Chapter 8: Random Goes Random

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3rd POV

It was a normal day for the L/N family as they were chilling at their apartment building for the last day in France. They already packed their belongings and are ready to head home tomorrow early in the morning. We also can't forget that they're becoming to be famous because of the restaurant growing in popularity.

Since it's their last day in France, the Overprotective Husband and the Loving Wife were sitting side by side at the balcony, overlooking the blue sky, with the Eiffel Tower just in sight. The baby however, is sleeping on her crib very cutely. It's just a cute sight to see.

Alastor: I'm going to miss this place.. Again.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm going to be completely honest hun. I wish we could just stay in this place. It's much more... Calmer.

Al giggled at his husband, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Alastor: This is what happens when you play too much Lo-Fi.

Y/N: Hey, it's great okay?

Alastor: I know it is. Your suggestion is tempting really. This place is very beautiful.

Alastor layed down in his lap with her usual sweet smile, that smile. It makes Y/N feel the joy he always needed, its a smile that makes him much more alive. It makes him so refreshed. She's a real happy pill for him.

Y/N couldn't help but caress her soft cheek and silky hair, until he completely remembered something even more dear to him, and it's the thing that made her even cuter.

Y/N: Al! I completely forgot something since the day we met!

Alastor had a cute confused face but her sweet smile was still intact.

Alastor: What is it darling?

Y/N: Your deer ears, Al!

She gasped. Of course! Who could've forgot about the signature cute ears of the one and only Alastor. Her confused state turned in full shock and realization, honestly, that's a pretty childish and cute face.

Alastor: Oh my goodness me! You're right! But... I have to blend in don't I?

He smiled at her, holding her hands lovingly as he reassured the Demon.

Y/N: It's fine when I'm here. Besides, you looked so beautiful having those on.

Alastor: More beautiful?

Y/N: So much more.

The two stared, drowned in their loving couples eyes. They both shared a sweet kiss with one another, as their hands slowly rub each others cheeks.

And as the kiss goes on, Alastor's cute Demon deer ears slowly emerged from her head while they slowly make out. Truly a wonderful and wholesome sight.


We transition to a Humvee in a deserted and sacred area, driving down to a familiar Agent like base that makes us wonder. When will they quit and just give up eh? Honestly, I don't know. I really don't know.

The familiar boss could be seen sitting at the front of the car, his face has a look of displeased and betrayal. More importantly, a rejected high-schooler who got ignored by his crush. Well, it looked that way.

Meanwhile, the others were sitting at the back as Agent 1 and Agent 2 were bickering against themselves again, these two just can't leave each other huh? The buff brother however is at another car, but his face has more of a calm expression. But deep down, their task is going to get even more difficult knowing that the captain isn't on their side this time.

Boss: Would you two shut the fuck up and do something useful for once?!

Agent 1: But boss! She started it!

Agent 2: What are you talking about?! I just asked if your dad is alive other than your mom!

Agent 1: And I told you to get your personal questions off of me!


The boss' brother might not hear this but he sense the anger from the other car. He sighs and casually takes out a ciggarette.

Buff Man: Yo, got any lighter?

Random Agent: Right here sir.

An agent beside him passed down a lighter to calm himself down for a bit. But the funny thing is, it's all out.

Buff Man: (Sigh) Fuck me... Got any other lighters?

Random Agent: None sir. Why? Is there something wrong with the other lighter?

Buff Man: It's all out of Butane.

Random Agent: ...A what now sir?

Buff Man: ..Are you fucking with me? You don't even know what that is?

Random Agent: I'm an agent sir, not a doctor.

Buff Man: What does that have to do with everything!-

And as the three on the other side couldn't get any worse, his brother decides to mock his own agent. Seems like faith wasn't really on their side today.

A/N: Short chapter for y'all. Just wanna mess with the characters then I'll take it seriously next time.

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