Chapter 26: Not Good Enough

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Another agonizingly slow week goes by. Every day feels like it takes forever. Before, I enjoyed each sunrise and the discoveries it was sure to bring. Now the morrow feels empty, and when I go to bed, I dread waking up because it only means that I will have had another nightmare. My training is going worse and worse. Romy says it's because I'm distracted. She's not wrong. But I can't help it. What can I do different?

The only thing which continues to improve is my mana capacity. No matter how messed up my mood is, the number of spells I can cast keeps growing by the day. Sometimes I think that I may one day actually be able to stop a thunderstorm through sheer power if this keeps up. But that's a pipe dream. With my focus the way it is right now, I'd be lucky not to fry myself, trying.

"Come on, Acolyte! Do you even want to leave?" Romy taunts me with her raccoon mask and I sigh, spitting dirt out. "At this rate, I'm beginning to think you don't want to leave!'

"You know I do!" I burst out, unable to contain myself anymore. Instantly, I regret it. Shoot...Raccoon Romy hates it when I speak during training-


A boot slams into my backside so hard I howl.

"Arrgh! W-Wait please-!"


"Tch..." I clench my teeth, hard. Satisfied, Romy lets me stand up.

"What's wrong, Acolyte? You were doing so much better before." Her voice becomes mocking, "Did you lose your nerve? Want to quit? Well, you can't! Your enemies won't quit just because you're slacking! Up...UP! AGAIN! Make it one more step closer!"

I've had it.


I hate this place.


"What was that?!" Romy reacts instantly when she hears my refusal. However, I think she hears the change in my voice because she doesn't beat me. "Say that again! I thought I heard a lousy Acolyte talking instead of training, but maybe it was just the wind!"

"NO! I'm done!" Sheathing Mephis's dagger, I stumble away, limping slightly. Romy's kicks have deeply bruised my backside and I grimace. Damnit...I haven't made the mistake of talking this much in a long time. She really didn't hold back. Well...that's not true. I wouldn't be able to walk if she really tried to hit me. "I'm going for a walk!"

" up? Go ahead, run away!" She continues to jeer and taunt me as I leave and I sigh. I know that if I run back and ask Romy to hug me, she'll take off the mask and try to soothe my feelings. However, that's not what I want. leave! And find Glacia, already! "Acolyte! You better be better prepared tomorrow!"

I nod and leave, knowing that Romy will see it even if I'm not facing her. She seems to know everything that goes on when she's in raccoon mode. Man, if I could only see the future, I'd at least be able to make it to fourteen paces from the tree, but every time it's a failure now. Shaking my head, I brush the dirt off my butt and stretch weakly. The calming sounds of the forest should be relaxing, but at the moment, the cawing sounds the birds are making in the treetops are only pissing me off. Can't you just shut up?

*Caw Caw Caw*

The birds flap wildly, never giving me any peace. Angrily, I shout at the sky,

[Flaming Ember of My Desire, Burst Forth-Burn]

A jet of pure flame streams out from the tip of my finger. It should scare them. But the birds of this place are made of sterner stuff. They have the blood of wild beasts in their veins. I know that even if I attack with magic, it's likely they'll just fight back.

*Caw Caw Caw*

To my surprise, a great plume of Mirebirds, these almost owl-like creatures with big eyes, fly away.

Huh, I didn't think that would actually work.

*Tap. Tap. Tap.*

Sharp and leisurely footsteps echo on the loamy forest floor. They sound hard, as if the owner is really stomping, yet their pace is anything but in a hurry. When I see the brown leather business shoes and messy red hair, I know the mistake I have made. I've wandered far too deep into the forest without realizing it. And seems I will be punished.

He was still hunting me after all this time?!

" really are one who is well guarded. But I am patient." A spine-chilling laugh fills my heart and soul. Instantly, I reach for the future only to be rejected by pure terror. In front of me, the red-velvet-suited Demon Scout, Gatoa, appears. He's still missing his right arm. But his presence is no less terrifying. The demon sniffs the air like a dog, "Where is Lissandrei? It seems she has lost interest in you. Her scent is faint. But just in case, in the name of my lord, I think I will make sure you never spread your wings, Hatchling!"

Crap. I was careless.

I shouldn't have left the house!

"ROMY!" I scream out in pure terror. "HELP!"


"No no no...we can't have you telling, Lissandrei. That cursed power of hers is too vile. My arm won't even regenerate...although, she really has made it seem like she's left hasn't she?" Gatoa barely lets my yell finish leaving my mouth before flickering forwards. Even if I could see the future, he's an opponent who is beyond me. I can only count on Romy's insane speed to save me before he arrives. let her know...somehow!

*Tap Tap Tap*

Maybe it is the result of my training, or maybe it's because Gatoa's right arm is still missing, but I can sense him coming, even if I can't quite see more than his blurry form. I can make it!

[Flaming Ember of My Desire, Burst Forth-Burn]

[Stormy Breeze of My Loneliness, Gather Forth-Gust]

There isn't time to chant two spells. Offensive spells won't do anything to Gatoa at my level, so there's no point in using Chill. My only hope is to signal Romy and pray that she is paying attention. My lips open, and I begin fast-chanting Burn as hard as I can. Mentally, I focus on the imagery of wind, storms, and a howling tornado as I simultaneously attempt to cast Gust. This is the spell Glacia used to protect me from him once before. My teacher's knowledge will have to save me this time as well!

Please...please work!

"Elvish magic again? And a different form...I was right to come back! You cannot be allowed to grow!" Gatoa's speed increases to the point that great tufts of dirt begin to explode from the ground with each step. It's like we're racing to the apple tree...except I'm the tree. "DIE!"


My chant finishes, a flaming tornado jets out of my hands with a skin-cracking level of heat. However, Gatoa has already almost reached me. He leaps forward, his left arm elongating into a deadly claw to pierce my chest. At the last second, I raise the jet upwards from his chest, aiming for his head, and increase the heat to maximum. The searing windstorm whips into Gatoa's face. However, he knows that I am too weak to hurt him. He just continues onwards. Move!


I fall backwards and turn the tornado all the way to my left, striking at empty air. The recoil from the jet of wind abruptly shoots me sideways at a weird angle so that Gatoa's claw misses. He doesn't expect me to dodge like that. Even a Demon Scout struggles to change direction in midair. This is my chance!


After tumbling backwards several bodylengths, I turn the flaming tornado straight up to the sky and pour mana into it until it licks at the clouds!

Bigger! MORE! Light the sky up!


It's done.

Romy is coming.

As the flames peter out, I feel a wash of relief. Lying onto the ground, I try to get my hands under me. But getting up doesn't seem like something I'm going to be allowed to do right now.

Not good!

"You...tricked me?!" Gatoa roars, touching his crispy eyes. A burnt eyelash falls from his face, but that's all the damage I could do. "What will you do now, Hatchling!"

Romy...please...please be fast!

Or your favorite nephew is about to lose his pathetic life!

"Heeeelp!" I cry out, and somewhere in the distance, a cracking sound like thunder rumbles. However...Gatoa isn't going to wait any longer. I summon Chill in a blind panic as he appears in front of me. The demon's remaining arm comes down like the hand of God, shearing through every ice crystal I summon to block it. My eyes blindly seek the future, trying to find which way to dodge. But the image of Glacia's stomach being punched through, flashes inside my head, and my concentration breaks. Even my hastily cast Chill shatters, not that it matters. Gatoa's claw is growing large in my face and I scream, "PLEASE DON'T!"

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