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Elsa Arendelle

Once I'm discharged I try to find Jackson.

Too find out that he actually cares about me ... he must've been worried sick. I'm happy that I survived he would've lost himself completely.

I go to his front door and knock several times and wait. James answers, "Oh Elsa. You look well." He says.

"Hi. Is Jackson there?" I ask him.

"Jackson! Your girlfriend is here!" James shouts.

"Shut up you freak." I mutter at him.

"Shut up you freak!" He responds to James.

"Aww you're meant to be." James says sarcastically, "Just to let you know if you go out with me I'll love you harder." He winks.

"Can you piss off already?" I say and roll my eyes and Jackson emerges.

James leaves finally ...

"Hey." I greet Jackson.

Jackson looked awkward, he was standing in a awkward position and he was blushing madly against his pale complexion.

"Why are you acting strange?" I ask him.

Jackson puts his fist against his mouth and looks away from me. "Sorry for ... kissing you earlier. Anna turned all dark and nagged me to do it." He explains to me.

"Oh that .. it's okay." I say awkwardly, remembering what the hell went down.

"D-did you hear our conversation?" He asks, mumbling. Still looking away from my face.

"No. It's just this thing that I instantly wake up even with a peck on my cheek." I explain, "What did you talk about?"

"Nothing really." He plainly responds and looks back at me.

"Okay I just wanted to say ... that sorry for making you worry. I won't do anything stupid like that again." I tell him.

"You better not." He says softly, "You gave me ... a heart attack."

"Jackson .." I mummble.

Then he leans over to hug me tightly, resting his head on mine.

"Don't leave me again. I was being mean to you because, I wanted you to leave me so I don't have an attachment to you." He explains, "But it's too late ... you got me."

"Jackson ... I forgive you." I say and he hugs me tighter, "Jackson what are you-?"

"Don't move. Just a little more longer." He says.

Jackson. I didn't know I troubled you this much.

He lets go and looks at me, "Sorry. For everything. I'll treasure you and care for you and everything. But please don't leave me." He tells me.

"I won't." I tell him.

And he returns with a sincere, meaningful smile which I haven't seen in ages.

Rapunzel Corona

A knock on the door. I answer it and a girl just comes waltzing in.

"Yo." She greets me and flings herself on my couch.

"Who are you?! Get out of here!" I squeal.

She directly looks at me. Riley.

"Riley ... I thought you left." I say to her.

"Well, I'm obviously back." She answers.

I lift an eyebrow, "For what purpose?"

"Jack ... Jackson ... whatever name he goes by." Riley says, "I want to talk to him."

"Oh no you don't!" I yell at her, "You can shoo away!"

"I have every right to talk to him. He's the only one that actually meant something to me." She says, "He affected my life."

"Well you didn't affect his life. Actually ... he's never acknowledged once when you left." I tell her.

"Now get out." I point to the door and she gets up and leaves.

Once she leaves I text Jackson:

Riley. She's back. Avoid her please.

I am not going to let Riley ruin things for Jackson.

Jackson Overland

My phone vibrates and I've recieved a text from Rapunzel:

Riley. She's back. Avoid her please.

Oh god .. Riley? She's back?

Elsa looked at me worriedly.

"Elsa let me take this call." I say to her and she nods.

I call Rapunzel.

"Hello Rapunzel?" I say.

"Hey you got my text? Riley is looking for you." She says.


"I'm assuming that she wants you back. Please just be as harsh as you can to her when you find her." She tells me.

"Okay I got it." I reply then I hang up.


Who is this Riley??? Ahh the dremah !!!

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