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Jackson Overland

Elsa was happy when I started to get friends from the soccer team. So I decided to expand my circle, and I guess get more friends.

Rick and his other friends ... I suddenly befriended.
And other people from my lectures and seminars.

I was chatting with a group, of several girls and guys. They all chat about studying and the professors teaching methods.

I spot Eugene in the corner spying on me like a creep and he approaches me.

"Hey jerk, wanna talk?" He asks.

"If you just want to talk. Fine." I tell him with no emotion and I walk away with him and one of the girls eyes follow me, I look at her and signal I'm okay.

I look at Eugene with an unamused expression.

"You've been getting social lately." He says to me.

"You can say that." I reply.

"I've seen you around. You've been making friends left and right."

"Thank you." I say.

"Be careful who you make friends with." He warns me, "Not everyone wants to be 'just friends'."

"I'm not misleading anyone." I tell him.

"Yeah, but does that matter? There are people who are not true, I run into them a lot." He tells me.

I laugh wryly, "Are you telling me to be friends with you?"

"I'm telling you not to throw your friendship to nearly everyone, or else it's almost certain someone will get hurt." He tells me and takes his leave.

... why is he worrying about me? I thought that idiot hates me.

"I don't care what he thinks anyway .." I mutter.

"Who are you talking about?" A girl and I look down and find a girl with black hair in a braid and with green eyes.

"Heather, right?" I ask and she nods.

She was apart of my lectures, she was always so chatty but I never use to respond. But I guess things have changed.

"Mhmm, and you're Jackson Overland. You never really use to talk to me but I heard you are actually making friends." She tells me.

I nod my head and slightly smile, "I've got a change of heart."

She crosses her arms and smirks, "Oh really? What's with this sudden change?"

"Elsa Arendelle, she changed everything." I say and chuckle from the thought of her.

"Who's she?"

"My girlfriend." I answer.

Heather jumps in suprise. "You have a girlfriend?!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, I do." I respond.

I spot Elsa and a friend of hers walking past.

"There she is," I tell Heather and call out to Elsa, "Elsa!"

She turns around in suprise and walks to us.

"Who's this?" Elsa asks, tilting her head like a puppy.

"Heather." She answers.

"Yeah, I've been making more friends." I tell her, "I think it's for the better."

Elsa smiles at me, but something is different it seems a bit forced.

"That's great Jackson, I'm really happy for you." She tells me, "We better get going. Nice meeting you Heather."

And then they were off.

"She's nice I guess." Heather says to me, "But something was a bit off about her."

I look at Heather, "Yeah, this isn't usually her."

"Odd." She says, "Wanna study together?"

"... yeah, why not?"

And we walk to one of the study rooms together.

Elsa Arendelle

Jackson, is really starting to change and make more friends ... opening himself up.

I'm suppose to be happy ... but I'm not. I drown in my thoughts and roll onto the bed, irritating Vi.

Vi sighs, drops her pen and looks at me, "What's wrong now?" She asks, lifting up one eyebrow.

I sit up on my bed and mess up my hair, "Jackson is finally opening himself up to the public. This is what I wanted all along right? But for some reason, I'm not happy for him." I tell her.

"It's because you fell in love with Jackson when he was all closed up and cold ... and you're scared he'll turn into a completely different person." Vi explains, "But you described the high school Jack, as a warm, playful and open person. Somehow I can't imagine him as completely open and playful, but he's not crazily cold and closed up now. So I guess you will love him even more, when he progresses to be more open."

I smile and light up. Like a whole weight has been lifted ... "You're right." I say, "Thank you Vi, again."

Vi gives me and sincere smile.

"Let's go to the library together, hm?" Vi suggests and I nod.

We collect our books and walk through to the large library. We find a table and finally settle down.

I thought, If Jackson was an locked door, he'd be even better unlocked.

Yes! Be optimistic!

I feel all fluffy now and giddy.

"I'm going to search for a novel." I tell Vi and search for one on the shelves.

I look through the books, I see one on the floor and pick it up,

The Fallen Angel ?

On the cover it has an angel and a demon, for some reason they look so familiar ... I put it back. Gah, I'm so weird.

I explore the library, looking at different books. I look at a book and it's called, Break Zero.

A book about a woman and how she suffers from being too normal, and having such an average life. She seeks for adventure and drama to fill the emptiness in her heart.

This book seems like a good read!

I continue searching, and through the gaps of the books on the shelves, I could spot silver hair ... it must be Jackson.

To confirm it's him I push all of the books in the way of my sight of his face. I could see him, it is Jackson! He's sitting on a beanbag. But he looks weird, why is he talking to himself.

Then that girl I saw earlier leans into my sight.

Why ... is he with her ...?

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