[Vol. 3] Chapter 54

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It took quite a while for Arashi to calm down and when he did he took a moment to gather his thoughts. He said, "It all started long before the war."

I looked at him and wondered what he meant by that. Long before the war? How long?

"I had been training under Lord An Hao in the Himalayas. My father, who was a crown prince at that time and would have been the next emperor, sent me with his trusted man, Hiroto and his son, Hiroshi."

He pointed outside and said, "The man who was standing beside me was Hiroshi. He now serves me."

I nodded. No wonder he looked so confident when they stood side by side as if they were brothers.

He thought for a moment and said, "To know everything, you first have to know our history and all of our origin."

I asked, "Does this have anything to do with the last war or the situation we are currently in?"

He nodded. "Yes, but you wouldn't understand unless you know our history: The Wansai and its rulers' History and you will know how the village, Godoyama, is connected to it."

I nodded. I had a bad feeling about it and I felt an unusual feeling stirring inside my belly. My instinct was howling as if telling me what I was about to hear could be confidential information. Which a normal woman such as myself, shouldn't know. However, I was curious and more than that I wanted to know why Arashi was leading this unusual army? The Kuro soldiers. They seemed unusually strong and perfect.

"At first, there were only two kingdoms. Ryuukai and Yozogaya. Both were strong in their culture and power. But they were greedy for more thus both of the nations always got into wars and disputes."

"That way a lot of people died and no matter how many citizens had to sacrifice their lives, the wars kept going. It continued for more than ten to twenty years until some people got fed up with their rulers." He added, "Then the Ryuukai Prince came into power but he didn't want the wars to keep happening so he offered a peace settlement for both of the kingdoms. However, some people weren't happy with it and they kept doing bad deeds under the shadows. Such as: slaughtering, raping and capturing so the Ryuukai Prince and the Yozogawa Empress decided to throw away each and everyone who only wanted fight and these unstoppable cruelty on innocent people."

"So, they threw them?" I asked. Well, if I were them, I would have done the same. They were harming people for their blood lust and it was cruel.

Arashi nodded. "Both of them threw them away from their kingdoms but they were a large number of people. They went rebellious and soon took one side of both kingdoms. Which they ruled later. It was called Koshiyama." Arashi looked at me and said, "Now it is called Kosaki."

I looked at him with wide eyes. Kosaki was formed with both Wansai and Yokoto people? But the cruel of them all used to rule! I had never heard of it since all of us were taught Kosaki was an ancient kingdom and it had been here for more than a hundred years. "Then Ryuukai and Yokozawa are-"

Arashi finished my sentence. "Wansai and Yokoto."

"But what does this have to do with Godoyama?" I still didn't get it.

"Godoyama was in Koshiyama but the people were too into rebels and bad deeds. Even if they captured a large area they didn't stop. They started to attack both sides of the two other kingdoms and started to loot, sometimes even capturing people for slaves or slave trading. They started a whole racket of this and killed many. Godoyama was their capital for doing wrong deeds."

He looked at me and said, "I didn't lie to you when I said the mountains had so many dead bodies in its womb. From children to olders, men to women, if you dig deeper, you will find thousands of their bodies still sleeping and crying to be free."

A shiver ran down my spine when I recalled him saying the first night I arrived with Arashi in the home. I almost felt like fainting because we were literally living on top of them. I felt bad and heartbroken for those who had to die for other people's bloodlust.

Seeing my pale face, Arashi said, "The shrines on the top of each mountain are to make their souls rest in peace. It was Hina's family who had been praying for them for over two hundred years."

My eyes watered and I felt that Hina was doing a noble work. At least the people who died there could finally rest in peace. I had never known about any of this. No one from Kosaki knew it either. Our history contained mostly the royal lineage of Kosaki and its great deeds over a hundred years.

"I-I didn't know that..." I said in a weak voice as I shivered. Our carriage was still running with a pace and a sudden gust of wind ran over us, making me scared. I held Arashi tightly and he let me lean against him, covering my shivering body with his large arms.

Arashi released a sigh. "Because our ancestors never truly revealed anything. They simply left behind some books but they never made it public."

"That's cruel. People should know it." I said.

He shook his head. "You can't. First, they won't believe, second, the morals in them would be messed up. The beliefs they had been fed over a hundred years, they wouldn't let go of it thus it would become a chaotic situation."

My head slumped down and I realized he was right. They wouldn't want to believe it.

"What happened after that?" I asked, urging him to continue the story even though my stomach churned with the cruel and dark history of our ancestors.

"So, The Empress of Yokozawa was very old and as both her husband and son had died, people weren't much into obeying her orders. Thus, she adopted a son who became the emperor." Arashi continued, "The emperor and the Ryuukai Prince-now the emperor of Ryuukai- attacked the village Godoyama since it had the most perfect position and managed to capture it."

However, because it had a good position and five mountains, whoever took it would have been in a great advantage. So, they formed a treaty to never touch that village ever again." Arashi mumbled, "But maybe they didn't want the village because it had too much darkness and so many sacrifices. Maybe, they felt it was better to leave it."

It could be.

Arashi began, "Koshiyama never agreed to this, of course but they had no power to take it under their wings again so they let it aside."

I nodded, thinking they finally let it go.

"Until the treaty reaches its ending years..." Arashi hung his words.

I snapped my head at him. "What do you mean?"

Arashi tilted his head down to reach my eyes and said, "The treaty was for 150 years and it had ended just two years before the war happened between Kosaki and Wansai."

My body stiffened. What?

"So... This whole war happened-" My words never left as the hair on my skin stood straight.

Arashi nodded, "Because of Godoyama, again."



So, the plot is moving into the main plot and it won't be a good one, I warn y'all... XD

Now, people who had been thinking it was only a love story... Fufufu

It isn't...

Anyways, let me know how do you like the story so far?

Of course, the vol 3 has only started...

But I made another comic... Because, yesterday, I was writing another book and the auto-correction ruined it... 0~0

While I am still practicing manga art, I will entertain you guys with my sloppy comics lololol

See y'all!

Also, don't forget to vote and comments! ❤️❤️❤️

29th June, 22

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