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I was sleeping peacefully with me soon waking up.

Y/N: Ah man what a good sleep.

As I got up I saw I wasn't in my normal bed

Y/N: Hmm where am I?

As I looked around and saw I wasn't in my room with me seeing a gaming set up

Along with a bookshelf with books, games and a long with some knick knacks.

Y/N: This isn't my room, though I wish it was.

As I got out of the bed I walked passed a mirror but as I passed it I soon went back and saw my reflection.

Y/N: What the? Who are you? Wait a minute.

I walked Infront of the mirror with me placing a hand on it with me seeing I wore the same glove.

Y/N: You are me? What happened to me?

I looked at myself still with me smiling.

Y/N: I got to admit this is rather cool but how did this happen, why am I Sonic or at least a different version of him. Still rather cool looking but strange, how did this happen?

I tried to think back from what happened last night but my mind was blank.

Y/N: Ok can't remember what happened last night to know what happened. So what do I do now then?

As I stood there the door soon opened with what seemed like Rusty Rose coming into the room

Rusty: Y/N, I see you are up rather early compared to the regular times you wake up.

Y/N: And you know this how Rusty?

Rusty: I've been programmed to protect and care for you which also includes monitoring your sleep schedule and health.

Y/N: Uh ok thanks for that I guess.

Rusty: Is something the matter my Lord? I've did a scan on you and something is causing high levels of confusion.

I blinked a bit of what she said.

Y/N: Your what?

Rusty: My lord, is there something wrong?

Y/N: It's just what you mean by "My lord"?

Rusty: You see Y/N you are the king of the entire planet, I guess you probably still have a rough time remembering since you only recently became king.

Y/N: Really, man this is crazy.

Rusty: What is crazy?

Y/N: Oh it's just a lot to take in you know since I kinda don't remember what happened last night.

Rusty: Understandable, would you wish for me to make you some breakfast?

Y/N: Yeah that be nice, maybe just some pancakes with syrup and maybe something to drink like Juice or Milk.

Rusty: Understood it shall be ready in just a moment.

Rusty closed the door behind her as I stood there in my room.

Y/N: Ok so Rusty serves me and seems to care for me, is she sorta like a servant then? Also did she just call me king of the planet?

As I stood there rapidly tapping my first I then looked at my foot and then got an idea.

Y/N: Hmm you know I wonder if I can go fast like Sonic. Only one way to find out.

As I stood there I decided to rev up my legs a bit which instantly became a figure eight, as my legs spun I slowed down a bit.

Y/N: Maybe it's best I use a treadmill or maybe go outside to do that.

I started to make my way out of my new room as I walked down the hall of the place.

Y/N: Got to admit this place is rather big, probably is since it's a castle.

As I walked down the halls I bumped into someone

Sonia: Sorry about that bro.

Y/N: It's good, how are you sis.

Sonia: Nothing much just got done with my makeup which how I look.

Y/N: You look great Sonia.

Sonia: Thanks, we'll see ya later bro

She kissed my head as she left.

Y/N: Ok so Sonia is my sister, wasn't expecting here to be here. So does that make Manic by brother? That should be something neat.

As I kept going I soon went outside with me seeing the castle from the outside

Y/N: Woah this is a castle? More like my own personal continent.

As I stood outside the castle I looked around and saw I was in Green Hill.

Y/N: Wow, this is just getting better and better. Well good time to give this speed a test run.

I spun my legs up and blasted off with me running around the place.

Y/N: Wow this is incredible, I never thought I would be able run so fast.

As I dashed around I saw more of the scenery with the lush green grass, clear blue water, the mountains that look like that touch the sky, and massive fresh sky.

Y/N: Man this place is more beautiful in person then I thought, I could get used to staying in a place like this. But something feels off.

As I made a quick stop I stood there thinking for a bit.

Y/N: Where are all the badknicks or some of Eggman robots? Does he exist here or not? There's probably one place to check.

As I dashed around I looked up and saw the Egg carrier

Y/N: Was expecting him to be in his base but not in the air but hey what you do, I'm going to need to get in the air but how?

As I stood there my scarf shined and soon I started floating off the ground.

Y/N: Woah ok that's useful. Now let's go see what the docs doing.

As I ran on the air up to the egg carrier I soon jumped on as I stood there what sounded like an alarm went off but soon stopped with someone appearing Infront of me with them looking like a grown up Sage.

Sage: Oh hello Y/N what brings you here?

Y/N: I'm just here to see if the doctor is doing anything?

Sage: I see, well then follow me allow me to take you to her.

"Her" she's talking about Eggman right or is there someone else here running the army? As I followed Sage she took me to Eggman lab and I soon saw what looked like a female Eggman working on something or fixing something.

???: There you go all fixed.

I soon saw who was with her

Belle: Thank you, my arm has been creaking for awhile now.

She then looked at me.

Belle: Y/N!

She ran to me hugging me with staying still.

Y/N: Uh hi Belle it's good to see ya.

Belle: You too. What brings you here?

Y/N: I just wanted to see how the doc's doing.

Belle: Oh your here to see if our mom is still doing good? Well she's been great she recently fixed my arm after it was making some creaking noise.

Y/N: Well that's good to hear, I just want to check for myself if you don't mind.

???: I see why not Sage take you and your sister away while me and Y/N talk alone in private.

Sage: As you wish mother, this way sister.

She held Belle hand as they left with the door closing behind them.

Y/N: So Doc how have you been?

???: Oh please don't be so formal, you can either call me Eggma'am or Ms.Robotnik whatever works for you. So what brings you here today Y/N.

Y/N: I just wanted to see how you're doing.

Eggma'am: I'm doing rather well, just been working around my airship and spending time with my daughters and such a long with working with a new updated version of my panini press.

Y/N: So like no evil schemes or anything like that?

Eggma'am turned to me confused of what I said.

Eggma'am: And what makes you think I've been working on such things?

Y/N: I don't know it's just, I thought you would be doing something like usual, like you do something to endanger the world wash rince repeat.

She got up from her seat and stood Infront of me before crouching down to me.

Eggma'am: Listen I'm not that same woman anymore, I'm not same person who made the metal virus or broke apart the world which got to admit that was quite the achievement. But the point is I'm not evil anymore cause well it's what you said for starters is why I stopped being evil. No matter what I do I can never beat you, cause even if your not aware of it fate bends to your will, even if I had a plan to beat you that was full proof it wouldn't work cause fate bends to your will either if you are aware or not, it's almost like if you want to win it just happens.

I was surprised to hear that everything just goes my way no matter what.

Eggma'am: When I can to the fact I could never win I just stopped but then remembered what person when I was the tinker. A kind woman who helped by technology, granted it didn't last long due to that simp starline. The point is I wanted to be that again especially since I had a reason with me having both Sage and Belle as sorta like daughters. So when I talked to Aleena aka your mother about my revelation I decided to that maybe I could do good for the people then harm. She agreed which was sorta her last thing she did before you handed you the crown becoming king of the planet.

Eggma'am turned to me again

Eggma'am: So what I'm saying is what happened back then is most likely to never happen again, granted I do still build things like for example Iade this for you as a gift but it sorta took awhile to build

She pressed a button with metal Amy coming out of the shadows

Eggma'am: I might make more robots for you as sometype of security/guards for your castle, I thought maybe the first one being someone close to you would be a good start to a new relationship moving forward. Now then if there's certain ones you want me to make feel free to send me a call.

She handed me a paper with her number on it.

Eggma'am: You're free to go or you can stick around Belle and Sage wouldn't mind the company.

Y/N: Uh thanks Eggma'am, all I can say is take care.

Eggma'am: You too, you little king.

I soon left with Metal Amy carrying me as we jumped off the Egg carrier onto the ground.

Y/N: So I'm guessing you don't speak, unless there's a switch that makes you speak.

She nodded showing me the switch on her back.

Y/N: That's cool, well you head back to the castle I wanted to check something else out.

She soon flew off as I dashed around the world.


After a bit of running I went to a hill in green hill and sat down in front of a tree.

Y/N: So there's no evil, in the world like Zeena is the one who commands the deadly six, Memphis isn't really evil she's more like death, but the good death not the villain type. And well Starline is sorta in prison. There is Surge being my rival but that's like once and awhile. So with no evil to fight or no adventures to go on then what do I do then?

As I sat there with me just looking into the story sky as I laid there just doing nothing.


As Y/N laid there unknown to him it seemed like his wish was granted with beings from other universes coming to his world, some friendly some not so much.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed, next part will be part 2 of the harem, in that you can suggest any character from any series and if there are Sonic characters you want in the harem let me know. Either way I'll see you later for part two of the harem.

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