice that Amaimon was not there.

"Amaimon! Where are you?"

i heard shuffling coming from behind  me and before i could turn around someone had covered my mouth and eyes.

"Shh im not going to hurt you,MY Queen." a monotone voice said

-T-that's the same one from my dream- i felt tears starting to form and then eventually slide down my face -I-it can't be him it just can't be-

"Don't cry..." he said and i felt him start to nibble my neck until he found my sweet spot.

I moaned slightly then i tried  to get out of his grip 

-He cant be here! this cant be happening!!!-

i managed to get out of his grip and i elbowed him in the gut.

I heard him oof and i turned around quickly and got into a fighting stance.

" it just cant be"' i said as i looked at him and he looked up at me with a bored look on his face.

i shook my head " i remember you now...Amaimon i knew that name sounded familiar butt i didnt expect you to be that hamster..."

"Anuie made me become that." he said simply.  '' you didn't miss me did you?"

"Miss you?! You left me when i was a kid you was my only friend!! i was hurt and really bad things happened to me! My Father Abused me and my mother just allowed it! and where was you? nowhere to be found."

"Shadow....please forgive me.."

"why? Why should I?"

"because im here now and i wont allow anything to happen to you again"

i tsked and looked away i tensed up again when i felt him hug me.

" i dont want my Umbra (Latin for shadow) to be upset." he said using the nickname he gave me when i was a kid.

" My Regem (Latin for king) why did you leave?"

" i was forced to go back to Gehenna." he said " i wanted to take you with me but brother wouldn't allow it"

" Why?"

" Because i was going to make you my Regina (Latin for queen)"

I pulled away " Im 'non iens ducere quis...(Latin for I'm not going to marry anyone)"

i looked away and then said in Latin "  Im 'etiam virginem (I'm still a virgin) Et ego timeo (And im scared)" 

i sighed and said in english "i still look at you as a friend and nothing else..." then said in Greek"Sagapo san filo  ( i love you as a friend)" 

i looked at him and i noticed a change in his eyes.


he growled and said "i got to go" he pushed past me and i tried to stop him but failed "Amaimon wait please stay!"

he kept walking.

"Dont leave me again!" i screamed

he stopped and turned around " You said only love me as a friend. i want you to be mine! no one else!"

"  Just let me get to know you again..Please just stay." I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He looked at me and sighed.

" Fine."

I let out a sigh of relief and smile a little.

"Thank you" 

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