[Vol. 4] Chapter 92

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[Bianka's POV]

"So, you haven't even placed the box in the cave?" Arashi asked and the underling of the priest froze.

He realised what he had done. He spilt the words because he let his anger consumed him. Well, it was Arashi's plan all these time.

But making me act like a vile woman was a worst plan!

I was scared when everyone had been glaring at me. I felt like crying! Now they would hate me more!

Akisu and Kaito asked, "What does that supposed to mean?"

They were confused and the priest now had no words to say. Sweat bids had formed on his face as he looked away.

"Head priest! Speak up. If you don't then you will be considered insulting the royals..." Kaito threatened.

"There was no box in the cave." The head priest finally admitted, "Because we had never placed any boxes there..."

All of them looked at me together with suspicious glare as I froze.

But Arashi said, "Yes, that was why for safety measures, I had given her the box."

Now everyone's gazes moved to him and I released a sigh. They should know it wasn't even my plan...

"But that doesn't make this trial any fair!" Daichi said.

Arashi's eyes shifted to him and he asked, "When was the trial was fair, Daichi?"

Arashi looked at Princess Rose and Daichi became rigid.

Arashi said, "You of all people here know the trial was fake. It has always been. Didn't Princess Rose had to suffer it too?'

Daichi looked away as Arashi added, "You were the one who sent his men to protect her as well, weren't you? Then wasn't that unfair as a trial too?"

And everyone looked at him with shocked eyes including me. He sent his men to protect her?!

How? Then why was he cruel to her now?

Even princess Rose looked at him with shocked eyes however, Akio glared at Princess Rose and my brows ceased together.

Daichi said, "You weren't even here!"

"I don't need to be present to know about the things of my home." Arashi said and Daichi froze. It almost seemed like Arashi knew something of Daichi and Daichi didn't want anyone to know.

Arashi didn't push him further as he looked at the priest and said, "You will be punished for playing with everyone's beliefs and conducting this fake rituals for years."

The head priest asked back, "I agree that I hadn't exactly placed the box but then prince Rian had disrespected the goddess's judgement by giving her the exactly looking box. Shouldn't you face the punishment too?"

"Judgement, you say?" Arashi laughed and ordered his men, "Kairo, Hans, come with the so called judgement he has been speaking of."

And then the heard footsteps from inside the cave. They all looked there and found four-five men were coming with two injured and heavily beaten up men.

Kairo, Hans and others were wearing their masks along with their Kuro attires so, it was easily distinguishable the injured men weren't part of the Kuro soldiers.

The head priest and his men were all surprised and they all froze on their ground as their gazes fell on the two men. They were tied to a rope and their faces had bruises.

Everyone gasped and Kaito asked, "What's happening?"

"They are the assassins who were sent to kill Bianka..." Arashi answered as everyone were startled at the revelation.

"What? Does that mean the head priest had sent them?"

"No! I don't even know them."

However, Hans cut down the shirt's right hand sleeve, the leader was wearing. A symbol of the temple that the priest served came out.

Arashi said, "This is the same symbol that the people of the Wansai goddess' temple wear on their arms. That man has it means he is a qualified priest himself because only the ones who has the higher ranks wear it."

Nobody had heard or seen a priest with swords and knives. Because they were considered as the peace giving people. They healed people's hearts but it was exactly the opposite.

They were murdering innocent princesses just because they think they were capable as brides.

Kaito, Akisu and others were shocked and it was evident that they would never believe on the priests ever again.

The head priest clenched his teeth in anger but that leader suddenly said, "It wasn't conducted by the head priest. I did it on my own interest."

I clenched my fists that he saved the head priest and now he wouldn't get punished for the bad deeds he had done. Why was he even saving him when the head priest clearly abandoned him, putting all the blames on him?

The priest smiled evilly at Arashi and said, "There... He had already confessed his sins. That means I am not account for the assassination he was trying to do."

Arashi smile at him with a even terrifying evil smile and said, "Don't worry, I knew you would do something like this so I had prepared my men for this already."

He looked at the other injured man and called his name, "Satoshi..."

The underling of the leader who seemed to be tied by the rope untied it and stood up. He said, "I am also a priest but I have been watching all the deeds he has been doing for all these years. To know more about him I had to join this group who were specially trained for these types of things."

The head priest's eyes went wide and he stammered, "He—he is you man! You set him up!"

"Yes, he is certainly one of my spies in your group but he is not part of my Kuro soldiers." Arashi said.

Satoshi nodded and bowed toward Arashi and said, "I am so glad that you have given me an opportunity to make things right. I had been in this group for many years and I used to like how well they treated and cared for people but then I slowly learnt the dark deeds they does behind that bright facade."

"I wanted to tell people about their wrong deeds and I also wanted them to stop but unfortunately I had no power to do so..." He sighed and looked at Arashi, "I am really glad that Prince Rian had given me that opportunity."

Arashi nodded as the priest growled and the leader glared at him however, Satoshi never faltered back.

"But only his words doesn't prove anything!" The head priest growled with sheer confidence and laughed. You think, people will believe him? When he has weapons in his hands?"

Arashi gave him a tight lipped smile and said, "I have prepared the testimonies and witnesses in the emperor hall already. I believe, they have already set up the hall before my grandfather and the testimonies have already started."

Their faces paled as Satoshi said, "I have already told my people to arrive their with all those persons we have saved over these years."

Arashi added, "Let get us moving since we all are the witnesses of today's incident as well."

And the carriages which took us here, came to take us back.

21th November, 22

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