Chapter 13: How I Accidentally Met A Magic Tutor

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To be honest I didn't have any expectations of finding a magic tutor very quickly. Romy told me, that while Mark was capable of healing magic, neither of them were skilled in elemental magic so they needed to hire a teacher for me. After a week of waiting, it seemed no one answered the post. They were all put off by the weird requirements listed by Romy. Apparently, she put something like,

"Must be capable of teaching the next Progeniture of Magic." And,

"Looking for someone who is good with children. Lodgings provided, but booze is not. Screw off drunkards, I'm already married."

It seems that such a combination of requirements convinced most people that the poster was messing around. Especially because Sines Town is not a very large area, it only gets a few mages a year. Mark tried to convince Romy to put the exact amount for the reward they were offering on the poster, but she refused, pointing out that in negotiation, it was always important not to let the other party know how much they could get. It seems that while Romy is willing to gamble everything on me, she still wants to get a good deal.

One morning, Mark and Romy held a surprise Naming Ceremony for me. According to them, there is a custom of letting children choose a name for themselves if they so wish on their fifth birthday. Most kids choose the ones their parents already gave them, but some prefer to switch to something else. Apparently, allowing children to pick their path is in accordance with the teachings of the popular god, Yuel. Though there are many people who do not believe in religion now, the custom still remains from more religious times and has become something of a right of passage.


The candles which Romy and Mark put on the cake are little more than bare wicks coated in a thin layer of wax, but that's just a sign of how tight money is because they are saving every cent for my magic education. To be honest, I separated from my parents early in my last life. It was my own choice, but I always regretted it, when birthdays came around, and there was no one to buy me a cake. There is no birthday song in this world, but blowing out the candles is still a custom to cement the choosing of a name.

"Kid, what name are you going to choose for yourself?" Mark asks eagerly. Though the man was a little put-off by me on our first couple meetings, he's started to warm up to me today. "Need some suggestions? I got some good ones!"

"Shut up, Mark!" Romy elbows him in the ribs and he throws her a fake-hurt look. "If you put a bad name in his head, he'll have to carry it for the rest of his life! You couldn't even handle the responsibility of asking my parents for my hand in marriage. We had to elope because of you! No, Child, you definitely must not let your uncle's influence corrupt your decision making!"

"Oh, come on, I offered to ask, you were the one who was afraid they wouldn't accept-OOMPH!" Another elbow cuts off Mark's response and the two of them wait for me to come to a decision. It's a strange custom, this choosing of names. I don't know if it's because it's this world or not, but on Earth, children were never given much responsibility at birth. Even choosing the names they would be called by for the rest of their life was the parent's responsibility. As if children were merely property of their makers. However, here, it's different. Children are expected to choose their own fate from a young age. However, I already know which name I'm going to choose. The only one which matters-

"Let's go with M-"


"Hello! Are Romy and Mark here?" Someone with a soft voice bangs on the front door of the house. The way our home is organized, the dining table is in the living room, and the entrance is on the other side, so we can very clearly hear the visitor knocking from where we are. Oh? Has a teacher finally arrived?

"W-Wait one second! We're coming!" The candles are still merrily burning, and Romy gives me a look. Silently, I put out them out with Chill so they don't get wax all over the cake while we talk to the potential tutor. Mark hurries to open the door. Romy and I are not far behind, "Hello, we're Romy and Mark. This is...the child." Romy points to me with a smile and our visitor nods.

"My name is Glacia Dicentia. May I speak to the boy?" The speaker is a pretty short girl, who appears to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. She has white robes on with a pointy blue witch's hat that reminds me of Mephis. In one hand, she's holding a staff, in the other hand, she has what appears to be a wooden suitcase. For all the world, she appears like a normal girl halfway through puberty, with a rapidly growing chest, though her silver eyes are very strange, like there's a metal band around her pupils. Besides that, there's just one other thing that's strange-

Her it moving?

Glacia has hair that goes just past her neck, but doesn't quite reach her shoulders. However, the color is entirely snow-white. Additionally...every here and there, a clump of her hair will rise out of her head and stick into the air as if it's gelled. This gives her hairdo a spiky appearance like a messy hedgehog. I could accept that as normal, if a bit weeb-ish, but the strange thing is that when she sees me, the spikes in her hair sway even though it's not a windy morning. Romy and Mark seem surprised by her as well, though they recover far more quickly than I do.

"Um, is it alright if I talk to him?" She points at me again and repeats her question.

"Right, right, of course you'd want to see if we're wasting your time or not. Here, Mark, let's step upstairs and give them some time to themselves!" Romy drags her husband away, though he acts very interested in knowing more about our visitor. After their footsteps finish going up the stairs, I invite Glacia in.

"Would you like to come inside?" I'm a little bit disconcerted by her appearance. Though age-wise, she seems little more than a teen, which would make me her senior on Earth, I've read enough manga and anime to know that people with special appearances like this could be any age. Maybe I'm looking at an ancient master of the magical arts! This...could be the perfect person to teach me magic!

"Y-Yes. Absolutely. Ahem, well I've already introduced myself so I'll show myself in." Glacia Dicentia walks into the room with a swish of her robes. She seems pretty shy for a magical master. "I have a few questions for you...uhh...sorry, I asked around but no one could tell me your name?"

"That's because I don't have one yet. My mother never gave me one. We were actually in the middle of my Naming Ceremony just now." I glance at the cake on the table. It looks a little sad with the candles put out. The cake will get cold soon. But this is more important! Someone who might finally teach me magic!

"Oh...oh dear, I came at a bad time then? I was in such a hurry! I had no idea..." Glacia seems distraught when she sees the cake. The more she speaks, the more human she seems. However, her hair keeps swaying even indoors. Is it...moving when she talks?'s almost like it's changing directions based on her emotions. Bizarre...but cool. Very cool. "I can come back!"

"No no, that's fine." I shake my head. Wow, she was in a hurry to accept this post? Hold on, isn't that a bit weird? Does she really need the money or something? Right, this might be one of the only mages in the area right now willing to come with Romy's weird poster. I have to make sure to convince her that it's worth her time! Or I could end up with an old man or something next time! be fair, an old man might be a bit more reliable as a teacher. She seems very young, although I'm sure her real age is something ridiculous. I'll check her ears. Maybe she's an immortal elf something.

"Um, is there something on my face?" Glacia grows a bit uncomfortable as I try to peek under the brim of her hat and see her ears. "Or is it the hair? Have you never seen a Half-Wraith before? Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to ask some questions."

Huh, so not an elf. Damn...that would have been so cool. Another new species in this world though? Appears like a little girl, I know how this goes. She's definitely an old master in disguise! I can dig that. It's prettier on the eyes than some old crone. Hell, I'd probably spice up my looks too if I had magic that could change my appearance.

"It's my first time seeing a Half-Wraith. Sorry, I haven't traveled very much so I don't know many things. I look forward to learning more about your kind!" Trying to be polite, I bow my head over the table. Maybe I'm being creepy again like with Mark, but Glacia's expression gets kind of weird when I peek up at her.

"Uhm...yea. Sure, but do you mind answering my questions, first?" She says and I nod vigorously. Okay...time to prove my knowledge of magic. I'm sure once I cast a few spells, she'll be interested! Everyone says I'm a genius so this should be easy! Wait, I shouldn't be overconfident. If she's 500-year-old hidden master in disguise, she probably won't be impressed very easily even if I'm special. Should I peek into the future? Then I would know what to do to impress her!

"Ask away!" Suddenly getting a bit nervous, I can only put my palms flat on the table and await her interview. Funnily enough, Glacia seems antsy as well. Maybe she doesn't take on students very often?

"Okay, let's begin at the beginning. I understand that a few days ago, you came to this town and there was a strange phenomenon in the skies. Many people in the neighboring villages experienced what they can only describe as blood rain. Forgive me, but the townspeople here seem to believe that your appearance at that time implies that you were involved. I apologize if I'm jumping to conclusions, but is there any truth to this matter?" Glacia's first question is totally unexpected. Out of left field. Lightning from a clear sky. Immediately, a cold sweat breaks out over my body.

Uh oh...I forgot. Mephis is a Blood-lock. People are terrified of him. The things he did that day...everyone thinks that I had something to do with the weird blood rain. If I tell her the truth, will she reject me because of my association with Mephis? Should I lie and say I had nothing to do with it? But wait...what if this is a test? Maybe she already knows I was involved and she's seeing if I'm honest or not. Crap. Crap. CRAP! What do I say? Uhh...I know, I'll peek into the future!

However, my ability to see into the future is too short, only a second in this life. I can't get far enough ahead in the conversation to see her reaction.


" seems my suspicions were correct. You really were involved." Glacia says while watching me sweat. I get even more nervous. "Don't worry, it's not what you think. I just want to know the answers to some things then I'll leave."


I failed already?

Just because of that?

Well, you're a crappy person then because Mephis was a great man, even if he was a Blood-lock!

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