The Theater/Introduction

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Inside a large theater like room we see a large portal open up over head dropping down multiple people into the room. Many of them landing with grunts, and pained groans. They began to stand up and try to get their bearings on what just happened. These people were the headmasters, teachers and students of union academy, along with some heroes and huntsmen. Ozpin picked himself up while rubbing the back of his head, before looking towards the others.

Ozpin: Is everyone alright?

The other headmasters picked themselves up, along with the teachers and students.

Sirzechs: I've been through worst

Nezu: Same, are the students alright?

Awaiza: Everyone looks to be alright.

Glynda: Yes everyone looks to be in perfect health, now how about we find out where exactly we are.

The teachers and students nodded and were about to begin to search around, but immediately stopped once they noticed where they were.

Weiss: Wait a second, is it just me or does this place look like a...


Kirishima: Woah, this place looks epic!!

Yang: Damn right it does, I wonder if this place has a food court too

Ruby: Oooo, I hope they have cookies

Azazel: Kids, it'd be better that we don't go exploring a place we know nothing about.

The three groan at this but listened staying with the other. The group was about to discuss what they should do next, but stopped once they heard a voice from above.

???: Oh, you all are here already

They look up and see a strange individual, that seemed to be wearing a almost organic looking armor.

He floated down, and soon lands in front of the group. Once he landed he noticed they were all in stances ready to fight.

???: Now now there is no need to fight

Bakugou: How about you shut up, you fucking creepy ass son of a bitch.

He tries to spark some explosions in his hands, but soon finds that he couldn't, shocking him.

Bakugou: What the hell, why can't I use my quirk?!

Everyone looked at the the spikey hair blonde, before turning their attention back to the strange individual who was chuckling to himself.

???: Don't bother trying to use your powers, I already disabled them once you guys entered the portal. I don't need any of you wrecking my theater after all.

Wide eyed the group started trying to use their powers and soon found out they couldn't. The headmasters looked up at the individual shocked and a little scared.

Ozpin: Who are you?

Sirzechs: Are you some type of god?

The individual again chuckled to himself, before calming himself down.

???: Well to answer your first question my name's Metroid99, and your second question, I wouldn't really call myself a god though I do have powers similar to them, I would more call myself an author.

Qrow: An author, as in the ones that write books.

Metroid99: Yeah, but instead of writing books I write stories of my multiverse.

Rias: Wait, your multiverse?

Metroid99: Yeah, every author has their own. And you all reside in my multiverse, I write stories involving you all along with one specific individual.

Midnight: And that is.

Metroid99: Oh, (Y/N) of course, I'm sure you all are familiar with them, yes?   

There was a moment of silence permeating the air around everyone, but that was soon broken by some students laughing, with even some teachers as well laughing. The other remaining students and teachers glared at the ones who were laughing, as the headmasters said nothing but stared at the author confused. Soon the laughing died down.

Issei: Why, would you write anything about them, their weak.

Yang: They have no powers.

Bakugou: And they're just plain pathetic

Metroid99: *sigh* Yes that might be true, but that's also what makes them unique.

Everyone stared at him confused.

Metroid99: They are possible the most flexible and morphable individual in any multiverse, they can be anything the author wants them to be. They can have any power, be any type of warrior. A hero that stands above all darkness, to a cold blooded killer that shows no remorse. Hell they can even be any gender. And that's the reason I brought you all here to witness the vase amount of stories of them in my multiverse.

Issei: Like hell I'm watching anything about them, they will always be a weak pathetic, lose-

He was cut off by a claw wrapping around his throat, the group looks over and sees Metroid99 had changed his appearance and that he held an intense glare at the perverted devil.

Metroid99: I suggest you watch your tongue boy, cause I could kill you right now, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people wouldn't really care. And I would be saving myself a headache

To put emphasis to his point, he began squeezing his claw around his neck a bit drawing a small amount of blood from the devil.

???: Woah, dude you need to calm down a bit.

Metroid99 and the other Union individuals, looked back and sees someone in a black cloak standing there.

Metroid99: Stealth, glad to see you made it.

He threw Issei down and began approaching Stealth, all the while morphing back to his original form. Once he made it over to him he threw his arm around his shoulder, in a bro like manner.

Sirzechs: W-Who is this?

Metroid99: This is my friend, Stealth. Z, another author though a relatively new one.

Stealth. Z: Sup.

Metroid99: Now then everyone take your seats we're going to began with our first universe, so you all better take your seats, understand?

Union all rapidly nodded before making their way to get their seats. Metroid99 nodded and began making his way to the back, motioning Stealth. Z to follow.

Stealth. Z: So, what am I doing?

Metroid99: You're gonna gonna help me pick the first Universe.

Stealth. Z: Wait you haven't picked one yet?

Metroid99: Nope.

He added a pop at the end of the nope, causing Stealth. Z to laugh before shrugging.












Hello every reader, and welcome to my multiverse theater, where the individuals of Union Academy will react to many of my versions of (Y/N) and their stories. These stories will be ones that you all are familiar with to completely new ones that you will most likely see stories of later on. Now I want to ask you all what universe do you want them to react to first out of the choices below.

The Glitchy White Rabbit

The Lady Of The Forest

Welcome To My Special Hell

Take Their Hearts

The Maiden And The Fool

The Puppeteer And Her Puppet

Let The Madness Begin

Those are the choses for right now, have fun..... 

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