chapter o25.

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_foreshadowing ahead, tread carefully_

Hwang Hyunjin

As the words leave my mouth, I realize how ridiculous this plan is. I mean, we haven't been shot down yet, that's something, right? Felix nudges my side, and I look at him. There's a urgent look in his eyes as he mouths the words, 'something bad is about to happen.' 

I give him a reassuring look, he's not convinced.

The other guard looks behind him to Yukhei, who was standing by the door, and says something in another language, Chinese I think.

Youngho clears his throat, "we're getting approval. If he says no, then I will escort you off the property and you will leave." The words leave him mouth effortlessly, but I can tell he's nervous. Must not be used to a Wolf's confrontation. 

Yukhei comes back out, but this time, with one of my most hated people: Lee Taeyong.

I lick my lips, staying calm. 

"Hwang," he nods at me, before smiling at Felix and Seungmin, "I'm afraid. . ." he chews at his bottom lip, "the girl is unavailable at the moment. One of my Coven decided to disobey my orders." A small scoff comes from his throat.

A throaty growl slips from my mouth, "what do you mean, 'unavailable'?" I narrow my eyes, anger heating up my skin.

"She is currently getting help from my medic, I'm not sure if you wish to stay until she is-" Taeyong is cut off as Seungmin steps up from behind me.

"Bring us to her." 

Taeyong sighs, "if you insist. But I'm warning you, if you try anything out of order, you will be apprehended immediately. We out number you by 18. Be careful." He signals for Yukhei and the unknown guard to step back, and he lets us in.

A rush of warmth devours me as I step inside, and I hear Felix sigh in relief.

Taeyong looks at the three of us, carefully. 

"Follow me." 

As we follow him through the dimly lit halls, I ask quietly, "what happened to her?" 

Taeyong hesitates, stumbling over his words, "one of my vampires bit her." I stop in my tracks, Felix runs into my back and stumbles backwards.

Seungmin was first to speak, "who."

"He's already gotten proper punishment, I promise you. Doyoung broke his arm," he chuckles in amusement, a lost gaze in his eyes.

I growl for the second time in 10 minutes, and try to keep myself calm, before continuing to walk. I clench my jaw as tightly as I can, then release. Clench, release. Repeat.

Taeyong stops in front of a lonely door at the end of a long hallway, knocking twice.

The door creaks open, revealing who I recognized as Kim Doyoung, "yes, hyung?"

I look past his shoulder, and see Qian Kun wrapping gauze around [y/n]'s bleeding neck. Not caring what this asshole thought anymore, I push past both Doyoung and Taeyong.

Getting a more clear view of her condition, tears pool in my eyes but I don't let them fall. 

[y/n]'s forehead had a cut, which was now covered slightly, there was bandage wrapping all around her neck, bruises littering her bare arms and shoulders. There was a larger bruise of purple and blue forming on her rib cage.

Kun had taken off her thin shirt, it was folded neatly on the chair next to the table that she was layed on. 

I poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue, my breathing getting heavy.

And I snap.

Kim Seonghwa 

Currently, Hongjoong, Chan, and Suho were waiting on an update from three of Chan's wolves; Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin.

Originally, it was only supposed to be Hyunjin and Felix, seeing as it was supposed to be a quick, in-and-out mission, but Seungmin insisted. I noticed Chan's anxious habits, even though he tried his hardest to hide them.

The lip biting, bouncing his leg, fidgeting with his hands.

I clear my throat, getting Hongjoong's attention. He raises an eyebrow in question.

I nod my head towards Chris, and Hongjoong examines him. Hongjoong elbows Suho, and Suho looks at him. The continue to look at each other, and I suspect they're speaking telepathically, some weird thing all Alpha's have. 

Suho swallows thickly, licking his lips. 

He nudges Chan lightly, and Chan snaps out of the slight trance that he was in previously. 


"Are you okay? You seem fidgety."

"No." Chris says bluntly, expressionless. 

Changbin, who was seated next to myself, sighs. "Hyung, they'll be just fine. You know how resourceful they are." Chan lets out a long breath, before inhaling again. 

"I know, Changbin, but that's what I'm worried about. You heard Seungmin, she went into premature heat, and being around an entire Coven of male vampires? That's insanely dangerous. What are we going to do if she gets bit?" He starts, "we can't just, get rid of the poison, that might kill her. And even if she doesn't get bit, she doesn't know how to defend herself. If she angers any of them, she will die." 

Chan rants, before roughly throwing a hand through his hair. All of his points were valid, but we still don't know exactly why NCT had taken the girl, [y/n] I think her name was. 

An uncomfortable silence hangs over the room like a thick fog. 

That is, until Chris' phone rings.

With NCT_Third Person

Chaos. That's the only way to describe it. Hyunjin was yelling at everyone, including his own pack mates. Seungmin had tried to calm him down. Key word: tried.

Nothing was working, he was shoving and hitting anyone who tried to come near him or [y/n]. Taeyong tried to call for backup, but Hyunjin pushed him against the wall harshly and hit his head, causing him to black out.

Kun had ran out the door to get someone-- anyone, really. Doyoung stayed behind to attempt to keep the situation under control, as Seungmin continued to yell and try to talk Hyunjin down. Felix eventually had enough, gears turning quickly in his head as he thought. 

As Hyunjin was about to retaliate, Felix leaps at him, pushing him to the ground, holding him there. Hyunjin screams at him, telling him to let go, biting and snapping. His eyes were no longer their calm black, but a bright green.

"Seungmin! Call Chan! Tell him everything, the plan change, [y/n], Hyunjin, everything." Felix shouts over Hyunjins protests and thrashing. It was getting more and more difficult to hold him down as the seconds ticked by. Hyunjin rarely goes rogue, but when he does, it's less than pleasing. 

Felix knows what he has to do. He hates that he has to resort to last option, but there was no other way, was there?

Unbeknownst to the fighting guys, and the one lonely, confused vampire, [y/n] was beginning to wake. The sedative that Kun made her take wasn't supposed to take very long, so it's not surprising. 

The first thing to bring her into reality is the familiar deep voice of Felix. He was arguing and shouting at another person, she recognized the voice only slightly. It was on the tip of her tongue, she just couldn't get it out. Then it hits her.


The small voice shocks everyone, including said wolf. He hesitates for a few moments, letting his body go limp under Felix's hold, mint green eyes flickering to their original color then back again.

Felix mentally thanks [y/n] for waking up when she did, and takes the chance. He presses his fingers against Hyunjin's collarbone, and pushes with all his might.

Hyunjin cries out, arching his back as a pain surges through him. He knows what Felix did, and he tries to fight it as best he can. But, in the end, he loses. Felix slowly lets go of Hyunjin, careful to not hurt him further, as he watches Hyunjin's eyes flutter, before closing gently.

"Goodnight, Jinnie." 



//this is a bit longer than my normal chapters, so i hope that makes up for late update..\\

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