[Vol. 2] Chapter 44

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My lips tingle and words wouldn't come out as if they got stuck somewhere in my throat. We may never have had a proper wedding, but it didn't matter as long as Arashi was with me. 

The vows he took made the butterflies in my stomach flutter hard and I was beyond happy. It felt magical how his words were enough for me. I was about to say something, "I—"

"Brother Arashi..." A voice called breaking our moment as we looked at the source and saw Prince Takashi was coming our way. 

I stepped back immediately, my heart thumping loudly and my ears ringing. My breathing increased rapidly as I realized what I was about to say. 

"I have sent the letter to my father. I think, in two days, we might have to go to the palace." He said then his eyes fell on both of us. He must have sensed there was something off about us. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked, raising a brow.

I shook my head frantically as Arashi coughed and said, "No, you are not." 

Arashi turned toward him and said, "Well, then we have to go prepare I suppose. It would take one day to reach us in the capital."

Prince Takashi nodded. "I will be going back today. How about you join me?"

"We can't. We have to go back to Mr Inoue's abode to take our luggages besides, the spring festival is going on in the capital, isn't it?"

Prince Takashi nodded. "Yes."

"I have a plan to visit the festival in the meantime. I think it is a perfect opportunity while we have a day before we meet the emperor," he said thoughtfully.

Prince Takashi's eyes moved between Arashi and me as a smile crawled up on his face and he said in agreement, "Yes. Please do visit it with your wife. And I would suggest you visit the Kosaki Shrine since a lot of couples all over Kosaki go there for blessings to have a child."

My face heated more than it was already burnt. Arashi nodded stiffly. "I see. Then we will visit the shrine too."

I snapped my head to Arashi as Prince Takashi gave a knowing smile and before leaving us, he said, "I would arrange everything before you arrive. Excuse me for leaving."

Arashi nodded and Prince Takashi left and we were once again alone. I pursed my lips and tried to think what could I say now. But my mind failed to work as it became dumb whenever Arashi was near. 

He turned around and said, "I have told everything to Prince Takashi and he said he would help."

I looked up and asked, "Was he the person you have mentioned who would help you?"

He shook his head. "No." He scratched his chin and said, "Well, I had another person I thought could help me but it would have taken a long week from now on. We were fortunate to meet Prince Takashi since he can arrange the meeting in a few days."

I nodded. "Then we should not miss this opportunity."

He smiled, making me rigid again and I recalled I haven't given my vows to him yet. My cheeks heated. I was about to say when people started to come into the hall again. The ending ritual must have been finished already as my sisters and their husbands joined us. 

"Bianka, where were you? You just missed the last ritual." Hayami said, "Let's go have some lunch. I am hungry."

And she dragged me and Chinami away while Arashi stayed with their husbands. 

I saw the bride had changed into another deep red kimono and it looked expensive and beautiful. Apparently, Hayami was right. The bride had to change almost four times and the last two kimonos were presented by Brother Hachiko. Even though she smiled with elegance, she looked exhausted in the heavy dresses and I felt bad for her. 

The ceremony ended as the guests received small gifts and uncle Choujiro and brother Hachiko came to see us off at the entrance. Although he looked happy while he was my father, or with the son-in-laws, he wasn't giving me any attention. Not that I was expecting it.

In the carriage, I sat beside Chinami while Arashi and Mr Dateko sat side by side, conversing on the political agenda. After a long day of the ceremony, I felt tired and leaned behind against the wood. The wind came delicately through the windows as I closed my eyes.

I didn't know when I dozed off. When I opened my eyes I saw we reached home.

Arashi helped me to come down from the carriage as he said, "Go, straight to room. You look tired."

"Are you going somewhere?" 

"I will let your father know about our early departure," he answered as I nodded. We were leaving tomorrow, so it would be best to tell him now rather than later.

As I was heading toward the house, I heard Arashi saying to my father about us going to the spring festival and I felt somehow my father's face got a frown as he asked him, "Are you going to the capital?"

Arashi nodded.

The frown vanished as soon as it came and he gave a nervous smile while saying, "Why don't we have a little conversation, Mr Yuan?"

My brows crooked a little as it felt like father wanted to say something so badly. There was impatience in his eyes.

They both went to father's chamber as the others went to their respective rooms. I was crossing his room when I heard my father saying, "Oh! That is a good decision. I am certain, Bianka will love that. Since I couldn't take her anywhere."

I halted. He felt genuinely guilty which I couldn't believe in my ears. He never took me anywhere like a fair or any kinds of festivals. Why was he feeling guilty now?

"But I have a request if you would mind considering it, Mr Yuan." My father said, his voice grim and it perked my ears. "As her father, I wouldn't wish any bad thing for her."

"Of course. Please, tell me if you have any doubts or hesitation in you. As her husband, I'd never want that either." Arashi said as blush crawled on my cheeks.

I heard my father taking a deep breath as if he was released from a burden. "I heard you are meeting the emperor." 

A gasp was about to leave my mouth but I held it. He knew? Of course, he'd know. He may have retired but he still had a little influence over the military. 

Father continued, "I don't know what your reason is and I wouldn't pry in your agenda but don't take Bianka with you while you meet him." His voice felt deep and serious and my brows knitted on my forehead.

There was a moment of silence as both Arashi and father didn't say anything.

Did he not want me to be happy? He had always restricted me and I had no idea why. My face fell. 

What did he mean by that? Why couldn't I meet the emperor? I had always wanted to meet him.

For a whole minute, neither Arashi nor father said anything. Then I heard a deep exhale and Arashi said, "I understand."

"It must be my selfish reasons to put you through this but I am glad that you married her despite you not wanting to, Mr Yuan." 

My heart clenched. So father made him marry me forcibly. I wanted to laugh as I knew I was more like a burden to father and he made him marry. I felt bad for Arashi as he didn't want to marry me. No wonder, he was so good looking yet had no lover or a wife. But how did father manage to make him agree to marry me?

I didn't want to hear any more of their conversation because I felt if I heard more, I'd come to know things I didn't want to know. And I was more scared of hearing Arashi say that I was a burden for him as well. But he promised me today, didn't he?

There was a dull ache in my heart as I clenched my chest with my palms. I didn't want to be a burden to Arashi. 

I was about to go away when my father stated, "If I say it correctly, I wanted someone who would take her far away from here and you seemed to be the best man." 

"I am honored that you think so." Arashi said.

"Well, you are far better than me. I failed at my job and for this and I am certain, Bianka must hate me." He said, making a frown on my face. What was he saying? 

Was he genuinely sorry for that? Either ways, I didn't hate him. Yes, I had always wanted him to acknowledge me but I had never hated him. I was just...sad. 

"No, Mr Inoue. Sometimes, to protect something or someone, you have to play the bad person." Arashi said.

A tired chuckle came from my father's mouth. He seemed pleased at Arashi as he said, "Yes, that is true. After your meeting with the emperor, I suggest you not come back here with Bianka."

My heart hammered in my chest. What did he mean by that? Never come back?

"I understand. I had no plans to come but some things came and I had to." 

"I see... Then if you want, I can send some of my men with you for protection. You seemed to have no one around you." 

"Please, don't worry about it, Mr Inoue. I will be fine and I can assure you..." He paused for a moment probably to arrange his words then he said, "I can promise you, I would never let anyone harm Bianka." 

"I will believe your words, Mr Yuan."

I heard them bowing to each other as I dashed away from the room, I didn't want them to know that I was eavesdropping. The only thing I was good at.


|Author's Note|

Hey min'na!

I wanted to let you know why I chose Hachiko as Bianka's cousin brother.

Because, I was watching the movie Hachiko that day and I was sad and crying. Then I felt lazy to find good names and ended up giving Hachiko instead. I had plans to give another name but I felt a bit sleepy that day...and Ta-da!


Although I always look out for meaningful names and take name which resembles the characters, I didn't do it for Hachiko. Hachiko was a good dog!!! But Brother Hachiko is not!!!! And I can't change now.  ('~')

Anyways, stay healthy and I think my cold is good today. (^∆^)

From yesterday's question:
Thank you LyWoo9 for answering it xD you are absolutely right. XD

12th June, 22

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