Dangerous District

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Elsa Arendelle

Once you meet Violet she's completely shy but once she gets comfortable with you she's outgoing.

"Violet .. when are you going to confess to Jackson?" I ask her.

"When the time seems right I guess." She answers.

"Why do you even like him?"

"I don't know. I can't define what I like about him because- its hard to explain." Violet says.

"Oh so you've fallen for him hard." I laugh.

Violet responds with a sincere smile.

Today I've decided to go to Hot Pot. I love that restaurant and I don't know why Jackson said it's in a dangerous area. I've been there plenty of times. Plus I also need to go to that area to take a new picture for my college student ID.

I go to the train station ... I can take my car but it's at home I'd have to pay if I left it in the car park. And my college fund is running short.

I walk to the post office .. they take pictures for ID's and that. I walk outside and I'm stopped by three teens.

"Hey gorgeous." One of them hits on me.

"What do you want?" I ask them.

"You." Another one laughs.

"Uh bye .." I say as I move along then one of them grabs my arm.

"Hey we're not done talking." Says the teen.

"Listen up you-!" I start to yell at them but I feel an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry boys ... but she's my girlfriend." Someone says I look up and I see Jackson ... what the ...?

"Oh Jackson haha you lucky fool!" One of them jokes. "Sorry man." They say and leave our sight.

Jackson's expression changed rapidly. "What the hell?! Didn't I tell you not to go here?!" He yells at me.

"Then why are you here?! And how do you know them?!" I shout back.

"Because .." Jackson softens his voice "I hang around with them in my spare time. They won't hurt me." He explains.

"Okay ... I was getting my ID picture here." I confess.

"If you were planning to go here you should've told me so I could've come with you." He says.

"I was about to kick their asses plus remember last time? How am I suppose to trust you?!" I raise my voice.

"You don't need to trust me." Jackson mummbles. "Let's just go to damn Hot Pot while we're here." He says and grabs my wrist.

We sit in silence while we're eating. "The food here isn't even that good. Why were you so desperate to come here?" He asks.

"Anna told me the food on special here was great." I tell him.

"Well Anna is driving you into a danger zone." He answers.

"Why do you hang out with them anyway?" I ask him.

"To kill time." He answers.

"You don't study at all?!" I exclaim. "What valuable time do you have anyway?"

"Eating and sleeping." He answers.

"I hope you're joking." I say and drink my iced tea.

"Do I really seem like I am the type of person that pulls jokes?" He says.

"Yeah .. you're right." I mutter. Jack is the type of person who would. But not Jackson.

We finish our food. "You're paying." Jackson says.

"No we're halfing it." I tell him.

"Fine." He groans. He brings up $15 and so do I.

We both get on our train back home. "Hey what happened with your motorcycle?" I ask him.

"I sold it." He answers.


"I can if I want too." He says plainly.

"That's not it is it? It's to contribute with your college fund so the Corona family won't struggle giving you enough money." I explain for him "You know .. you can give specific reasons for stuff no one's going to judge you."

"Idiot." He tells me "It's not like I'm trying to hide the reason it's because I don't want anyone involved in my personal life."

"What if I want to get involved?"

"You won't."

There was always a reason behind how he acts. I think this is one of the main ones.

Why won't he let me in?

We walk to the campus. "Did you put on perfume?" He asks.
"Yeah. I think I overloaded though .." I say and chuckle.

"Don't wear that perfume again." He says sternly.

"Why? Can't I get a bit of freedom?!" I exclaim.

"It smells nice that's why I don't want you to touch that stuff. It can attract other guys." He says softly.

I blush badly and look away "What's it to you? ... If I attract other guys." I say nervously.

"I can't stand it when another guy touches you." He tells me.

At first I thought it was a joke ... but how could it be one when he said previously that he isn't the sorta person to joke.

"Say something Elsa ... you're making me sound weird." He says, embarrassed.

"R-right. Ja-ackson you're a perv!" I yell and punch him in the arm.

"Okay now you made it awkward." He says.

I look at my apartment window and I can see Violet on her laptop.

That's right ... Violet!

I need to keep my distance from Jackson.

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