chapter o30.

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_song above: come - newkidd_

_important author's note at end_ _fitzcarraldo_

Yuta's words kept ringing in [y/n]'s ears, even after he moved on and started rambling about something else, which she didn't really listen to. She only snapped out of her daze when Yuta lightly pushes her, a confused look in his eyes.

"Hey, baby doll, I have a question," he starts, hesitating, "y-you are a... wolf right?" [y/n]'s brows furrow, and she tilts her head slightly. 

"Yeah," her voice cracks, "what do you mean?" 

Yuta hums in thoughts, "well, I don't know, it's just, you smell like a crossbreed."

[y/n]'s heart drops into her stomach, and her hand instinctively goes up to her neck, where she was bitten. Yuta raises an eyebrow, now even more confused. Swallowing, [y/n] wracks her brain, trying to remember the name of her assaulter. 

"Ten," she speaks out loud.


"Ten. Take me to Ten."

"Why Ten? He's a stuck up weirdo." Yuta shrugs, not expecting the next words from [y/n]'s mouth.

"He bit me," [y/n] stands and Yuta gasps, putting a hand over his mouth. That is against the code the Coven had. "Now take me to him. Please, Yuta."

Not sure what else to do, he obliges, and grabs [y/n]'s hand, pulling her out of the room. Luckily he knew where Ten was, getting his arm treated and checked with Kun because apparently, Doyoung broke it.

Now he knows why.

It slightly angered him, a burning feeling spreading across his chest. 

But then he felt her hand squeeze his. His heart stops, and red spreads across his cheeks. 

Yuta wasn't used to this kind of... floating feeling, so instead, he focuses on her hand intertwined with his own. It was surprisingly thin, the top of her hand bony. He furrows his brows, huffing. He stops walking, which causes [y/n] to stop as well. 

"Hold still." He says before putting his hands on her waist, fingers trailing up to her ribs and back down to her hips. [y/n], beet red, muffles her giggles(she is fairly ticklish) and pulls away from him.

"What are you doing?!" She asks, wrapping her arms around her frail body. Yuta crosses his arms over his chest.

"We are not going to see anyone until you eat." He says sternly. [y/n] whines, dropping her arms. 


"No!" He says as he grabs her wrist--not hard enough to hurt her, but firmly enough to drag her along with him to the kitchen.

She finds herself trying not to smile, warmth filling her chest in a pleasant way. She's not sure why, but she isn't against it. In fact, she thinks the feeling was quite nice. [y/n] can remember one time she can remember where's she's felt this before.

When Seungmin fell back asleep the first night they genuinely talked.

'Seungmin yawns near silently, his head falling back onto the pillow. His caramel eyes feeling heavy, he tries to fight sleep. Truth was, he wanted to continue talking with her. His eyes soften as he looks up again, to [y/n].

Their eyes lock, and soon enough he's out like a light.'

[y/n] never found out why he was in her bed that night in the first place, she was too scared to ask, honestly. The image in her head cuts, to more recently.

'Pushing the door open fully, his heart wrenches at the sight of [y/n] bruised and beaten skin. His body takes over his mind, and he rushes to her, pulling her into a tight hug. Seungmin's cold skin collides with her contrasting heated skin.

"Fuck, I missed you." The words slip from his mouth unintentionally, but [y/n] smiles. She missed him too. Hugging back, she hides her face in his chest, top of her head resting just below his chin.

Seungmin's racing heart pounds in her ears as he places a light kiss on her hair, tears glaze [y/n]'s eyes, she was realizing how much they actually cared.'

Moments like these, they make her wonder. Wonder how much she actually meant to these Stray Kids. 

[y/n]'s thoughts were interrupted by Yuta calling her name, "[y/n]! What do you want to eat?" He asks as they walk into the kitchen, where Hyunjin, Johnny, and YangYang were sat. Hyunjin immediately looks up, his sensitive hearing picking up their voices automatically.

Next to look up was YangYang, who smiles. "Hey, you feeling better?" [y/n] tries to remember who he was, because she recognized him, but she couldn't put a finger on it. She nods, smiling despite the debate in her head.

Then it hits her that she was looking at the boy who saved her from Ten. She grins but tries to stay calm. 

"Thank you." She bows, her hands together held up to her mouth. YangYang chuckles, a small smile adorning his lips.

"Of course." 

Yuta pokes [y/n], "hello? Am I suddenly invisible?" He asks in a playfully offended tone. [y/n] stumbles over her words, her cheeks going red.

"N-no! O-of course n-not-!" Yuta cuts her off by letting out an angelic-like laugh. 

"I'm kidding, baby doll. Now, answer the question!" [y/n] stares, trying to remember the question. Yuta groans dramatically, lightly shoving her. "What do you want to eat?" 

[y/n] thinks, but comes up with nothing. "Uh..." 

Yuta sighs. "Alright! We're making Miso Soup." [y/n] tilts her head,

"What is that?" Yuta looks at her, shocked.

"It's a Japanese soup." He pouts. Then [y/n] realizes something.

"Wait- You're Japanese!" She yells, her eyes wide. Yuta scoffs slightly.

"Wowww." He says sarcastically, before grabbing the ingredients. [y/n] is about to sit down next to Hyunjin, who smiles sweetly at her, when Yuta grabs her by the waist, pulling her back up.

"Nope, you're helping me, baby doll." 

Hyunjin watches, listening. He can't stop the burn of anger burning in his chest. 


_so, firstly. i would like to address the issue in Australia. please please, please pray for Australia and everyone there that have not evacuated yet. 

second, i would like to apologize, i am very sick so updates might be slow.

third, should i continue to put a music video at the beginning of chapters?

and lastly, happy new year everyone  :)__(ps i didn't edit this so if you found mistakes, sorry)_


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