More titles!

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I have more titles...
There's a twist

It's for WoF short stories!
And don't expect the first book to be out soon...I still have the Warriors one, remember? XD

Here are da titles:

The Power of an Animus
Reborn (1)
The Future (2)
Castaway (3)
The Young Ally (4)
A New Land (5)
In Hiding (6)

A New Hunt
Reincarnation (1)
First Plan (2)
Hallucination (3)
The Deadly Truth (4)
Vivid Dreams (5)
Endless (6)

All Fell Down
Wandering Minds (1)
A Lost Soul (2)
Forgotten (3)
Envisioned (4)
Calling Darkness (5)
Hypnotized (6)

Rebuilt Wings
Autumn's Rise (1)
Remembrance (2)
Flying Souls (3)
The Dragonet's Game (4)
Finally Free (5)
A Born Flight (6)

I hope y'all like them..^.^

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