Chapter 40: Evidence

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The next day, I awaken feeling drowsy, and extra sore. Even though I probably slept well, after so many days camping out on the hard trail, I think my body took this chance to rebuild. So, I just feel drained. Even if I want to sleep more, the impatient knocking on my door tells me that Perideen Darkblade is not to be kept waiting. You think if I ignore him, he'll leave me alone? Or will he be like Romy and just bust in here?

"Acolyte? You coming?" He raps one more time and I decide to chance fate and test my body.

"One second!" Vaulting out of bed, I expect to immediately regret the decision. However, it seems that a lifetime of training under a Rainstopper has made this body significantly tougher than I expected. Is it my most pleasant morning ever? Hardly. But neither do I feel like the dead. Picking up Mephis's dagger from the windowsill, I stow it away in my coat and go out to meet Perideen on the second floor.

"Sleep well?" He asks with a smile. Despite knowing his identity as a deadly assassin, he really does seem like an ordinary, if very confident, guy. Looking up at his face, I'd never be able to tell how dangerous he is if you didn't say anything. Well, I suppose that is the point of an assassin. "I was wondering if I'd have to leave you behind today. But here you are."

"Here I am..." I mutter darkly, still somewhat lost in thought. For some reason, I have a feeling that I had an interesting dream last night. But I can't remember it for the life of me. Rubbing my eyes, I follow Perideen downstairs and into the common room of the Falconer's Roost. We're early, but many of the people of this world rise with the sun as well so it's already starting to fill up. Heavy-set laborers as well as armor-clad adventurers all get their food at the door. Perideen and I eat quickly as well, our breakfast comes free with the rooms. Today's "special" is Mud Boar sausage and some form of baked beans. It's not half bad. Though I don't really want to clean my plate, I remember that I'm still growing, and make sure to eat it all. Come on, Myrr. You're not a foodie anymore. Can't be picky!

"What now?" I enquire as the last bite goes down the hole. The Rainstopper Assassin immediately stands, having finished eating long before me.

"First, we check out the local Adventurer's Guild. I want to ask around a bit. After that, we'll see..." He remarks and we leave our plates behind. As I step into the warm rays of morning sun, we find the streets of Tosa to be full of life. Even for an NYC native such as myself, after so long at a dump like Sines, it's a bit overwhelming. People are everywhere, craftsmen working on shoring up roofs, food vendors selling tasty breakfast treats, and even the occasional Demi-Person. However, the Kingdom of Gaisha is most certainly ruled by humans. The cat, dog, and raccoon ears are rare, and their owner's expressions are usually a bit more guarded than everyone else's. But the sentries which stand on most street corners keep things civil. Despite all the hustle and bustle, things seem...calm. A little bit too calm even.

"You sure there's a problem here? Everything looks fine to me." I remark to Perideen and he nods.

"That's the thing about Bloodfiends. It all seems okay...until it's not. Listen to me, I know you came along because of this Mephis fellow, and if it is him...we'll figure something out. But chances are, it has nothing to do with your friend. So, I need you to stay focused. You're powerful, Kid. No doubt about it." The assassin squints up at the sun, before taking us to the West side of town. "But make no mistake. This isn't a game. I don't want to have to explain to the Secthead that you died on my watch."

"Understood." I square up my shoulders and puff out my chest a bit a we walk through the crowd. The Adventurer's Guild is not far from our inn. Right in the middle of town, you can't miss it. It's one of the biggest buildings around, and while it's only three stories tall, it takes up a ton of space horizontally. The blue paint isn't in bad shape, and the tough brick foundation gives it a more solid look than most of Tosa. This is a building that's meant to last. Come hell or high water, the Adventurer's Guild will remain strong long past when most of the town has fallen to ruin. Perhaps that's the vibe they were going for. A bastion where the strong gather. The symbol of humanity's might.

"Impressed? Wait until you see Teirn's Adventurer's Guild. They built it with mages. This backwater can't compare." Perideen winks at me while striding through the open doors with his long steps. Hustling to keep up, I am first accosted with the smells of this new place. Unlike the familiar smells of fertilizer and Mud Boar droppings which permeate Sines, Tosa's Adventurer's Guild is filled with the slightly stale odor of spilled beer. There's a tinkle of glass as a Demi-Cat butler in a cheap black suit goes about sweeping up broken mugs from the revels of the night before. A few people are passed out right on the benches, but for the most part, it seems that those who have regained their faculties have either left, or are already out working. Over to the other side of the main hall, beyond the snoozing drunkards and empty tables, a massive job board takes up the entire far wall. It's filled with little posters and flyers. To the left, there's a big receptionist's counter made of some dark mahogany-like wood. A perky, if slightly rumpled receptionist rubs the countertop with a rag. Her furry red ears remind me a bit of Natalia's mother, but I think they might be closer to raccoon then cat.

"Go check out the job board. I'm going to ask some questions." Perideen points me over towards the far wall and I nod. Padding gingerly over the aftermath of what must have been an epic party, I manage to avoid the drunks and broken glass. Trying to focus over the raspy snores of Tosa's finest warriors, I get my first look at the various jobs and quests in this world. Though sometimes Mark would let slip various hints that he used to be an adventurer, he always shut up when Romy gave him her infamous death stare, so I really don't have a lot to go on. It's all new for me.

There are dozens of postings, but the three closest are-

"Ursula Minor spotted in the woods nearby. 1 silver for the pelt. 5 if delivered alive to Mr. Dones on Sacred Street!"

"Looking for a new party? Join Tosa Heroes! We accept anyone, humans, demi's, even demons, as long as you can hold a sword, you have a place with us! Seek Silvia at the reception counter for more information!"

"Seeking information and stories about Blood Warlocks! Specifically, sightings, and personal encounters! Cannot pay, but other forms of compensation can be arranged. Job requester is a mage capable of Intermediate Ice Magic from the Teirn School of Magic! Please seek Glacia Dicentia if you know any Blood-locks! [This quest is no longer active!]"

"Wait..." I hurriedly get on my tippy toes, but can't reach the posting. Quickly, I chant a targeted Gust to blow off the notice.

[Stormy Breeze of My Loneliness, Gather Forth-Gust]

When the little scrap of paper lands in my hand, I scan it over furiously. "So, Glacia really was here! But the request is no longer valid. Did she leave? Also, I thought Glacia was supposed to be in Ravenmore City. Maybe she just came here for a visit?"

"Nice spell, Kid." Perideen appears at my shoulder in that ghostly fashion which Rainstopper Assassins just seem to love to do. "The receptionist, says that your Half-Wraith friend was in town asking about Blood-locks. But she canceled the request because she had to go back to Ravenmore. Shame, it seems, she might have been on to something..." My guardian does not have to use magic to reach the posters unlike me. He searches the board, looking for something, "What did she say, graveyard...ahh, there!"

Blurring, he snatches one particular post, which was out of my view from down here. Reading it over, his green eyes narrow. Anything which can make Perideen Darkblade's face concerned is bad news. When I look at him, he hands the note over.

"Four slave girls escaped over the last blood moon. Three found dead outside the Tankenstein Graveyard. 25 silvers if the corpse of one Demi-Coon, Anna Rudolph, is brought to Meisters Sinxei in the Old Quarter. One gold piece for a live capture. (Bounty will be reduced if specimen is not recovered in good condition!)."

"This is what the guard was talking about." I think it over. "You think the slave's deaths were suspicious?"

"Apparently, their bodies were found, completely drained of blood. Classic Bloodfiend feeding pattern. Although it could have just been a wandering Giant Vampire Bat or some other creature. Hard to tell, since the corpses have already been disposed of. I wish they had waited to get a positive identification first." Perideen sighs. "Stupid hicks didn't even think that maybe they should figure out what they're dealing with before destroying the only evidence. But that's Tosa for you."

"Giant Vampire Bat? How big are they?" I ask, perplexed. There's a bat in this world that can kill three people?

"Huge." He points to himself. "Bout my size. But they're pretty rare in Gaisha. Mostly stick to caves. You wouldn't expect to see one around a town as big as Sines, let alone Tosa."

"I see..." Musing to myself, I shake my head a bit. Though I'm aware that most Demi's are allowed to live peacefully in Gaisha, the image of Natalia in chains and shackles refuses to leave my head. Sure, the slaves come from foreign wars and merchants overseas, but you'd think the Demi's in this country would protest to seeing their own kind treated this way. I guess they don't have enough power to make a difference. Whatever, Glacia hated it, but it's not my problem. Not like I'm this world's savior or something.

"Myrr, do you believe in Yuel?" Perideen asks an unexpected question. My confusion must be evident on my face because he doesn't wait for an answer. "It's fine, I just wanted to know if you knew Holy Magic. The Tankenstein Graveyard isn't well maintained, so I bet there are some undead wandering around down there. Someone who could deal with them would be nice, but we can do it the old-fashioned way too."

"Sorry, it's just the basic elements for me, I'm afraid." I reply and he turns to go.

"Alright, let's pay a visit to the chapel first then."

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