Chapter 11: What...Are You Doing With Your Face?

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"So, it was like that, huh?" Romy looks out the window, thinking. She has a way of putting her chin on her hands, as if posing for a painter while she tries to puzzle out the truth. "Well, I think it's unfortunately undeniable that Mephis has begun to walk down the path of a Blood Fiend once more. But...I do not think he is dead."

"Not dead? But he was gone?" I don't dare to hope. However, similar thoughts have been circulating in my head since reading his note. "I couldn't find him or Jarold anywhere!"

"Yes...but you saw something shooting into the sky after the blood dome detonated right? My guess would be that Mephis trained himself to bring the fight somewhere else after activating Blood Offering. That way, he wouldn't hurt you. With his speed, you wouldn't have been able to tell where they went." The brunette woman is very knowledgeable and seems to have a wealth of battle experience to draw upon. "He's probably all Blood-Fiended out right now, somewhere, but I doubt he's dead. It will take more than an Enforcer from an Assassin's Guild to kill a transformed Blood-lock."

"But he can't come back...can he?" I whisper, desperately hoping that Romy will tell me I'm wrong and that Mephis will return. But, life in this world is not so easy.

"I wish I could I could say that. But Mephis was already on the cusp before Lian made the seal for him. And it sounds like he broke the seal to fully transform this time. Maybe he will come back, but I've never heard of anyone regaining their humanity after such a thing. I hate to say this, but Mephis is right. Your best course of action may be to forget about him..." Romy says it gently, looking away out the window as she does so. It doesn't soften the blow.

" way. I'll never forget Mephis!" I can't say anything else except stupid things like that. I hate it. This child's body. So worthless in a fight. And so emotional. My old body was better. I was cold...calm...and collected. I saw everything. If I was like before, I might have been able to help Mephis so he wouldn't have had to break the seal. "This is my fault."

"What?! What makes you think that!" Romy says indignantly. "You just turned five! For the love of the gods, Child, you can't seriously think you could stop Jarold Westblade! Even if Mark or I fought him, he would still be a dangerous foe!

"I thought you said that even if the entire Assassin's Guild came it wouldn't be a problem for you." I reply and she becomes uncomfortable.

"W-Well...that may have been a bit of an exaggeration...but anyways, don't worry about any of that! Mephis wanted you to grow up in peace! That's why he made sure to take out that assassin before he could tell anyone else where you were. Don't you get it?" Romy takes a breath and pastes a smile on her face. Though I'm in a dark place right now, she's so radiant that I have to pay attention to her. "Mephis's birthday present wasn't just some glove. What he really gave you was a chance to grow up. No one knows you're here. If there are any assassins still looking for you, they'll be searching in the Dead Forest. You're become whoever you want to be!"

"I...I still think I could have helped..."

"Please, stop that! You're five years old, and you still need a name! I don't care if you're a once in a life-time genius like Mephis says, fighting trained killers is not something you could help with until you're bigger! If you want to get stronger and get revenge, Mark and I will help you. So put those foolish ideas out of your head!" Romy smacks me lightly on the head while making a fierce expression. "Jeez, Mephis said you were advanced for your age and I'm beginning to see what he meant."

"Is that what he said?"

"His exact words were, 'a genius who will rock the land'. That's what he said in the letter. Do you want to see? I don't think he said anything you don't already know though." Romy holds out the white envelope for me, but though Mephis said I could read it if I wanted to, I'm not in the mood right now.

"Later...I...I want to be alone for a little bit."

"Are you sure? I can be quiet. You shouldn't be left..."

"I'm sure."

"O-Okay...I'll be just outside. Call me if you need anything. From now can think of yourself as part of our family. God knows I've wanted a child for so long..."


I stare out that window for so long that the sun manages to go down and come back up before I know it. After sleeping for two days straight, I do not get tired even though I've been up for so long. A vicious headache chews at my skull and I wish this world had painkillers. No matter how much I think about it, Mephis is gone. He's really gone.




Sadness colors my heart in a way that didn't happen even when my parents on Earth got in an accident. Is that weird? That I'm sadder that someone who isn't related to me by blood disappeared, than when my actual relatives were hurt? Eventually though, the questions turn what?

What is next for me?

I am alone.

Just like before.

Mephis isn't coming back.

What should I do?

For a long time, that question circulates in my head.

I could try to find a way to turn him back from being a Blood Fiend. But the letter said it was impossible. And Romy also doesn't think that it can be done. I suppose that means it is probably not going to happen. If that's the case...then maybe I should take Romy up on her offer. She offered to help raise me until I am strong enough to take revenge. Isn't that the right thing to do in a situation like this? If it was my past life, if someone did something like this to me, I would definitely have taught them a lesson. Of course, I didn't have anyone that I cared about in that life, but if I did, I would have destroyed anyone who touched what was mine.

"Yes. I will grow up. And honor my father. The Assassin's Guild in Meirkeep. Wait for day I will come and find out who hired you. Then I will take revenge on account of both Mephis and my real parents. Whoever you will regret ever setting eyes on my family!" My fists clench once more, and I flip Mephis's glove inside out to see the Bloodstone. When I do, I notice that the ruby-like gem has turned cloudy and murky. The once solid crimson depths have fractured and now lines of white fog roll through the stone. Mephis said something about how it wouldn't work as well once the seal was broken. However, it is still his last gift to me. I've decided. With this glove...I will tear down the bastard that caused all this. No matter who it is, and no matter what the cost. Just like Mephis, I will not mind paying any price to achieve my desire. Heh...with that, I will be like him. A real man.


When Mark busts into the room again, literally, he throws the door open. I am already sitting upright in bed, ready for him. He seems surprised by how calmly I face him. I take him in for a second time. He has changed into a darker, green shirt, and black pants. Short blonde hair, with a scar over the bridge of his nose. Like Romy, he has interesting blue eyes which twinkle gently in the light. It's strange to stare at normal human eyes after spending so much time with Mephis. Though Mark is taller than Mephis was, he is not as imposing. Perhaps it is his simpler clothes, but by far, the Blood Warlock was the more intimidating man.

"Hey, Kid. Y-You...okay?" Mark hesitates somewhat on the threshold, put off by my dead stare. When I nod, he lets out a nervous breath, "Uh, great! Good! We were getting worried because you haven't come out in so long. Listen, I heard what happened with Romy. I just wanted to say sorry for pressing you before. The townspeople were on my case, and I didn't want them to have a bad impression of you so..."

"It's okay. I understand."

"Yea, so I may have...wait, you what?" He doesn't seem to have expected that response. "You're okay? I mean, we're good, then?"

"Absolutely. Very good." I reply and throw in a nod to be extra sure. Maybe the way I am acting is a little creepy for a child my age. I should do something to put him at ease. Let's see...Mephis always said to smile more. I paste the best smile I can muster on my face. "See, all ready to train."

"W-Wait, what? Train? Train what?" Mark becomes flustered, I think my smile had the opposite effect I intended because he puts his hand on the door as if he wants to hide behind it. "Kid, you just got here!"

"I know. Mephis told me that you two were my mother's friends. And that you would help me get stronger." I remind him, "I want to get stronger, so could you do me a favor and train me please? I want to learn magic...and swordsmanship too. Help me learn to fight until...uhm, just make me strong!"

Whew...I almost said until I'm strong enough to kill Jarold Westblade. But that would really be too weird a thing for a kid to say. Well...actually, wouldn't a kid want revenge as well? It's only natural. Ugh, maybe I spent too much time with Mephis who was used to me. So, I don't know how to talk to people anymore? How did I used to do it? Ah, that's right. Just smile and nod.

Smile and nod.

"What...what are you doing?" Mark scratches his head and turns his head as Romy calls to him from somewhere outside.

"I'm doing something?" My confusion is genuine. Am I being weird?

"With your face." Mark points at me and then the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. Slowly, I turn my head to look. Ah...that's why he's scared. My smile is a bit unnatural at the moment. It's closer to a pained grimace than the innocent and cute grin which children should have. Damn, I'm going to have to fix that.

"Oh...sorry." I drop the smile from my face and let it return to nothingness. My 'uncle' doesn't know what to make of this. He slowly backs away from the door.

"Well, you've been through a lot. You don't have to force yourself to do anything just yet. Take some time to rest, Kid. Let's talk again soon, okay?" Mark says consolingly and I nod. After he leaves though, I already am ready to get out of bed. My body hurts. It hurts bad. But the pain is good. It means I'm healing. While no one is looking, I practice my magic and start doing push ups. Stronger. I'll learn everything. Even the swordsmanship that I was no good at, in honor of Mephis, I will train my blade as well. Until my name really will rock the land. Then my enemies will truly know that they have done wrong when I tell them I'm coming for their heads.

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