🔍The Lost Souls🔍

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This is an idea that I recently had. So... Let me know what you think. If I genuinely like it along with you all, maybe I'll turn it into a book. Enjoy! ~Angie
Breathing heavily, her heart steadily began to compose itself with the shakiness of her knees. Her head spinned while her throat felt dry and parch.

"What... Did... I... Just... See," the girl stammered in between her breaths. With her hands shaking and her palms sweaty, the girl tried to control herself.

As the girl slowly walked, her vision began to blur. Soon, it was lights out for her with evil chuckling ringing in the distance.
A crime scene was announced as two Agents rushed to the area.

The first dark-skinned male wear a dark blue uniform suit with black converses. With his light black leather jacket, the male took out a pair of sunglasses as the girl rolled her eyes.

Now, while the dark-skinned girl had the uniform and sneakers, the girl wear a ladybug-themed necklace.

She always kept it as a symbol of good luck. Otherwise, the girl kept a notepad and a pen.

"Seriously, Alex?" the girl asked as Alex nodded. "Hey, sis, you can make sunglasses look cool in a crime scene," Alex defensively stated as the girl eyed him.

"I would, except this is serious business," the girl interjected as Alex shrugged.

"Tomato, potato, Angel."

Shaking her head, the two approached a one-story rustic light brown house with untamed grass covering the garden decorates.

Taking a step, Angel noticed how the front yard trees had red-stained handprints. Moving closer, Angel took out a camera before snapping a picture.

Glancing down, Alex noticed the broken concrete pieces of the walkway. Blinking, Alex picked up a piece before analysing it.

"Hey, Angel! You might--"

"Dude, don't pull a clichè on me now," Angel insisted as Alex blinked. "You read too many books," Alex said as Angel lift her head to face him.

"I might read too many books, but when you watch your shows, you react like a girl," Angel sassied back as Alex felt his cheeks heating up.


"Just stating facts, Big Bro."

Staring back at the red-stained handprint, Angel realized the red stain wasn't paint. No, this became more of a crimson shade that you only find in--



"This is dry blood!"

Rushing to Angel's side at once, Alex observed the handprint to see that Angel was right.

"That is blood..." Alex said before leaning in to touch it. Slapping his right hand, Angel glared at him.

"You know better than to touch evidence!" Angel sternly said as Alex rubbed his hand. "Ow! When did you hit so hard?" Alex asked much to his dismay.

"The day you lost your mind."

Shaking his head, Alex merely dismissed her response. "Anyways, I found something in the walkway's crack," Alex answered before casually walking.

Following her brother, Angel looked down to see a star-like symbol.

Peering closer though, the star appeared broken with black ink dripping on the five points.


"Seriously, the dry blood didn't phase you?"

When Alex said that, Angel winced. Alex realized his mistake as he knew the two seen blood in their past rather frequently. Only, it was their first time seeing dry and old blood.

"We should head inside the house. Maybe the witness is ready to talk," Angel said, ignoring Alex's response.

With a simple flash of a smile, Angel walked inside. Only Alex knew it was fake all along.

Upon entering, Angel's foot triggered the creaking sound as Angel yelped. Covering her mouth, Angel decided it would be best if she tiptoed instead.

As she tiptoed, Angel observed the bleak painted walls. Shattered glass scattered across the floor making Angel more cautious than normal.

The marble-themed floors had wet stains which Angel assumed smelt of grape wine.

Breathing in the air, Angel sensed tension as the air itself didn't feel clean. Instead, it reeked of dust causing the young Agent to sneeze.

"Bless you."


Angel cut herself off as she found a girl staring straight at her.

The girl's blue-bell eyes were redshot. The girl's blonde hair became a tangled mess, while her outfit being a white love themed tank-top with black pajamas had wet stains as well.

This time, Angel came to a conclusion that the girl cried herself to sleep.

"... You," Angel awkwardly finished as she gently coughed covering it using her right elbow.

"They all think I'm crazy."

Blinking, Angel lowered her elbow and observed her closely. In her view, Angel never saw a insane girl. She saw a broken and misunderstood one.


"My parents. The town. The Agents. Hence, I wouldn't be surprised if you thought I was crazy as well," the girl rumbled as Angel took this in.

"I don't think you're crazy," Angel said as the girl bitterly laughed. "That's what they all said until I told them my tale. Then, they called me a lunatic," the girl answered with venom laced in her tone.

"Well," Angel paused gesturing to the living room couch. "If you tell me, I might react differently." Angel answered as the girl sighed. Nodding, the two walked to the couch as Angel pulled up a chair.

"Firstly, what's your name?"

"Isabella Garcia the third," Isabella answered as Angel wrote down her name. As soon as Isabella said that, Angel realized who she was.

She was speaking to as the town labeled Isabella 'The Town's Lunatic'. It was harsh when she thought it. She would hear her co-workers talk about Isabella when it was downright wrong.


"What's your name, Agent?"

"It's Agent Rivers. I work for the Monte Headquarters. You know the one with--"

"The loud-mouth and overly exaggerated people who 'claim' to help others. That's comforting," Isabella spoke crossing her arms while facing Angel.

Is that really how Monte Headquarters is viewed?

For some time, Angel never viewed her job as that. She actually cared about helping people and being an Agent was all she ever wanted to do.

If this was how Isabella felt, then Angel felt as though she did terrible on her job.

"I'm sorry you feel this way. Trust me, all I want to do is help people. That's why my partner and I took the chance to interview you when others wouldn't," Angel explained before quickly pausing.

"However, if Monte bothers you that much, I can recommend you other headquarters." Angel finished as she stood up.

"Wait, I might as well give you a chance."

"Trust me, I won't disappoint."

While Isabella spoke retelling her tale, Angel listened with ease. As Angel listened, Alex went to investigate the rooms.

"I-I had seen..."

Isabella paused as she shook her head. "It's too unspeakable to recite," Isabella confessed as Angel nodded.

"Some things are meant to be forgotten."

"I can't do it!"

Whispering the events in Angel's ear, the Agent's eyes widened.


"Yeah, it was bad. Luckily, I managed to escape before they could find me," Isabella spoke.

"They being the Yakima Gang?" Angel suggested as Isabella frequently nodded. "Yeah! They're the dangerous gang around! I heard they killed four people and made each death connected," Isabella insisted.

"Funny, because my partner and I are currently going over that case. Do you know anything about it?" Angel asked as Isabella shook her head. "If I knew them maybe, but I don't have anything," Isabella answered.

"That's alright. Would you by any chance tell me why this house has shattered glass?"

"Well, you're an Agent. You tell me."

"I personally think a fight broke out. One of the parents threw glass while the other excessively began to drink. Spilling the wine, that caused the stain."

"Alright. Have you noticed anything else?"

"A handprint on your tree. It had dried blood. It seems as though it was some type of--"

"Mark," Isabella answered her face turning pale at once. "I'm next," she whispered nervously.

"You think you might be next in line to die?" Angel asked to iterate this newfound information. "It's more than I think. It's an I know," Isabella clarified.

Standing up, Angel pondered. "I'll see if I can get the police to watch over your house. If what you're saying is true, then we need to cheat death on this one," Angel stated as Isabella shook her head.

"No one can cheat death."

Before Angel could speak, Isabella sighed.

"More people will die. Each day, someone will get marked by a red handprint. As long as Yakima gang are in control the true killer will remain in the shadows, Rivers."

Pausing, Isabella faced Angel once more.

"Among the marked is your brother, Alex. You'll find that the person you thought you could rely on, is your worst enemy. Your lover will betray you and a dark secret will linger over you."

With that, Isabella fainted.

Catching her, Angel placed Isabella on the couch just as Alex appeared downstairs.

"Hey, so what did she say?"

Hearing Alex's voice, Angel glanced down at her notes before realizing that she never wrote Isabella's personal 'talk'. She dared not to call it a prophecy.

That only happened in books and she was not fictional. As far as Angel was concerned, she was alive and physically well.

"Um... She thinks that she might be the next person to die," Angel said settling on that. She couldn't tell Alex that he was going to die.

Nononono, she didn't even know if Isabella was going to see the next morning. Turning around, Angel saw Alex holding a suitcase of evidence.

"Ready to go?"

Glancing at Isabella, Angel nodded.

"Let's go."

Later on that night, Angel was in her camp half-blood themed pajamas as she placed on her sneakers.

"Where are you going?"

"On a walk."

"Late at night?"

"I come out fine."

"Yeah, but--"

"Don't worry," Angel reassured Alex showing a flashlight, a taser that her officer pal Lynn lend her and unused handcuffs that Angel bid on in their weekly auction.

"I'm prepared." Angel finished grinning before placing the items away. "Besides, I'll call Lynn in case I stumble upon one of the Yakima gang members," Angel added as Alex sighed.

He knew that Angel would be fine, but tonight something bothered him.


"I'll see you in a little while, Alex!"

Grabbing her jacket, Angel unlocked the door before closing the door. As she walked, Angel took in the crisp windy air that provided her comfort.


Turning her head, Angel looked around to see two people running inside a forest. Taking charge, Angel followed their lead.

However, as she did, Angel noticed how one of the strangers disappeared.

Huh? That was... Weird.

"Hey, you! Quit running this instant!" Angel shouted as she kept her pace. The other stranger continued running as Angel increased her speed. The two ended up in the center of the forest.

"I have you surrounded!"

Taking out her flashlight, Angel used the light to look for the stranger.

"Four souls walk this earth."


"In search of peace and justice."

"Who's there?"

"Their bodies are bonded to the Soul Seer. One capable of seeing the four trapped souls."

Turning her head, Angel began to dig for her phone. "This is ridiculous. I'm calling for backup," Angel mumbled to herself.

"More people will die. Each day, someone will get marked by a red handprint."

Those words ran shivers underneath Angel's spine.

"That's what Isabella said..." Angel said trailing off before shaking her head.

"As long as Yakima gang are in control the true killer will remain in the shadows."

"Come on, signal! Can't you give me something?" Angel asked raising her phone in various positions.

"Among the marked is someone who you truly care about."

"Please pick up!" Angel whined glancing at the missed call. "Maybe I can retrace my steps..." Angel said to herself.

"You'll find that the person you thought you could rely on, is your worst enemy."

"Think, think! Where did you enter from?" Angel asked herself before glancing around to see that her entrance was... Blocked.

"Your lover will betray you and a dark secret will linger over you."

"Okay, this isn't a game! Come out now," Angel commanded at once, growing irritated the longer she stayed.

"You are the one who is chosen to have this gift."


Waking up, Angel rubbed her head scanning her surroundings. The last thing she could recall was walking inside a forest.

Everything was a blur.

All she knew was that it was a dream and nothing more. Sighing in relief, Angel stood up.

"Hang on! I'm coming!"

Hopping out of bed, Angel opened her closet as she began to pick out her outfit.

"The light blue T-shirt fits you best."

Turning around, Angel didn't see anyone. Shrugging it off, Angel grabbed the T-shirt with jeans.

"That's so cute!"

"Haha, very funny Alex," Angel said. "Um, Angel? I stopped talking after you responsed," Alex hollered back as Angel dropped her outfit.

Instantly, Angel saw four figures hovering on her bed.


Angel blinked as she fell.

"I've officially gone insane."

Author's Note,
That's the end to this! Hopefully you all enjoyed it! Have a great day/night! Stay miraculous and may your heart soar. Miraculous Love!




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