Chapter 96: Laughter Lasts Until it Doesn't

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A letter came from Perideen today. Funny how that works. A whole bunch of nothing and then, out of nowhere, a storm brews. Life's weird. It feels like everything just...happens all at once.

"Dear, Myrr,

I believe that I may have found some clues in locating that 'rare ingredient' we discussed last time. seems that the ground has become exceedingly treacherous due to heavy rain. The 'rare ingredient' is possibly in a very dangerous area with many strong guards. I must enter negotiations and hold my cards close to the chest if I am to even see it. As such, I'm afraid there may not be contact for some time. Hopefully you are doing well and I wish you the best of luck in your personal business."

It's addressed simply as from 'P', as we agreed, since Perideen's full name is known to the world. If the message was intercepted or read on the way, I don't want anyone knowing that it's from a Rainstopper.

"So, he might have a lead." I muse, trying to parse his meaning. "Dangerous and treacherous ground as well as strong guards...well that's not good."


Leaning back in my comfy chair in the store lobby, I think. Perideen's mission was to search for the people important to me. 'Rare ingredient' refers to Romy. He must have found some traces of her. But this message is awfully sparse on details. Which suggests Perideen was very worried that it might be read by someone else. And he's not going to be able to stay in contact...where is he going that he's that worried about being discovered? This doesn't sound good, but I suppose it makes sense. Anything that could cause Romy problems would probably be extremely dangerous for Perideen. I hope he's careful. Damnit, he didn't even tell me where he was searching. What if he doesn't write another letter? Do I send Jarshan then? But I need him for what's's on his own if he messes up. At least until my business in Merekeep is resolved. After that...if he hasn't contacted me, I'll go looking for them myself!

"Boss, are you okay?" Meera pops up from behind, over my shoulder, trying to get a peek at the letter. "Whatcha got there?"

"Oh nothing, just some mail. Stopped by the post office today." I tell her. She puts her hands on my shoulders, kneading lightly. It feels good. Meera gives excellent massages...assuming she's not mad at you. But boy do you have to beg before she...wait a minute. She's giving me a massage...for free? What? Did she mess up?

"Say, there wouldn't happen to have been any mail for me, would there?" Meera asks and I turn my head around to look back at her. Her expression seems normal, but for some reason, I feel like something's off. "Boss? Why're ya looking at me like that?"

"Well...first of all...since when do you volunteer to give massages?" I squint at her, now suspicious as all hell. It felt really good so I got distracted, but this is not normal Meera behavior! "Second...since when do you get mail? Aren't you an orphan?"

"I...I have friends too!" Meera hurriedly replies, her hands kneading harder and faster. I wince as she digs her nails in. "What's it to you! It's my mail! Just because you're Mr. Popular in the Sect doesn't mean I don't have admirers! What if I have fanboys, huh?! Didn't think of that did you? I was engaged to the number one assassin in the Sect! If it wasn't for you I'd be...GRRRRR!"

"Uhuh...sure. Okay OKAY!" I throw my arms up in surrender as Meera switches to knife-hand technique and starts beating the back of my neck. Tucking the letter from Perideen away, I lean forwards trying to avoid getting pulverized. "Just so you know...I'm not sure why you're giving free massages...but it's not my you...can...stop-!"



Meera delivers a karate chop straight on top of my head that probably makes me lose a few centimeters. Before I can protest, she grabs under my chin with both hands and yanks me up, almost pulling me out of the chair. I hang there by my head, like a fish on a hook. Several things pop. Nothing breaks...I think.




Blissful relief comes as my strained back and neck muscles lose some of their tension. Flashes of white light burst through my skull and I smile as she comes around to the front and kneads my temples. Mmm...on further review...making the employee dresses so low cut was a pretty good decision. My show is cut short as Meera grips my chin with her left hand and my forehead with her right. Uh oh...

"W-Wait! Let's stop, this seems dangerous-"


"Don't be such a wuss, Boss." Meera cackles evilly as she violently twists my head to the right. Oh God! Is Qi enough to heal a broken neck?! She readjusts her hands, switching sides and then goes for the reverse twist. "Heh, this is my special move. All the Elders said that even if my technique wasn't the best, my power was number one amongst the disciples! Don't fight it, Boss! Or you might hurt yourself-!"

Wait...technique not the best...but number one in power?!

"Hold on! If you mess up, y-you'll kill me! Forget Qi, even magic might not be able to heal this-!"



"Errr...damn, does anyone know healing magic? I think I messed up."




"S-Sorry, Boss! I thought you could take it!"

"Tell that to my cervical bones!" Groaning, I continue to hold a bottle of frozen wine to my neck. The cold is just barely managing to ease the pain from Meera's 'special move'. Watching Kisa play with her little sister, I suddenly have a terrifying thought. Meera sometimes gives massages to Nya. Glancing at the tiny Demi-Cat's skinny neck, I gulp. "Meera...from now're forbidden from giving massages to Nya. You got that? I don't want to be involved with animal abuse."

"Hahaha, Nya loves my massages! She's a Demi after all. Unlike you, she can take it!" My masseuse laughs, wiggling her fingers like some sort of pervert as she puts on an evil scumbag voice, "Nya...little Nya...come here! Your Master doesn't believe that you can handle Big Sis Meera's special move...but we know better...don't we?"


Our tiniest employee quickly jumps into a chair so that Meera can work on her body. Wow...that was fast! I rub my neck gingerly, amazed as Nya enthusiastically purrs while enduring what can only be described as WWE moves on crack. Jesus...I think the Undertaker would need surgery after that. Kisa walks over and laughs at my horrified expression, not in the least bit worried about her little sister being in an assassin's hands.

"I told you, Master. We Demi-Cats are blessed by the Cat God. Our bodies are naturally resilient," she reminds me. With a raised eyebrow, Kisa clucks her tongue and takes the frozen wine bottle out of my hands. Stepping in, she puts her hands on my aching neck. "May I?"

"Go can't get any worse!" I say darkly, glowering at Meera who studiously pretends not to see. Nya giggles despite being manipulated by her hands in truly terrifying ways and I have to close my eyes. "God...just make it quick, Kisa. Put me out of my misery-hey, that's pretty good!" My spine tingles as Kisa's fingers find the misfiring nerves in my neck and knead them back into shape. After a minute, the pain goes away and all I feel is that blissful warmth which comes from a good massage. "Where'd you learn...ahhh that's the be so good at this?"

"The slavers considered this to be an essential skill for Demi girls." Kisa says without a trace of emotion. Her voice barely even flickers, even as my own mind realizes the mistake I've made. "Do you enjoy it, Master?"

"E-Err, sorry, I forgot. You can stop now. It was excellent, but if it reminds you of back then-" I try to get up, only to wince as the pain returns with a vengeance. Oww!

"Master...relax. You're going to reinjure your neck. Stay still-" Kisa says, concentrating. Her hands push me back down into the chair, squishing me as one might a kitten. She rubs my ears, and even though I'm not a Demi-Cat, I have to admit, it feels heavenly. "The nobles of Merekeep did not give me much besides pain and suffering. Well that and Demi-Berrys. But if something they taught me can be of use to you, the one I chose, my true Master, then it gives me great happiness to heal your injuries."

"Your...true...Master?" I gulp, thinking that this conversation is going down one of those weird routes that always happens with Demi's. They really are all like this...aren't they? Wait that's kind of racist. But it's so true! "I appreciate the sentiment, but doesn't it make you remember bad things?"

"Of course. I am not afraid of mere memories though." Kisa laughs in that cute Demi-Cat way. She leans over the top of my head and peers at me, upside down. Her cat-ears twitch, and I try to remember if it's the left or right that droops more. Mmm that's the wait she's upside down so it's her left...err...I'm confused. "Master, are you afraid of memories?"

"Me? Afraid of memories? Hah, yea right!" Puffing out my chest, I sit back as Kisa massages my cheeks. Something fuzzy brushes against my skin and I realize that her hands have transformed into paws. The soft fur is heavenly as she goes back to my neck. I'm kneaded Demi-Cat style all over. "I mean some things are kinda scary to remember. But I mean, come's me! I'm a genius, remember?"

"Yes, absolutely, Master is a genius." Kisa says without a touch of sarcasm. However, her next words make me turn around to see her face. "But geniuses can be afraid too, right?"

"Uhm..." Finding only warm and earnest eyes watching me, I feel bad for suspecting her of messing with me and look down at the floor. Closing my eyes, I remember a certain time when I had to run away and leave someone behind. The image of a black-hatted warlock rises to mind. has been so long. But I'm here at Merekeep. Getting our revenge. Would you be proud of me? "Well, I suppose if you say so..."

"Hehe, I'm sure Master is rarely afraid though. After all, you're our leader. And we've never been led astray by your orders." Kisa hums as she massages my scalp. It's a singular moment of peace. My eyes glaze over over, half-lidded as I enjoy being taken care of. To my right, Nya is being tormented...err massaged by Meera's hands as well, and everyone is smiling. This is peaceful. I want it to last forever. However, fate has different plans. Abruptly, there's a series of knocks on the door. Not like how he usually does it. These are fast, rapid, almost panicked. He's never flustered. Something's wrong. I pull on my Foresight to confirm his identity. When I open my eyes and try to seek the future, it snaps back at me, refusing my attempts to steal its secrets, and I know the Stranger is outside. Kisa feels the tension in my neck immediately through her sensitive paw pads. Slowly, she gives one last good knead, and then hugs my head from behind between her arms.

"It's him. Isn't it?" she whispers in my ear. I nod, buried inside her embrace. Unfortunately, it can't last forever. Kisa lets go and backs away as Meera pulls Nya up from her chair. The Demi's retreat behind the counter as the assassin makes her way over to me. "We're with you, Master."

"He's here." Meera says. It's a statement. Not a question. She knows it from how I act when the future rejects me. The damn girl has become extraordinarily perceptive at reading me. "I got your back, Boss. Crack the door and let him in!"

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