Universe: Adachi

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Everyone sat in the theater waiting for Metroid99 and Stealth. Z to pick the next universe they would be watching. All the while the Union Headmasters continued to look at Will, who was simply munching on some popcorn while he chatted with WamRED.

Ozpin: What Metroid99 said about him

Nezu: That he's a headmaster from that WamRED follow's own multiverse

Sirzechs: Yeah, he said that it was called Unity Acdemey right?

Ozpin: I don't know why but, I feel immense amount of power coming from him

Before they could continue with their conversation, Metroid99 and Stealth. Z walked out from the back with another orb. They all looked to them as the orb floating over until it floated directly above Metroid99's hand. 

Ruby: So, what's our next universe Mr. Metroid99

Metroid99: Well kid, to answer your question this universe involves an (Y/N) that is a bit older than the usual (Y/N)s. In fact, he doesn't really have any beef with any of the students of Union

They looked at him a bit confused on what he means by this.

Metroid99: To put it simply, he has more beef with the adults of Union. Such as the teachers and headmasters

Everyone of Union, especially the headmasters and teachers were now a bit worried of what this version (Y/N) would entail considering how horrific the last one was.

Will: Heh, well makes sense as to why he would hate them. I'm not a big fan of them either after all

With that being said the orb soon flies over to the screen and enters it. The screen shined for a second before beginning to show the universe.

We see the streets of Union city; the moon was already quite prevalent shining down over the city. Soon a man looking to be in his early twenties walked down the street in a yellow jacket holding some groceries as well. He continued on for a little bit, until he stopped under a streetlight allowing Union to see him more clearly. He had short shaggy brown hair, with brown eyes. He wore a loose open suit, with a red tie.

All of Union had different reactions to him. Some of the bullies just laughed at his scrawny appearance, while the other students were either confused or felt a chill run up their spine due to him giving off an aura of uneasiness. The headmasters and teachers especially not getting any good vibes from him.

All Might: Is that-

Metroid99: (Y/N)? Yes

Yang: Ha Ha Ha. That's (Y/N), he looks even weaker than the (Y/N) we know

Mineta: Yeah, I mean look at him. Ha ha ha

Stealth. Z: Don't judge a book by its cover people

They look at him confused, while he just motioned them to look back to the screen.

(Y/N) let's out a small sigh of annoyance, before giving a look of disinterest.

(Y/N): I know you all are there, so come out already...

With that the headmasters and some teachers of Union come out from the shadows surrounding him. He just continued to look at them not to surprised or interested in what was happening. Ozpin soon stepped up with smile.

Ozpin: Mr. Adachi, it's a pleasure to see you aga-

(Y/N): Can it Ozprick, I'm not in the mood. So just hurry up and tell me what you want so I can say no

Endevour: Listen here you little-

(Y/N): Sorry, was I talking to you fire crotch. No....so shut up

Endevour growled while igniting flames in his hands. Nezu raised his hand telling him to stand down which he begrudgingly does.

Nezu: Now Mr. Adachi, we came here not to start a fight or anything. We simply wish that you come back to Union with u-

(Y/N): No, you should already know my answer by now. I am never going back there. In point of view, you all are just corrupt dickbags who only care for two things, Money and Fame

He then began walking forward towards the headmasters.

(Y/N): Now get out of my way, I got frozens that I need to get put up

After saying that a pink bubble formed around him, causing him to let another annoyed sigh. Looking behind him he sees Glynda pointing her riding crop at him.

(Y/N): Great, I really don't have time for this so can you kindly piss off

Glynda: You will be coming with us (Y/N)

He reaches into his jacket grabbing hold of something.

(Y/N): Like I said before. NO

Pulling his hand out from his jacket quickly, he brought out a revolver. Aiming up he fired, with it completely shattering the bubble around him. This caused Glynda to step back in shock and a small bit of pain as well. After that he then threw off his jacket and pointed his revolver at the headmasters.

(Y/N): So, let's dance

Back in the theater everyone stared shocked to see how easily that gun was able to break Glynda's barrier.

Snipe: H-How strong is that gun. It easily broke through Goodwitch's barrier

Stealth. Z: It's a custom Revolver, that he made himself. The thing can bring a goliath down in one shot

Everyone continued to stare in shock and awe at this, especially Glynda at the pure power of the revolver.

Back in the universe we see one of the teachers rush at (Y/N), to which he quickly reacts by elbowing them in the chest before he followed up with kicking them away. Qrow then rushed at him swing his sword at (Y/N) that he simply dodged out of the way of. He kicks him in the knee, before pistol whipping him over the head knocking him down to the ground. He quickly dodged out of the way of a bullet, looking over to where it came from, he sees Snipe aiming his gun at him. Smirking, (Y/N) rushed towards him dodging out of the way of any bullet fired at him. Once he got close enough, he smacked Snipe's gun out of his hand before headbutting him knocking him out instantly. 

All of Union looked on at how easily this version of (Y/N) was dealing with the teachers of Union. Even if it was only a small amount of them, he was still having an easy time with them.

Momo: Being able to not only hold his own with, but also beat the teachers with such little effort... He has a lot of skill and power

Pyrrha: Yeah, I guess that's one of the reasons why they want him at Union

Ozpin: If a version of (Y/N) is this strong, I'm afraid of what others are

(Y/N) turned and looked back at the headmasters ready to attack them next but was stopped when another barrier appeared around him and began shrinking. With a grimace he glares at Glynda, who was pointing her riding crop at him. The barrier continued to shrink around him, before he smirks lifting up his hand causing a blue card to appear above it.

All of Union looked on confused. 

Koneko: A card?

Bakugou: The hell is he supposed to do with a shitty card!?

All Might: It is a bit strange. What is a card supposed to do?

WamRED: Heh heh, oh are you guys in for a big surprise

Issei: And that is what exactly?

Will: Just wait and see

(Y/N) lets out a low chuckle. 

(Y/N): Well then, let's play

As the barrier continued to shrink, as (Y/N) suddenly crushed the card. After crushing the card, a large tornado of red and black energy burst out of the barrier shattering it. Glynda fell down from shock, as the headmasters looked on shocked and terrified. The tornado soon dissipated revealing (Y/N) standing, with a large entity floating behind him.

Union looked at the entity terrified, feeling the aura that it was giving off just from the screen.

Iida: W-What is that?!

Kiba: The aura that it's radiating, it's terrifying

Metroid99: That's what's known as a Persona. A manifestation of his own personality and will

Sirzechs: So, wait you're saying that that thing is-

Metroid99: (Y/N) as well, yes

The headmasters and Glynda looked on at (Y/N) and his persona, with anxious looks. Getting into stances ready to fight (Y/N) just smiled.

(Y/N): All right then game over. Turn them to dust Magatsu Izanagi!!

M. Izanagi fired off a beam of electricity with it making its way straight towards Glynda. Glynda in turn tried to block it with another barrier but soon finds the beam destroying it on contact. The beam hits Glynda directly sending her into the wall of a nearby building. (Y/N) smiled for a second, before dodging out of the way of an attack from Ozpin. Countering (Y/N) slammed his revolver into Ozpin's face, then kicking him in the stomach and ending it with an uppercut sending him flying back. He rushed forward punting Nezu into the nearby streetlight. Feeling a bit of pressure, he looks over and sees Sirzechs charging his P.O.D. Another smirk came across (Y/N)'s face as he snapped his fingers, causing M. Izanagi to appear in front of him charging a purple energy blast in its free hand.

(Y/N): Megidolaon!!

Sirzechs fires his P.O.D, while M. Izanagi fires its Megidolaon. The blast collided and struggled against each other for a few seconds before the Megidolaon consumed the P.O.D and made the rest of the way towards Sirzechs. It exploded once it made contact with him injuring the devil king greatly. (Y/N) continued to smile at this, seeing them all try to stand back up.

(Y/N): Don't you see now? You all act high and mighty but lose. And you're just losers

He laughed to himself lowly.

(Y/N): I don't got any more time to play with you "heroes". Magatsu Izanagi, Atom Smasher!!!

M. Izanagi appeared again and swung its blade sending multiple waves of energy everywhere around hitting and knocking around the headmasters and teachers, completely knocking them out. Looking at his work (Y/N) smiled once again, picking up his groceries. Chuckling to himself a bit, M. Izanagi appeared behind him slamming its weapon into the ground causing red mist to surround the two.

(Y/N): Later...

With that the two disappeared into the mist leaving the unconscious headmasters and teachers.

The screen shined and the orb flew out of the screen returning to Metroid99. All of Union were in shock at how strong this version of (Y/N) was as well. Issei stood up anger.

Issei: How the hell are there so many versions of that loser that are this strong!?

Metroid99: Like I said before they are the most flexible person of all of the multiverse

Issei: I don't give a shit. They are nothing but a weak, insignificant speck of dust

Metroid99 said nothing, as Issei continued with his rant

Issei: They will always be weaklings, nothing more nothing less

Metroid99: Is that so?

Issei: Yeah, and like always I put them in their place. As the Red Dragon Emporer

Metroid99: Heh heh, well then if you feel so confident about yourself with that sacred gear of yours then....

He then disappeared, confusing everyone before he reappeared in front of Issei shoving a clawed hand into his chest.

Metroid99: Y̷̡̜̽̍͑̂͝ő̶͚̹̦u̶̙͗̍͛̉͘̚ ̵͙͉̳̓̓͑̓̄̀̚W̴̲̰̱̹͖̐̍̃̄̀̚͜͝ǫ̸̢̻̰̙̜͈̍̒͒̈́̉͜͜u̷̺̭̜̘͐̇̈́̃̀̕͠l̵̜̖̳̈́̾̆d̸̢̩͕̟͎̫͐̐̎̈̐̏n̸͔͔̜͈͕͈͊̽̓̔͋͜'̶̛̟͙̫̳̞̌̌̑͋͛t̵̨̬͚̦͋̓̃̓̽͐̅͝ ̶͕̜̿̓̽̀M̴̧̧̡͙̬̺͕͈̂̈́̿͝i̵͙̘͚͎͎͚͍̹͈̻̿̄͗̓́ǹ̵̨̛̬̳̺̩̫̹͔͚͑̔̏̚d̶̻̤̹̽̿͒e̸͇̥̓̄̉d̵͔̺̫̦̒ ̸͍̙̥̬̅̉͝I̵̡̢̛͙̗̠̜͖̱̫͌̎̄͒̓̌͒ͅf̵̘̺̭̱͎͈̜̃̈ ̷̨̨̲͉̫̭̘̙̬̒̃̾̌́̿̋͘͠͝Ȋ̶̛͖̜͇̬̝̱̹͖̄́̽̅̽͆͘͘ ̴̢̭̰̩̈́̽͗̀̊͝T̶̛̼̫̠͔̬̫̭͑͌͊̾͆͠͠ò̸̝̭͇͑͛͠͠ȯ̴̪̯̹̹̦͕͇̩̅͆̐̚͘͘ͅķ̶̼̗̠̰͚̙̣͔̩̍̊͌̎̇̚̚ ̸̛͎͍̆̽T̶̩̈́͛̊̅̅̔͝ͅĥ̵̛͔͚̳͛̽̿̽̕ạ̶̢̠͔̱̭̽̔̈́͗͜͜t̸̟̔͛̋̀͛̅͘͠ ̷̛͔̥͓̤̬̽̌́̈́́̾̕O̷̡͖̜̝̘̭̊͑̄͐̎͘f̵̱͈̔́̌̇̓ͅf̴̛͕̿̕ ̶̙͇̬̱̩̘͎͎̂̀̀͗͛̃Y̸̡̜̯͇͆̀̈́͑́́͊̀̐ǒ̶̧̨̡̠̟̫̮̺̓̈́̆͐û̴̢̯̼͈̪̱̬̗̬͔̀̌͌

Energy began seeping out of Issei and up to Metroid99, while all of Union looked on shocked at what was happening. Seconds later he pulled his hand away along with pulling a red orb out of Issei's chest. Looking at it for a second he snapped his fingers causing the orb to disappear. Issei fell back holding his chest breathing heavily. Rias stood up glaring at the author, while flaring her aura.

Rias: What did you do to my servant!?

Metroid99 looked at her not impressed or scared in the slightest.

Metroid99: Nothing much, I just took away his sacred gear and gave it to your worlds (Y/N)

Union stared at him shocked.

Rias: Y-You can't do that!!

Metroid99: Actually yes, yes I can. And that goes for all of you. Cause there's a little saying that runs through my family....

His green organic armor than turned red.

Metroid99: Play dumb games. Win dumb prizes

With that he disappeared leaving Union there now even more scared of the author. That was until the silence was cut by Will putting his hands behind his head.

Will: Kid had it coming to him

Ozpin: How can you say he could have killed him

Will: Yeah, and the kid had it coming to him. He's nearly the exact same way in my world too. And just so you know, in my academy we don't take kindly to bullying or any of sort of Bullshit you all pull

After saying that, everyone remained silent waiting for Metroid99 to return. In the back we see Metroid99 putting back the universe they had just watch and began searching for the next universe that was until he felt a dark presence behind him. Recognizing it he sighed.

Metroid99: What are you doing here?

???: What are you not happy to see me?

Metroid99: Not in particular, now what do you want?

???: I heard about your little tirade of showing Union the Multiverse

Metroid99: Yeah, and?

???: I wish to join and show them the Dark Multiverse

Metroid99: And why would you want to do that Chaotic

The person was then revealed to be a being in black wolf like armor.

Chaotic: To really show them their place in the multiverse and as a warning to not do anything drastic

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