Hello? It's Me

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I adruptly wake up, I check myself.
I'm in my bed right now ...

No one is here right now. Just me.

Did last night really happen?

... I feel really sluggish, and I have red eyes and a runny nose.

Geez, I caught a cold. Well it makes sense, I was out in the open rain ... I got so immersed in it.

That means ... Jackson is sick too.

I look over to my bedside table and find a note:

Elsa, I have other plans today than being your nurse. You can find medicine for your symptoms on my bed. Take care.

I release a breath of relief, I'm glad Vi isn't my nurse for the day.

I take the medicine and drift off to sleep.

I slowly wake up once more, I see Jackson beside my bed.

"You should be in bed too." I mummble.

"I have a stronger immune system than you, plus I didn't dance in the damn rain like you." Jackson says and chuckles.

"I didn't dance in the rain!" I deny, with a exhausted voice.

"Shut up. You'll strain yourself. I need you alive, Elsa." He says and kisses my on the forehead, I burn up.

I push him away, "You'll catch my cold!" I shout, "Don't get sick for me."

"I don't care. I'll catch your cold." He says and touches my hand, "For some reason ... I always see you resting in a bed."

I smile, "And I always see you close by." I say.

Jackson laughs and gets up and grabs a tablet and a glass of water.

He gives me the tablet and I swallow it down with the water.

"You know what ... this is better. Taking care of you." Jackson says and laughs.

"Why? Because I'm weak?" I ask and pout, looking away from him.

"Yeah ..." He grabs my shoulder and pins me down onto the bed, making me face him. I look up at him in suprise.

"... because I can take advantage of you." He says and smirks and he leans in, my heart beats fast. Jackson pulls away and laughs.

"W-what was that?" I ask in suprise.
"I was playing around," He laughs, "Don't worry ... I won't do that again."

... What was that? I got excited.
I am ashamed of myself.

"I am not a toy." I say and hide under my covers then I see a ray of light.

Jackson lifts up the covers revealing his face, "Elsa, I love you." He says then he sincerely smiles.

Jackson stop taking me by suprise.

My shot.

I quickly kiss him on the cheek, Jackson staggers back and his cheeks flush with red.

I giggle and completely get rid of the covers.

"Not fair." Jackson says, "I want to win. Let's make it odd again."

Jackson leans in and we are suddenly interrupted by someone entering, Violet appears.

... She looks furious.

"Jackson! You are not doing that in here!" She shouts and kicks Jackson's face.

Jackson clutches his face, "Stop assuming!" He yells.

"Elsa! You are dating a pervert!" Violet yells.

"Can people please stop calling me a pervert?!" Jackson pleads.

"It's because people catch you doing things at the wrong place and time." I say.

"Yeah, it should be James." He says.

"... I can't believe you Elsa ... how can you allow him to do that?" Violet looks disappointed.

I blush randomly, he was ... about to kiss me.

"Gross ..." Violet spits.

"We were going to kiss!" Jackson speaks out, blushing, "it was nothing else!"

Violet looks awkward, "Oh? Your first one amongst yourselves?"

"Y-yes ..." I mutter.

She tries to cover it up with a smile, "O-oh ... w-well .... sorry ..." She says then regains her composure, "You could've done better though!"
Violet quickly runs out.

Jackson and I both become confused.

"What did she mean by that?" I ask.

Jackson rolls his eyes, "She meant that the 'meant to be kiss' could have been better."

Like ... more moving?

"But that doesn't matter ... because kissing is an impulse, you can't really help it." Jackson explains.

"Oh so that was an impulse ..." I mutter to myself.

"... It makes sense. This impulse I felt around you, was kissing you." Jackson says.

"Huh? For how long?!" I exclaim.

"Did I say that out loud?!" Jackson jumps up suprised then he settles down, "For a while I guess." He scratches the back of his neck and forces a smile.

"I could've been harassed!" I joke.

"Stop with that already!" He exclaims.

Suddenly someone enters.

... Vi?

No ... Rapunzel.

She looks suprised and forces a smile, "Hello ... I wanted to hang out. But I didn't know Jackson was here too."

"We can still hang out." I say.

"Really?! Well I was thinking of prank calling some people!" Rapunzel says excitedly.

"I'm in!" Jackson says all interested.

Rapunzel gets out her phone and chooses to prank call Eugene.

"Pretend you're a thug." I suggest to Rapunzel.

Eugene answers, "Yo."

Rapunzel puts on a deep voice, "Hello, Mr. Fitzherbert. Where is the money you owe me?!"

We all snicker and we try to hold in our laughter.

... and Rapunzel sounds familiar with that deep voice ... but I can't put my finger on it.

"I swear Mr. Grove I will pay you back as soon as possible." Eugene pleads, "Just give me more time."

... we are all at breaking point.

"No way. I will not extend the time, my men will be over there soon ... to bash your ass." Rapunzel says or 'Mr. Grove'.

"Please, tomorrow I'll get you the five dollars I owe you! Please spare my ass!" Eugene says.

... Five ... Dollars?!

We all can't hold it in, and we all laugh uncontrollably.

"Wait ... this isn't Mr. Grove?" Eugene asks, confused.

"No shit idiot." Jackson says to him.

"Jackson?! Who else is there?!" Eugene yells.

"Elsa and Rapunzel." Jackson tells him.

"Rapunzel ... how could you ...? My cute future girlfriend!" Eugene sobs and hangs up.

"Wait ... what?!" I exclaim.

"I kind of promised to go out with Eugene in the future." Rapunzel says and giggles a bit.

"You never know ... you can date when you'll date though ... it might start dating when you're 80." Jackson says.

"Nup ... I'm not that harsh." Rapunzel says.

"Who should we call next?!" I ask all pumped up.

"James ... he deserves a punishment." Jackson says and smiles evilly.

"I should pretend I'm his ex and I'm pregnant." I suggest.

"No ... way." Jackson argues.

"What? Why?" I look all confused.

"I don't feel comfortable when you do it." He says.

"Don't worry I'll do it." Rapunzel volunteers, "He'll probably recognize your voice, Elsa."

We start calling James.

"Hey." James answers.

"Hey James, this is Gerti." Rapunzel says.

"Sorry, I don't know you."

"It's Gerti ... how could you not remember me ...? We use to date!"

James laughs, "That's probably why I don't remember you."

"Well you better remember me!"

"Why is that ...? Still hung up over me?"

"You wish you idiot!"

"Why did you call me then?"

"I am having your baby!"


James hangs up.

What a pig. Hurts me to say this but ... Typical James.
And everyone is so disgusted in him.

James suddenly calls back, "Sorry for that I needed a moment. Are you sure it's my baby? I haven't did it with anyone."

Now that's news.

"It's probably because you were drunk you sick bastard!" Rapunzel shouts.

"I don't recall drinking in a while. And you just found out you were pregnant now right?"

"Um ... yeah." Rapunzel chokes.

"Eversince I was released from hospital, I haven't taken one drink or did it. If we did it before I was hospitalized, you'd already been having a baby." James explains, "So it's not my baby. I understand you mistakening me for being the father, because I mean- who wouldn't want me as a dad?"

"Argh! He got us!" Jackson yells in frustration.

"Goodbye Gerti." He says and hangs up.

We all look at each other, and laugh again ... uncontrollably.

I live for these days ... Days of fun. Days of joy.

Enjoy yourselves. Because what else matters? We ultimately do things to enjoy ourselves.


YOYOYO omg I want my holidays to come already. Like pls.

Wtf ... my story description disappeared and my settings. For like the hundredth time. Wattpad needs to get their shit together, because I'm done updating my description.

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