[Vol. 4] Chapter 77

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As the whole palace was being decorated, I had a few days off from taking training under the empress.

She was busy with the decorations and calling the tailors for making new and fine kimonos for everyone in the palace that excluding me.

She never bothered to measure me for my tailor made kimono and I wasn't even surprised.

On the other hand, Arashi made sure to always two guards behind me and behind my doors.

Hans and Kairo would always follow me and I was glad about it since no one in the palace except for Rei, wanted to talk with me. They either ignored me or made a disgusted face whenever they say me.

Now that the emperor was recovering, the empress didn't want me to keep taking care of him. Arashi still went to check his health time to time and he kept coming to my chamber at night.

Although I was released from the training, I was still taking lessons under Arashi and Rei. Even Hiroshi and Hans were giving me knowledge on the politics.

I was serious when I said I would make the empress to acknowledge me and I would get her approval. So, I was still learning whenever I got the chance.

Rei and I were in the garden as Noya was in my lap, blabbering in incoherent words while playing with my hair. Rei was giving me knowledge on their family members. They had a large family and almost everyone would be coming to attend the joyous occasion.

She said, "I heard my grandmother has invited some of the neighbouring kingdom's kings and their families."

I asked, "Is that bad?"

She shook her head. "It isn't but I think this is totally unnecessary."

"But I guess she invited them to let them know about Arashi's arrival."

She nodded. "Yes. I think so too. Brother Rian is not happy about it..." She looked at me and asked, "Say, Bianka, will you and brother go back once you get married to him?"

I saw there was pain in her eyes and it seemed like she felt lonely and powerless here. I felt bad. If only she could come with us.

I nodded, "Arashi told me that so it is his decision to make. I am really sorry."

She shook her head and gave a smile that never reached her eyes. "I know. He has every reason to not stay here and I would never force him."

I looked at Noya who was now looking at a butterfly and was trying to reach his hands to catch it from my laps.

"Is there any possibility for you to come with us?" I asked.

She chuckled, "I wish there was but unless brother Rian says so, I have no rights to say that."

I nodded. True. She couldn't go since Noya was a prince from one of their neighborhood kingdom. It would be a treason if we take her away. The Wansai emperor and empress let her stay here because Noya's kingdom has approved it. I heard she would have to go back once Noya is fifteen years old.

Noya started to doze off as he was tired of trying to reach the butterfly and Rei chuckled. She took him in her laps and stood up saying, "Bianka, I am going back but please be sure to work on your instrument. You may have done great at needles but your music skill is way poor."

I exhaled a frustrated sigh as I nodded. I got only two notes done even after learning it from Arashi and Rei.

Rei went away as I sat on a seating arrangement beside the lotus lake. It was beautiful and I was just watching all the pretty insects dancing there in harmony.

The breeze was flowing through my hair and I heard a footstep. I turned my head around and saw a beautiful woman in a kimono had entered the garden. Her golden hair was tied with beautiful accessories and her blue eyes fell on me asshe froze. She might not be expecting anyone here at this hour.

She looked like a foreign princess and I recalled Rei telling me about one of her cousins having married to a foreign princess. It must be Prince Daichi's wife, Princess Rose.

Prince Daichi was one of the cousins of Arashi and Rei, and was from a very powerful kingdom who had been supporting the Wansai's defence. They were the next richest family after Arashi's family and also, he was worthy enough to take the Wansai throne after Arashi.

He had married a foreign princess to form an alliance with them. I didn't know much about the reason but Hans said it was because of trading goods with another country which made them extremely rich and powerful. Wealth that was used to keep their military strong and to support Wansai's economy.

So, she was the reason for Prince Daichi's extremely powerful military.

I smiled at her and it seemed she was still wary of me as she slowly came near.

She bowed to me and said, "I—I am princess Rose..." Then she paused for a moment and said again, "Princess Daichi's err...wife?"

I blinked at her and chucked at her clumsy way of making her speech in Japanese language. I had been thinking why her statement sounded a little off. It sounded odd since she wasn't well accustomed to the language.

Her face became red and she looked down as if she was ashamed of herself. She bowed again and said, "I—I am s—sorry..."

I smiled and took her hand in me as she looked at with wide eyes. I said, "It is okay. You are doing good."

Her pale face got a blush and she smiled at me.

I said, "I am Bianka, Arashi—err... Prince Rian's wife."

She nodded and said in broken words, "I. Hear."

I smiled and she looked at the lake and said, "I love here coming... But not allowed..."

I nodded. So she wasn't allowed to come here? Why?

And then the wind rushed through us as the clothes around her hands flew up a little and I caught the bluish-purple swelling on her wrists. As my eyes caught it, she immediately yanked her hands away and hid them. She gave a nervous smile but I could see the fear and sadness in her eyes.

"Why does your hands have bruises?" I asked and her smile vanished. She looked around her and shook her head, her eyes pleading not to say anything about it.

She said, her voice shaking in fear, "Please, don't. Say. Please. Mercy."

My brows got ceased together on my forehead and I nodded. "I won't."

And as she was about to release a sigh of relief, we heard someone's voice and she froze.

"Rose... It seems you are here." The man came behind her and said with a cold voice. He was as tall as Arashi and with his dark long hair, I could see the resembles. He could be mistaken for Arashi if he was seen from afar.

However, compared to Arashi's gentle and warm aura, his aura was way colder than him.

His eyes fell on me and it seemed he had already assumed who I was. He didn't say much just said, "Let's go, Rose. We have to pay respect to grandfather emperor and grandmother empress."

She nodded and looked down as she went beside him obediently.

"I see you have got a company someone who is not welcomed here..." He said to his wife and Princess Rose started to shake.

"And is that the reason for you to not giving a single greeting?" I asked.

He scoffed, "I am a prince from Wansai. I don't bow to some lowly farmer girl."

I smiled and said, "But I still have the superior status than you, Prince Daichi. Farmer girl or not, I am still the eldest brother's wife of your family."

He glared at me as Princess Rose looked between us with horrified eyes.

Hans and Kairo were still around but they had been keeping a short distance. However, they just came behind me once they sensed Daichi's presence.

I shrugged and said, "I assume it wouldn't be selfish to expect a small greeting from my husband's brother."

He looked at me coldly and thought for a moment before he bowed. "I hope you have a great day ahead, Princess Bianka."

The way he said my name sounded he was planning an assassination for me. I nodded and said, "I pray to both of you have blessings and lots of prosperity."

He didn't say a thing as he turned around, took Rose's hand in his tight grip when she hissed at the pain and dashed away.

Hans asked, "Princess Bianka, is everything alright?"

I nodded as my eyes kept watching Princess Rose until they both vanished from my sight. "Do you think a capable and a worthy man can be cruel to his wife?"

Kairo said, "Err... Unfortunately, I have no knowledge on that, Princess Bianka... I never had any...er...woman in my life..."

I chuckled. He was really young so it was expected however, Hans said, "Sometimes, an honest man is the one who is dishonest in reality. So, even if a king is quiet capable and worthy of the throne, he can be cruel and unforgiving to his people."

I nodded and my heart suddenly clouded with a mist of sadness.

9th November, 22

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