Halloween Chapter

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Hello everyone you read that right this is a Halloween chapter so I hope you enjoy it.

Also I'm closing the voting for the next actual chapter and the winner is Adachi (Y/N) with 4 votes, with Nu 13 (Y/N) in second place with 3 votes, Vanitas (Y/N) is third with 1 vote and Yukari (Y/N) with 0

As everyone who was present in the theater waiting for Metroid99 and Stealth.Z to return with the next next universe they were gonna watch, the theater suddenly glowed brightly confusing everyone besides WAMred and Etka who looked on intrigued. Soon the light died down showing the theater was now decorated with Halloween decorations. Stealth.Z soon after walked out if the back with everyone looking over to him taking notice that Metroid99 was not with him.

Ozpin: Where's Metroid99 wasn't he back there with you?

Mineta: Where is that punk

Issei: Yeah where's that son of a-

He was cut off by something landing in front of him and Mineta. Looking up they see a monster looking down at them.

The two looking up at the creature terrified, with soon roaring at them.


(Play up to five seconds)

The two turned pale before they pissed their pants and passed out. Everyone looked at the creature terrified, besides Stealth.Z, WAMred and Etka who simply laughed at the interaction. Union looked at the three confused, but soon hears the creature laughing itself, before it began to shrink and transform revealing itself to be Metroid99 himself.

Metroid99: Heh heh heh, I love Halloween 🎃

Bakugou: What the hell, you nearly gave me a heart attack

Metroid99: I wouldn't mind if that happened with some of you, anyway I'm feeling in the Halloween spirit so we're gonna be watching a special universe this time

He snapped his fingers summoning a orange orb next to him.

Nezu: A special universe so what does this intel?

Metroid99: You're just gonna have to wait and see

Everyone gave him a look clearly not satisfied with his answer, with him just shrugging and sending the orb into the screen.

Metroid99: Don't give me that look, my theater my rules

The screen shined for a few seconds before it died downed revealing a girl looking down over Union City with a sinister grin.

Rias: Who is that? Are they?

Metroid99: That's the (Y/N) of this world

Aziawa: I don't like that grin she has, what's she planning?

Metroid99: You'll just have to wait and see

WAMred: This is gonna be interesting, I like these oneshot type of worlds

(Y/N) looked behind her seeing multiple shadows behind her. With one final chuckle she looks back down to the city.


(Y/N): Trick or treat

It cuts down to the city, showing it to now be in ruin. (Y/N) was seen walking through it, with the same grin on her face.

(Y/N): Hey c'mon, it's getting dark so why not start
Our trip tonight, do you think we'll be alright

It shows a man ran through the streets before he was hit in the head from behind by a machete, them falling over dead. A masked man than came over and pulled the machete out from them.

(Y/N): "So you see, they kinda put a spell on me

Tonight I crave the candy that the humans give away"

It panes out a bit with a phantom voice of (Y/N) saying "People are so rude nowadays" "It's as if they saw ghost, heh heh". A creature climbed a top a building, before it fired off countless blasted leveling multiple buildings. Soon jumping down a letting out a roar.

(Y/N): "Now the air is growing foggy everywhere

Oh will they rise and gather here tonight?"

A solider was seen firing his weapon around randomly with seemingly no reason. Until he heard the sound of a bell chiming behind him. Turning around quickly he was met with a weapon made from h a skull bashing his skull into paste. The figure than wiped the blood off his weapon before continuing onward.

(Y/N): "Holding back, no I didn't eat a single snack

But once a year and now it's here"

The phantom voice of (Y/N) then returned, "Count 1 and 2, it tolls for you" "Begin to stir you little spooky monsters". Multiple zombies were seen suddenly flooding the streets, some latching onto a hero who was trying to fend them off biting into them. They were soon grabbed by there face by a giant hand. A tentacle than shot out the back of their head killing them, then dropping them allowing the zombies to continue to feast.

"On this day, they let us play". More people began to run through the streets, with some of them getting hatchets thrown into the back of their heads. Soon a woman wearing a bunny mask came and pulled a hatchet out of the head of one of the people before continuing on to hunt more of them.

(Y/N): And now you know so into town we go!

(Y/N) gives a toothy grin, before slashing a person in half who was running towards her with her hand, giggling a bit after doing so.

(Y/N): "Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

We're gonna prank and play so DING and DONG

Here maybe there and a TRICK OR TREAT

Gimme all your candy THNX PLS"

A girl with a clock for an eye jumped onto a woman and began to brutally stab them with a knife, laughing the whole time she did it.

(Y/N): "Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

We're gonna light a pumpkin, raise the dead

Even tired Jack'll dance

'Til the morning comes again"

The sound of a chainsaw was than heard, as there were multiple corpses sawed in half laying around someone dressed as a nun. Seeing her saw another person into pieces with a chainsaw.

(Y/N): "Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

Ghostly veggies dancing LA LA LA

Door to door we'll TRICK OR TREAT

Chocolate is all that I need

Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

So welcome to the Other Side

Even tired Jack'll sing

So hey let's trick or treat"

Knocking was heard, before (Y/N)'s was heard again"Knock knock. Hey! Gimme your candy!", Whaddya mean? This is my costume!, I'm just gonna take the whole bowl."

"Gimme chocolate". Jason was seen ripping a man's head clean off their body. "These are raisins". Diaboromon fired a beam consuming multiple buildings and people in explosions and fire. "What's your problem?" Wraith grabbed another person by their neck snapping it, while stomping on another ones head crushing it. "Don't ignore me!" Nemesis continued to rip multiple people apart, while the zombies continued to feast on any human they could get their jaws on. "I'll get angry." Huntress threw a dead body into a wall causing it to splatter into a bloody mess while she jammed a hatchet into a woman's head. "You won't like it." Clockwork and Taki continued to mutilate bodies while laughing. "Oh well." It then showed (Y/N) giving a large toothy grin with a bloodstained face.

(Y/N): "More and more, I want to eat

Spooky ghosts so full of greed
What? No more? So close the door
Here's what you get for NO TREATS... a trick"

(Y/N) and her group arrived at Union Academy, with all the heroes, students, teachers, hunters, devils and even headmasters were outside all ready to fight. (Y/N) just smiled at this her eyes glowing purple and yellow.

(Y/N): "Now for any families never giving candy

Throw the toilet paper, laughing, wrapping everything

Lighting up the night sky, lanterns burning alive"

The group began making their way through Union with ease, killing and maiming them to the point of no return. Jason sliced multiple people in half while Wraith choked and bashing others heads in with his weapon. Clockwork stabbed a hunter's eyes out, while Huntress implanted a hatchet into two other hunter's heads.

(Y/N): "All we want is candy

So Let's Party Tonight"

Diaboromon stomped down on multiple students before swiping some others away then firing a beam that consumed multiple people disintegrating them. Taki jumped into a large group and slicing multiple people with her chainsaw.

(Y/N): "See because it's Happy Halloween

Rock around the clock with TIC and TOCK

Here maybe there and a TRICK OR TREAT

See pumpkin pie in my dreams"

Nemesis stabbed multiple people with his tentacles from their hands before ripping them to shreds, then picking up a rocket launcher from one of the dead hunters, firing off multiple rockets into a huge crowd of people causing them to explode into limbs.

(Y/N): "Cause it's Happy Halloween

We're gonna go all night, so wake the dead

Even tired Jack'll wait

'Til the morning comes again"

(Y/N) rushed forward taking out multiple hunters, students and heroes in her way before reaching the headmasters. She headbutted Sirzechs, before she stomped on Nezu leaving him as a bloody mess under her foot.

(Y/N): "See it's Happy Happy Halloween

'Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

'Cause it's Happy Happy Halloween

Now it's Happy Halloween"

She than pierces Sirzechs through the chest with her hand, while grabbing Ozpin by his neck and lifting him up. She gave him a wide grin, gripping his neck harder and harder causing him to gasp for breath.

(Y/N): "So come on, Let's Trick or Treat

Rolling out, red candy bleeds"

A snapping nose was then heard as Ozpin's body than went limp her dropping him after.

(Y/N): "So tonight, don't fall asleep"

The screen than glowed while the orb floated back over to Metroid99, with him turning back to see everyone's reactions. All of Union stared on in complete shock and horror. While Stealth.Z was seen just drinking a soda he somehow got his hands on. WAMred just chuckled at Union's reaction, with Etka just sitting there nonchalantly with a smile on his face. Metroid99 chuckled at this while rising into the air his body morphing into that of a draconic pterodactyl. Than letting out a roar.

Metroid99: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!


Have a Happy Halloween everybody, I hope you enjoyed

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