Chapter 1

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Four months later after Karlheinz took them, the four were happy with their new home as Karl showered them with love and care.

It is a lovely morning today where everyone is living happily in peace. While in the living room, the ravenette girl, Blake, is chilling on the couch listening to Bring Me To Life by Evanescence. Then Hideo creep up from the couch with a sly smirk as he carefully grab a bucket of orange juice and pour down on Blake.

"Holy fuck!!" She shout as she woken up from her slumber, she rises up from the couch and glared at the mischievous brunette.

"Damnit Hideo! I was taking a nap!" She scold at him while Hideo is laughing his ass off.

"Hahaha oh my god! That was hilarious! Haha!"

"Oh shut up!" She growls at him as she glance at her iPod where it is complete soaked and damaged.

"Ugh great, now I have to buy another iPod because of you!" She yells at him, but Hideo shrugs his shoulders with a nonchalant grin.

"Well the joke's on you Blake, cuz you just got pranked by the devil himself!" He exclaims with a huge grin as Blake roll her eyes at him.

"Whatever, I'm going back to the bathroom to wash this juice off of me." She grumbles and left the living room as she stomps her way to the bathroom leaving Hideo behind to chuckle at her reaction.

"Pfft A+ for the prank master!" He snickers.

"Geez you're so noisy...."

Just then Hideo spun his head to see the grouchy blonde boy with emerald eyes wearing a pale blue t shirt that says "don't wake me up" and green shorts leaning against the wall.

"Oh hey Kenta! Sleep well?" He asked cheerfully.

"I was until I heard someone screaming." He coldly stated while rubbing his left eye.

"Oh really? That sounds terrifying." He lied with an innocent smile, but Kenta isn't buying his act.

"Cut the shit Hideo, you pranked Blake didn't you?" He asked skeptically.

"Maaaaybeeee.~" He replied while still acting innocent as Kenta pinches the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Why do you go out of the way to be annoying?" He asked.

"Because I'm awesome!" He exclaims with a cheery smile which the bespectacled blonde groans with obvious annoyance.

"What is going on here?"

The raven haired male with red eyes named Cyrus demanded as the two boys spun their heads at him. He is wearing a black long sleeved shirt and blue shorts while he looking at them with a stern expression.

"Hideo was pranking on Blake." Kenta bluntly explained as Cyrus shift his eyes at the couch where it is completely soaked and it's all over the white carpet. The stern ravenette sighed.

"You and your antics Hideo."

"You're welcome!" He sarcastically replied with an innocent cheery smile.

"Good morning three." Karlheinz greeted them as they turn to him.

"Good morning Karlheinz." Cyrus greeted.

"Hey." Kenta softly greeted back.

"Sup Karl!" Hideo grin cheerfully at him.

"I assumed you all sleep well yesterday, am I correct?" He asked politely with Cyrus nod at him.

"We did sir, thank you for the hospitality." He politely praised him.

"Yeah, you have such a luxurious home Karl!"
Hideo exclaimed as he chuckled softly.

"I appreciate your gratitude, but where's Blake?"
He asked.

"Oh yeah hehe Blake's in the bathroom after the whole "orange juice" incident." He stated with a slight smirk.

"Ah yes no wonder why the couch is covered in juice." He stated understandably.

"Please forgive his idiotic antics sir, he's such a belligerent man." Cyrus apologizes as he bows his head to him.

"Hehe no need to apologized, I'll have the housemaids to clean up the mess while you're gone."
He assured them.

"I'm sorry?" Cyrus asked perplexingly with Hideo and Kenta got confused as well. Then Blake got back to the living room while drying her hair with a blue towel.

"Hm? Oh hey guys, what's up?"

"Ah Blake there you are, I was just about to tell you guys very important." He politely assured them.

"Like what?" Hideo asked.

"Simple really, you're all moving to my sons' house."
He informed as all four widen their eyes, Blake and Hideo screamed.


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