[Vol. 2] Chapter 50

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Bianka's POV

I was startled as Arashi gave me a kiss before leaving. And I stayed seated on the bed as a frozen statue for a while.

And my cheeks got blush as I touched my lips. It still had his warmth touch.

I finished eating and stayed inside of the room as I heard people walking and chatting outside. I went to the window and saw the crowd was the same as before. I wanted to visit the cherry blossom again but I didn't know the routes so I might get lost.

It was almost afternoon and Arashi hadn't come yet. I felt a little lonely as I strolled inside the room.

I thought while he hadn't come why don't I go outside? I wouldn't go far since I didn't know the way back.

Deciding it, I stood up from the bed and reached the door.

I slowly opened it and peeked outside. My heart thumped loudly because it was an unknown place and I had never went outside alone.

Gathering courage, I slowly went downstairs while my eyes moved everywhere possibly to find Arashi. It seemed he might come late.

I went outside and looked everywhere. The people were having their supper, some were chatting among themselves and I walked toward the cherry tree ground where everyone sat with their families or partners. The place wasn't far so I started to go toward it but I felt someone was watching me.

I looked back but there wasn't anyone whose eyes were on me. Everyone pretty much was busy in themselves.

I started to walk again but I collided with someone. As I was about to fall, the person held my hands. "I apologize, I didn't see you." He said with a thick manly voice as I looked up.

He was a tall man wearing armor and had a sword. The golden crest on his chest said he was a Kosaki soldier yet he gave off a strong vibe. His eyes fell on my face and there was a frown on his face.

"It is okay. I was the one who wasn't careful." I said.

He gave a tight lipped smile and asked, "Have we met before?"

I shook my head since I had never seen him before. He nodded and stated, "Where's my manners? I am Prince Hideyoshi, crown Prince of Kosaki."

A gasp left my mouth and then I realized his men were all around the place, their eyes were on him, making sure he was safe. If he was the crown Prince that meant Prince Takashi was his brother.

"I apologize, Prince Hideyoshi. I was-" I was about to say something but he shook his head and said, "It is alright. Are you here alone?"

"No. I was waiting for my husband. He will be coming in a moment." I said.

He nodded. "I see."

"Are you related to Prince Takashi?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, he is my little brother."

"I assumed so. I met him in the Inoue marriage ceremony." I informed as he portrayed a surprised look on his face.

"Oh. Are you familiar with the Inoues?"

"Yes, I was an Inoue before I got married," I informed.

"If you don't mind asking me, what is your name?"

"Bianka Yuan."

"That must be your husband's surname."

I nodded with a smile as he added, "What is his name?"

"Arashi Yuan."

He was a bit silent as he heard the name and I thought maybe he knew him as well? It could be as a physician or a warrior since Prince Takashi knew him as well. "Prince Takashi knows him. I think you know him as well," I said my thoughts as he tried to remember.

He shook his head. "I apologize, unfortunately, I don't recall anyone with that name..." He said scratching his sharp chin then he added with a smile, "Well, the Arashi I know of isn't really an unforgettable person."

"Then maybe that is my husband?"

He chuckled and said, "Oh no! If it is that person, I'd have to kill him instantly since he killed many of our young soldiers..."

His voice sounded bitter as if he didn't like the person whoever he had mentioned. But Arashi wasn't the one who would do that so I smiled at his statement and said, "Well, it is nice to meet with you, Prince Hideyoshi. I may have to go back now."

He nodded. "Of course."

And I left immediately as my belly tumbled. He wasn't talking about the Arashi I knew, was he? There could be many people with that name.

I was walking toward the inn and saw a carriage coming rushing toward it. And from the carriage, Arashi came out. Our eyes met and he came to me with two long strides, his eyes had darkened and he seemed like the meeting with the emperor didn't go well.

My heart thumped loudly. Did the emperor refuse it?

"What happened?" I asked, "Did the meeting go well?"

"What are you doing here, outside?" He asked, ignoring my question and I looked at him with a guilty expression.

"I just thought about going outside for a short stroll?" I said and his face portrayed a grim expression which scared me.

He held my hand and dragged me toward the inn and said, "We need to go back."

As I tried to follow his long steps—which was hard since he was taller than me and my yukata tangled with my feet—I asked gulping, "Did the meeting go well?"

"Yes. The treaty has been done." We reached our room and as soon as we entered, he started to pack all the luggages. I only watched him as he looked so troubled and there was something telling me that he was scared of something.

"Um... Arashi?"

He almost packed everything and I called him again, "Arashi...?"

Finally, he looked at me as if I snapped him out of his stance.

"What happened?" I asked. "You are scaring me."

He looked at me for a moment and took a deep breath. It calmed him down as he said, "I apologize. I am just..."

He didn't finish his sentence and looked at me as if telling me to follow him for now. He seemed like he was perplexed and I said with a smile, "Okay, let's go back then we'll talk."

A small tired smile crept on his lips as he nodded and said, "Thank you."

20th June, 22

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