Episode 2 - Episode 5

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Voice and Hollie

Sensi Wu


It was morning now, Hollie was expecting a attack on the tower, she cared little for her brother, she was lucky that her dear uncle thought she actually cared for Llyod, everything is going to plan, she stood on the ground out of her brother's earshot

"Hollie we musssst be careful the general ssseemss to be catching on to our planssss" Scales spoke to the younger girl

"Scales by the the time that the general realises our plans it would be too late, and you can challenge him to the slither pit as planned" Hollie spoke towards Scales

"Good to know we sssssshould go back before more sssssussspicionsssss arisssse, we have more hypnobri on our sssside" Scales spoke as he started to walk with Hollie walking behind

"Good to know our time is near Scales" Hollie spoke towards Scales as they both groaned hearing a voice

"HOLLIE! COME HERE NOW!" it was Llyod being demanding as ever

"I'll see you later Scales when the time is right" Hollie spoke towards Scales as she headed up towards her brother

"What is it brother? That you needed to shout for me" Hollie spoke in a bored expression

"The tree house is nearly completed! We'll have our secret base soon enough!" Llyod spoke doing a terrible evil laugh

"Brother this is ridiculous a tree house so open that it can't be a secret base" Hollie spoke honestly

"No it can be! I'm your older brother, I'm smarter than you by default!" Llyod exclaimed

"And sometimes I wonder if I was ment to be the older sibling" Hollie muttered when the chaos began, the ninja were here attacking, ditching her brother she ran to Scales who seem to be on the page

"RETRIVE THE SSSSSTAFF!" Scales screamed as his followers and Hollie left running to the monastery

"HEY GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!" Llyod and the general exclaimed

As they arrived at the monestry, they were all quick to split up and find the staff, Scales was the one to find the staff,

"Let's burn this place down!" Hollie exclaimed, many hypnobri exclaimed in agreement, they started to burn the monastery down

- Time Skip -

They were in the cold tundra again walking, back to hypnobri cave

"Give me back my sssstaff Ssssssscalesss now" the general demand

"No!" Scales exclaimed, Hollie was smirking everything was going according to plan


"I challenge you to the sssslither pit!" Scales exclaimed, Hollie fully deciding to show her alliance with Scales, stood by him smirking

Llyod looked like a fish out of water by the exclamations

"I accept" the general said, feeling the pressure of his tride on him

-Time Skip - Slither Pit -

Hollie was sat next to the overseer of the match, afterall building her rep up with the hypnobri whilst her stay, she knows Llyod will be kicked out, considering he was tied up unlike Hollie herself who is free

"Let the sssslither pit begin!" The referee exclaimed

"Hey what's your name? I don't believe we have spoken yet" Hollie spoke, asking the referee

"Well my name isss Mezmo, I am in charge of every sssslither pit there hassss been" Mezmo spoke

"Well I'm Hollie, I'm sorry about how stupid my brother is he thinks candy is the key to rule the world" Hollie introduced herself

"He issss a fool, at leassssst you undersssstand" Mezmo agreed

"Yes one of us actually got the evil smarts" Hollie said

"He knowssss sssnake Quan dou!" (A/N I don't know how to spell that, so that's the best your gonna get) the hypnobri exclaimed, after that Scales won easily

"General! Get up! Do something!" Llyod exclaimed

Jumping down from where she was, as Scales was given the staff

"Dear brother your time here has expired now, so leave" Hollie spoke standing next to Scales confidently

"No! If I go! You have to come with me! I'm your older brother!" Llyod exclaimed

"Leave and never return!" Scales spoke sternly, what seemed to scare her older brother off, before that Hollie chucked Llyod's bag to him, he caught it and ran

"I'LL GET MY REVENGE" Llyod exclaimed as he ran away

"Foolisssh/Foolish" Scales and Hollie spoke at the same time

"Probably heading to open another sperhantine tomb, I'm going to go meditate now that we have no annoyance" Hollie spoke

"You will join the celebration afterwardssss correct?" Scales spoke

"Of course I will, Scales" Hollie replied, Scales nodded, and Hollie walked away to an empty room

Uncle Wu, are you there?

Hollie it is a surprise that you decied to talk

Llyod has been kicked out of the hypnobri tribe, I did not leave, of you want atleast one of us, you can probably get Llyod

Why are telling me this?

Easy he will probably end up with you all anyways

Hollie, what is the veamon child?

I'm not entirely sure, Voice just tells me what she approves of me knowing for now

Who is Voice?

Why should I tell you? And just know Llyod might open another Serpentine tomb

I still do not understand why you are telling me this

Easy Llyod has a good heart, he can walk the path of good however I cannot goodbye Uncle


She ended the connection even if she winced, she knew the truth, Llyod was destined for good and she was destined for evil or atleast the shadows, deciding to get up she joined back into the massive room where hypnobri were celebrating, Hollie walked to Scales and bowed in respect

"Congrats on your new role, General Scales"
Hollie spoke rising again

"Thank you Hollie" Scales spoke "and if I am correct you are the veamon child?"

That caused silence within the room as they waited for the child's answer

Tell them child, you are the veamon child

"Yes. Yes I am the veamon child" Hollie spoke, confirming the statement Scales spoke

"We have the veamon child amongst us! We will be lead to glory!" One of the Serpentine yelled after that everyone cheered, Hollie felt a rush of heat rising to her cheeks, she didn't expect the cheers after her own title was revealed

- Time Skip -

Us hypnobri walked out of our tribe to see the fangpirers marching to us and they have Llyod

"Sssscalessss? Your in charge now?" The general of the fangpires exclaimed

"Yessss I am, and we have the veamon child with ussss!" Scales exclaimed as he put a fatherly hand on Hollie's shoulder

"What?!? Why aren't you fighting eachother!" Llyod exclaimed frustrated

"Well if the old general wasss in charge we would of attacked, but we are friendsss with Ssscaless" the fangpire generals spoke, was it techinally 2 generals? Hollie wasn't sure and she didn't want to offend the fangpire generals

"If it wasssss the constrictai or the venomari and god forbid the anacondrai that would have been a totally different matter all together" Scales spoke, the fangpire generals both nodded in agreement

"What sssshall we do with the boy?" One of head on the fangpire general spoke "we could have him hypnotised to be entertainment" another head suggests

"No that would be a wasssste, we don't need him he can run along now" Scales spoke

In a fit of rage, Llyod left running away, Hollie felt a pang in her heart, why was she sad her brother ran away? Wasn't she just gald to have him banished from the hypnobri? Why does she feel guilty now? She's meant to be evil, not worried for her brother. Yep she's blaming Uncle Wu for this, it's his fault she started to gain empathy, she doesn't like it one bit, maybe she should stop talking to Uncle Wu as much.

She felt a tug in her mind, Uncle Wu was trying to reach her

"I'm going to meditate" Hollie told Scales, yes she was only answering because she wanted answers not because she started to care, nope not at all, entering the same small room again as both tribes talked

Hollie are you answering?

Yes I am, just had to walk away for silence, by the way if you don't know Llyod realsed the fangpires

I know, there was an attack on Jay's parents junk yard

Oh? Is that the blue idiot? And before you give me a lecture, I don't know their names, the only ones I know are actually Cole and Zane because I heard their names in the fight

Yes, the blue one is Jay and the one in red is Kai

Okay good to know so hothead, sparky, earthy and ice

You could just feel the mental facepalm Wu did

And Hollie no one can be destined for one path all their life, it can change from evil to good

Hollie didn't reply until a moment later

Or good to evil, it works both ways and there is a high chance of no redemption for me

You are a child Hollie, you are not destined for one path, do not think that you cannot change for the better

Uncle Wu, there maybe a chance your right, but there is a pull for me towards somewhere, the Serpentine will probably release them

Wait the veamon child, means you have the same veamon as your father?!?
Wu exclaimed shocked that Hollie gave him a hint to figure it out

Yes, but unlike my father the veamon cannot be removed, it is in my genetics so therefore I cannot change

You can change Hollie, you are a child nothing is set in stone

I blame you for giving me empathy, Llyod had been kicked out by the fangpires and the hypnobri and now I feel bad, I blame you Uncle Wu

You could hear Wu chuckle

That was all you Hollie, not me

Tch. I have to go now, I'm being summoned by Scales, yes old man we have to go

Wait Hollie wher-

Hollie cut off the connection swiftly, opening her eye to see Scales and the fangpire general standing there

"Hello, generals, I am Hollie" Hollie spoke as she stood up, introducing herself to the fangpire general

"Hello veamon child, I am Fangtom" the fangpire greeted back

The three started to talk

- Time Skip - 3 weeks later -

It was late in the evening when a weird letter had arrived, Hollie and Scales became closer like a father and daughter duo, Hollie gained the habit of extending her 's'

'To the fangpires & hypnobri

I invite you to join my alliance, to rise the great devourer and get our revenge on Ninjago

- Pythor the anacondrai general'

Scales had read the letter with Fangtom the fangpire's leader, Hollie was then called over to see the letter, afterall they didn't leave the hypnobri tomb since joining forces, just living peacefully

Tell them to join pythor, release the great devourer

"Well it would make sssenssse to join them rather than have them force our hand" Hollie pointed out

"Good point, however they do not know where we are"

"Yess but we ssshould make sssure on what this Pythor will sssay to convince usss" Hollie spoke, yawning tired from another nightmare

"Nightmare?" Scales asked, Hollie replied by nodding deciding to sit down

-Time Skip- 2 hours later-

Hollie seemed to off fell asleep, she was only just waking up, it seemed that she woke up whilst the hypnobri and fangpires arriving into the meeting place, she just buried her head further wanting to sleep, fully knowing who would be carrying her

"Ah are you awake now Hollie?" Scales asked

"Wissshed I sssslept longer" was all Hollie replied

"We have arrived, all we need to do is find Pythor and have this meeting go and maybe it will sssucceed" Scales spoke

"Ah! If it isn't the hypnobri and the fangpiressss! Welcome to the Ssssserpentine meeting! And who issss that with you Ssscaless?" Pythor exclaimed as he leaded the two tribes to the area

"Thisssss issss the veamon child, Hollie" Scales introduced Hollie, seeing that Hollie was in no mood to talk

"The veamon child! I thought it would have been one of us!" Pythor exclaimed

Hollie don't know how much time has passed, it was during Pythor's speech when the ninja arrived and caused chaos.

She felt someone tug at her arm she looked up to see a pink ninja, when the fuck was there a pink ninja?!?!

"When wasss there a pink ninja? Who the fuck are you?" Hollie exclaimed

"You need to come with me, Master Wu is worried about you" she recognised the voice, it was the white one, Zane

"No! Fuck off!" Hollie exclaimed kicking the pinky thing "ow! What are you metal?!?!" She exclaimed holding her foot, Zane was easily able to pick her up

"SSSSCALES! SSSSSCALES!" Hollie kept shouting as she tried to get out of Zane's hold

"Shhh. We are saving you" Zane said

"From what? Taking me away from people I grew close to!" Hollie exclaimed as Scales made his way over

"Give the child back right now" Scales spoke, it was clear he was angry

"No" was all Zane spoke, and he ran still holding Hollie who was resisting as she tried to escape

"HOLLIE" was the last words she heard scream from Scales as he tried to get her back as the ninja escaped

She just stayed quite, she didn't want to talk as she curled in on herself, she didn't know where they were taking her, and that scared her to be honest, Voice hasn't talked to her for days, it scared her, Voice was always there for her and she didn't know what to do.

"Hey kid the names Kai, you okay?" It was the red ninja, he had his hood down and looked friendly

"Hollie" she responded "and why would I be? You all took me from my friendssss"

Kai sighed as he knelt down infront of Holie "look sometimes not everyone is good, and sometimes not everyone is bad, shit how am I ment to say this? Fuck! Don't repeat any of these swear words okay, sensi will kill me" he didn't expect to get a laugh out of Hollie

"Oh I already know them, I did go to the school for bad boyssss, it was Llyod who dragged me out of the sssschool" Hollie spoke "he wasssas all like 'you have to come with me I'm the older ssssibling by that I'm more mature'" she spoke doing a poor but hilarious imitation of Llyod, it got a smile out of Kai

"Master Wu has been worried about you ya know? So atleast you will have Wu" Kai spoke, Hollie nodded as the ninja and her arrived to a floating boat

"What the fuck!?! How issss it even flying?" Hollie was so fucking confused

"Not sure either, anyways we are here, so come on" Kai said as he started to aboard the Destiney Bounty, Hollie followed, as the other ninja went aboard.

That was when Llyod, a strange lady with short black hair and Wu came outside

"Sis! Your here, I thought you were still stuck with the Serpentine" Llyod exclaimed as he approached Hollie

"I'd rather be there than here" Hollie replied but they could all hear her mumble "but it'ssss good to ssasee your doing okay"

"Hollien" Wu said

"Uncle" Hollie replied back

"I believe we need to talk about your time at Darkleys" Wu spoke

"I'm sssssurprised Llyod didn't tell you yet" Hollie replied with sarcasm

"Hey! Even of you hospitalised people! Doesn't mean I would snitch on you" Llyod exclaimed

"And you just did" Hollie replied back to Llyod

"Hospitalised people?" Wu questioned, seriously wondering what the fuck happened

"What people were ssssexist little bitchessss so I thaught them a lesson and I might of hosssspitalised ssssome of them for being mean to Llyod" Hollie replied bluntly "anywayssss I believe this converssssation is a bit more of a family talk, isn't it?"

"Lanhuage Hollie and yes, Hollie follow me, Llyod you aswell" Wu spoke as he took both Llyod and Hollie to his meditation room

"What the fuck?!" Cole spoke out loud wondering why a child did that

As the three of them sat down in Wu's meditation room, Wu decied to break the silence

"So what happened at Darkleys" Wu asked

Llyod looked nervous "well Llyod was bullied by people at Darkleyssss, and I worked my way to the top of the food chain, being a girl at an all boys school put more challengesssss on me to prove myssself, they thought I was weak and ssssoft, I proved them wrong"

"But that didn't mean you had to hurt everyone that went against you! You literally poisoned a teacher, somehow getting your hand on a deadly poisen and killed him for something, and you never told me what happened" Llyod said

"Let'ssss jusssst ssssay it wassss in sssself defence.... I don't wanna talk about that one" Hollie said "it'ssss why I don't like to have physical contact with people I don't want to like hugssss, and that"

Wu seemed to be trying to figure out what she meant

"And anywaysssss that teacher was hitting other sssstudentssss ssso he got what he desssserved Llyod" Hollie said

"I know but still isn't that a bit extreme" Llyod said

"No. It's just all you lot being fussssssy, people do what they do to sssssurvive and it wasn't like we had a right to lock the Ssssserpentine away, there could have been a peace treaty, one sssside of Ninjago could have been there'ssss and the other ussss humanssss" Hollie spoke

"My father, both of yours grandfather tried that himself but it did not work" Wu spoke (A/N: hmmm I wonder why 🤔)

"Oh ssso when was this? I swear Ssscales sssaid sssomething about it" Hollie spoke as she rattled her brain to remember

"Why are you extending your 's' sis? Your not serphentine" Llyod spoke bluntly

"Well you sssssee I sssspent alot more time around them and there culture I didn't even realisssse I did extend my 'ssss' ssso deal with it" Hollie replied being honest

"Llyod you can go now" Wu spoke to Llyod who seemed restless

"Alright, bye" Llyod said leaving quickly like he wanted to do something

Once Wu checked no one was listening he asked "who is Voice?"

"No one of importance they haven't talked to me in abit" worry was present in Hollie's voice as it was clear as she looked down

"They are probably fine don't worry" Wu said as he sat back down

"We usually talk every day, they help me, help me keep track of everything, they stop me when I... and I-I'm not worried!" Hollie tried to cover her worry up

Wu sighed knowing that it wouldn't be best to push further "let's go to the kitchen, we can talk later"

"Okay" Hollie replied, not realising that it was still clear that she hadn't slept well

Hollie followed Wu to the kitchen only to see toy snakes launching out of the fridge to the black ninja, Cole if she believes

She can't help but let a giggle escape from her mouth as she watched the scene, she didn't notice on how Wu smiled gently at her in an uncle kind of way, he just hopes that he can prove Hollie wrong, however none saw the worried look on Hollie's face for a split second as she thought

Voice where are you? Your scaring me.....

To be Continued ............

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