Final Chapter

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Jackson Overland

"Are you sure you want to do this bro?" James asks.

"I must." I respond.

James sighs, "Okay, but lots of people are going to miss you."

I chuckle, "It's not like I am going to die."

"How about Elsa? Does she know?" James asks me.

I shake my head.

"What?! Why?!" James exclaims.

"Because ... I don't want her to know just yet."

Elsa Arendelle

My heart races when I think of my impulsive actions from a week ago.
Whenever I think about the kiss ... I just burn up.

I wonder if Jackson feels the same, I feel like I really fell in love this time.

My phone vibrates on my side table of my bed and I quickly answer it, it seemed that it was Rapunzel calling me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey it's Rapunzel, I want to talk to you." She tells me.

"Uh ... okay. N-now?" I ask startled at her seriousness.

"Can you make it to Cinder Block in 10 minutes?" She asks.

"Sure. I'll see you there."

"Bye." And she hangs up.

I search in my head if there are any matters concerning me and Rapunzel. Hmm ... it must be a friendly talk.

I quickly dress up and hurry to Cinder Block as I could see Rapunzel waiting there.

We greet each other and I sit down.

"So what is it you wanted go talk about?" I ask.

"I wanted to tell a few things that happened in the past," Rapunzel says, "In the past, I liked Jackson."

My eyes immediately widen in alarm.

"Don't worry I already told him my feelings, but it was clear that his eyes were on someone else. I knew that a long time ago." She tells me.

"If you knew Jackson would reject you ... why did you confess anyway?" I ask her.

"Well, you keep pushing on even though you know that you'll lose. And I need to move on." She answers.

I give her a smile, "I admire you. Enduring that all, your strong, unlike me."

"Elsa ..." Rapunzel huffs, "That wasn't strength. Enduring wasn't strength it was pain, true strength was ending the pain."

I stay silent.

"To be happy you need to fade the pain pulling you back, right?" Rapunzel tilts her head and smiles.

"Right." I respond.

The painful past is irrelevant to the present.

"Thank you, Rapunzel." I thank her.

Rapunzel staggers back a bit, suprised.

"W-what for?" She asks, "I was just an obstacle to you."

"Not at all!" I raise my voice a bit then I calm down a bit, "Rapunzel you were the first person to show me true friendship, I didn't even know that existed before I befriended you."

Rapunzel grows a smile on her face, "Thank you. I know you will never hurt Jackson. So I am happy, happy that Jackson fell for the right person." She gets her bag and gives me a farewell smile and leaves Cinder Block.

Right after Rapunzel leaves, Hiccup stands beside me with a towel over his shoulder.

"She won't see her in a long time." Hiccup tells me and I look over to him.

"Why?" I ask him.

"She's studying abroad in England, for quite a while. Rapunzel has kind of been stuck for quite a while she told me this is the push she needs." Hiccup explains.

"That's amazing." I say to him.

"I was expecting you to run after her or something. I know you like saying proper goodbyes." He says and chuckles a bit.

"No need. I said what I needed to say. I think she wants to handle everything by herself now." I say.

Hiccup places his hand on my shoulder and gives me an assuring smile and I return it.

"Hey Elsa, did you hear about Jackson?" Hiccup asks.

"What?! What's happening?" I suddenly panic.

"Ooh ... I thought you knew." Hiccup mutters.

"What is it?!"

"Well it's not right if you hear it out of my mouth." He says.

"Thanks Hiccup, I won't force you. I'll see you later." I say in a rush and hand him the bill and leave Cinder Block.

I rush onto campus and into my apartment. I enter with a bang from the door hitting the wall and I pant badly.

I quickly grab my coat and all the things I need to visit the Frost household.

Vi was lying on her bed reading a textbook, "What's going on?!" Vi shouts.

"Jackson! Apparently something is going on wih him! I need to visit him, because this fear is growing." I panic.

"Elsa, stop." Vi says calmly.

I drop everything I'm holding and face her.

"I'll explain." She simply says.

And she explains what's going on with Jackson.

I can't believe it.

I'm scared. I got so used to Jackson. I am so scared about this change, I am beating myself over it and I am drowning myself in misery over this.

I will have to say goodbye to my Jackson.

I can't believe Jackson tried to hide this from me, but I understand somehow. Violet told Jackson that I knew about this.

I was scared of staying in my room. Because I was scared that there would be a knock on my door.

After a painful week, that I was too afraid to stop. There was a knock on my door and I was by myself. I couldn't get Vi to answer it for me. I collected a breath and opened the door.

But the pain I had was at ease, just by looking at his assuring face. I am ready to let go of Jackson.

The mysterious guy finally became gentle.

The notorious girl finally became kind.

"Goodbye Jackson." I say in the softest, fragile voice. He gives me one last smile and caresses my cheek. He turns around and slowly walks out of my sight.

Jackson filled up that empty hole bored inside of me, he was that missing thing that brought back color into my life, greys were no longer visible. Jackson broke down his wall completely now, and I was immersed in his warmth.

I miss him already.

A few days have past, and there was a knock on my door.

I answer it and my loneliness suddenly faded away. A bright smile grows across my face.

"Welcome back Jack." I say and I swing my arms around his neck and pull him close.

"I'm back." He says with such a bright tone and wraps his arms around my waist.

I was uneasy about Jack changing his name back I was so scared of Jack's change that I couldn't accept his change, I was scared of change. But seeing Jack's face I felt at ease, I know that Jack will always change a bit everyday, same goes with me. But present Jack is present Jack.

And no matter what changes happen tomorrow, I will continuing loving him. Because the more experiences we have from here on, we will become a better person.

Life is cruel. But life gives you lots of opportunities to be happy.

Some people stay in a void.

Some people grow apart.

Some people lose each other.

Some people disappear forever.

But some people ... find their happiness.

But don't worry Frost Family.
He has truly found his.

The End.


The series have officially finished, this concludes everything I will not add another book to this series, this is the absolute end book. But keep this book in your library because I will update this book with bonus stories once in a while.
I am kind of sad and I will miss writing this series, it's been like 3 years I think.

But the end is inevitable, I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

But don't fret, I will be creating a totally new Jelsa fanfic. Add DELIGHTFUL DATA to your library to get notified of my new book deets.

Thank you for reading the book till it's end !! ♥♥♥


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Youtube → IlleFantasy
Twitter (personal lol you will see my face, ah! My identity!) → JenAnastacio

Okay I had to repost this chapter because Wattpad won't let me change the order. The Wattpad App is really apalling if you think about it, as a writer. You have to wait FOREVER for your books to load.

I can make a whole rant but fk it.

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