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A space rift is formed in the sky and from it, a crystal comes out of it and crashes into the desert floor and turning it into glass due to the intense heat when the crystal crashed into it. A few hours have passed and a change can be seen in the surrounding area as energy can be seen flowing out from the crystal and spreading out to the surrounding area turning the sanded ground into a lush area with trees growing at a fast pace and signs of water forming from turning the few hundred meters around into an oasis.

On a dark rainy night, the sounds of footsteps can be heard in an alleyway before making a turn and hiding behind a dumpster as he gasps for air, seconds later multiple footsteps and shouting can be heard as a group of people talk to each other asking where the boy went to and to split up and find him quickly. The boy who is being chased is called Arata.

Arata: looks like I finally lost them. Sigh why are they chasing me so adamantly I have been careful when it comes to using my powers, I have to get out of here and get back to the orphanage.

Just as he left the alleyway and looked around to make sure that the people chasing him were no were in sight he made his way back to the exit of the alley, just when he was close to exiting the alley a hand was placed on his neck and mouth as muffled sounds of help can be heard from him before being dragged back into the darkness of the alley.

Mob 1: And just where do you think you are going boy, did you think we would just let you leave after all the trouble you have cost us huh brat?

Mob 2: Now just come with us quietly. There are a lot of people who would be willing to pay a high amount for you on the black market.

Arata: w-what do you mean by that?

Mob boss: hahahaha well since you can't escape from either way I will indulge your little question, you see a lot of rich assholes has taken a fancy to you after seeing your picture on the dark does that answer your question brat yes good now enough talking get him.

Mob 1: you get it, boss

The mobs started walking towards Arata as he stretched his hand out and grabbed him pulling him up and turned around and started walking out just as he turned his back he was hit on his back hard by Arata which made him lose his grip on him and turned around and started running further down the alley as he outstretches his hand forward as he starts to gather energy at the palm of his hand when he gathered enough he shot it forward, the space in front of them starts to crack as it burst apart seeing this the mobs eyes widened in shock as they looked at what happened in front of them, seeing the portal opened Arata increased his speed and jumped into the crack as it closed behind him, leaving the dumbstruck mobs behind.

Mob 1: What the hell was that?

Mob 2: how the hell should I know I am just as shocked as you? Boss, any idea? Boss

Turning around he saw him in shock just as well before calming back down. The boss looked at his subordinate, turned around, and started walking away with a crazy glint in his eyes.

Time skip


A figure can be seen working out of a portal and falls to a knee panting as the portal closes up behind him he gasps for air before looking around to get an understanding of where he is, getting up and walking towards the door with shaky steps while using the walls as a support as he opens the door to the rooftop and leaves as if nothing happened, walking down the steps a light from the ceiling shins down on him and the figure turns out to be a teen with silver and dark colored hair 

(A/N: just imagine that he is wearing a shirt and ignore the horns)

Meanwhile at the military base camp at the edge of the city

*beep beep beep*

Soldier 1: sir I'm detecting a massive fluctuation of energy at district Z right now.

Major Allen: Hmm, show me.

Soldier 1: right here sir, huh it's gone how is that possible

*beep beep beep*

Major Allen: now there seems to be an energy spike in the merem district, send some of our men to check out that location now.

Soldier 1: yes sir. 

this is a new idea that I had recently If their is any error tell me and I will correct it constructive criticism is welcome as it will help me improve 

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