[Vol. 5] Chapter 115

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[Bianka's POV]

It had been two days, Rose was with me and luckily, Prince Daichi didn't do anything.

Or maybe he didn't want to?

I still didn't know... Arashi hadn't come either and now I was feeling restless...

As the maid came to give us our food, I called, Shin.

Shin came and bowed, "Yes, your highness?"

"Err... Do you perhaps know anything about...you know..." I couldn't possibly ask suddenly after fighting with Arashi.

But he got it and said, "About prince Rian?"

I gave a nervous smile, "Yes?"

He gave a smile and said, "He is busy because the group is coming back..."

I gasped. Kairo and Hans were coming back?

I asked, "So, Hans and Kairo are safe?"

I smiled as a sigh released from my mouth. Then I was being rude to Arashi for no reason and now I started to feel guilty about it.

Of course, he knew they were capable and that was why he sent them. He wasn't so irresponsible to send who wasn't capable yet.

However, I noticed a frown on Shin's face.

I asked, "What happened?"

He shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, princess Bianka. Everything is fine... probably."

He said the last words in a low voice and it made me concerned.

I asked, "Is you prince is free to have me now?"

He thought for a moment and said, "He is always available to you, your highness..."

And I got a little flustered as he said that. "Oh...!"

Shin nodded and said as he left, "Whenever you want to go, call me, I am here."

I turned around as the door got closed. I didn't know what to talk with him. I was venting my anger on him the other day and he might be really angry with me for that. I sighed.

As Rose and I were eating, my mind still was absent from here. I kept munching on my food even when I was full and I sighed again.

Rose asked, "You want talk brother Rian?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to!"

She gave me a suspicious glance. "Then why eat chopsticks?"

I looked at my hands and I was chewing on my chopsticks! I immediately put them down and chuckled nervously.

Rose said, "Just talk him. I know, you sad."

I sighed again as she pointed out, "And sighing after every minutes."

Well, I was just a little uneasy...

I nodded. "I think I have to talk to him."

Because it was the first time, we weren't talking with each other for days. Two whole days!

That had never happened before. He would at least come and smile or let me see his face at least once even if he was busy but now!

I haven't seen him like for days! I was just...just so frustrated and angry!

And sad and hurt and I didn't know whatnot.

I realised yet another sigh. It was getting out of my hands now.

I was finding it funny that I had told him I wanted to be left alone and now, I wanted to see him. I was now complaining that why didn't he come when I was the one who told him I didn't want to talk.

I looked at Rose with a crying face and said, "Rose, am I getting insane? I don't know what to do? One time I am angry and the next I am sad and hurt. I had never felt like this before... What do I do?"

Rose blinked at me and said, "You will be insane if you not talk brother Rian..."

Yes... She was right. I might just get annihilated because of my insanity. I stood up with a determined face and said, "Alright! Then I am going and go talk to him and probably yell at him for not coming to meet me!"

Then she asked, "But didn't you say him not come?"

I opened my mouth to defend myself but yes, she was right. I cried in myself. What was wrong with me?!

I wasn't like this at all! But now, I was a whirlwind of emotions which were hard to control.

Not wasting any more time, I went out of the room. I saw Shin was standing there and talking with another man from his group.

"Is he even alright?" Shin asked.

The other one shook his head and said, "The report says he is half dead."

I burrowed my brows. Who was half dead?

"Prince Rian must be really worried then..." Shin said, shaking his head.

"He has prepared emergency medication for him and had sent another group so they can come faster before it's too late."

Shin looked worried and it seemed they heard me coming as they immediately shut their mouths.

Shin looked at me and smiled, "Princess Bianka..."

I asked, "Who is half dead?"

They both froze and looked at each other as Shin said, "Err... We should go to Prince Rian since he will be busy later..."

I glanced at them suspiciously. "Because he will be tending the half dead person?"

Shin blinked.

I knew they were ordered not to tell me anything about it so even they want to, they would never go against Arashi's orders.

I sighed and said, "Let us go see your prince Rian then..."

We reached his chamber not long after that and as the guards outside announced my arrival, Arashi said, "Let her come in."

I went inside and although I should have felt guilty about the other day, now it got out of my mind. Because I was worried about the mission which I had no idea of.

He seemed a bit busy as many books were laid out in front of him and he was reading them. He looked up and asked, "Did you need something?"

"Why? Have I got permission to come only if I needed something?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. That's not I mean..."

He looked at me for a while and asked, "Why are you getting angry always these days?"

I blinked and looked down as I said, "I am sorry... I don't know, to be honest..."

I sighed again... I kept sighing as well these days.

I played with my fingers as I said, "I...I am sorry for the other day..."

He asked, "For what?"

"For venting out my emotions at you... I shouldn't do that..." I said feeling guilty about it.

I wasn't able to look up as I was expecting him to get angry about it or maybe he wouldn't forgive me easily but the next thing I felt his arms wrapped around me from behind.

I got startled as I didn't really heard him coming around my seat from accross the table.

He said in a low voice in my ear, "I am not at all angry with you, Bianka... You made me realise that there were some things which I haven't laid my eyes yet."

I leant behind in his warmth as I asked, it sounded more like a whine, "Then why didn't you come to my room? You didn't even come to check on me..."

He chuckled softly and said, "Rose was in your room. I didn't want to come between your ladies time..."

I chuckled and looked up at him, "She wouldn't mind if you have come..."

He said, "Yes, but I wanted to give you some time to yourself."

He grinned at me as I looked into his eyes and smiled, my heart fluttering inside of my chest. Now I felt like the heaviness I had been feeling finally vanished from my heart. The restlessness was gone and I was happy.

And then he kissed me as I kissed him back. I had no idea I was missing his touch and his warmth as we both indulged in the battle of our tongues.

And my heart was jumping again like it used to at his every touch. I could never get enough of him.

He pulled away and asked cheekily, "So, do I have privilege to think that you were missing me?"

I pouted. "What made you think that?" I gave him a smug look and said, "I was, in fact, very busy with Rose..."

He said, "Then I should be very concerned that my wife isn't very attached to me..."

And I jabbed a finger in his stomach as he chuckled and I giggled.

And then we heard a cought. And I had never seen a man discard himself from me and going back to his previous position in a blink of an eye, well, I had never anyone doing that particularly.

We both were stiff and looked as if we weren't really doing anything such as kissing and getting cosy a while back.

Hiroshi displayed a straight face but his face was red like a tomato as he said, "Ahem... Err... The group has arrived, your highness... I thought I should let you know as soon as possible since...since..."

Arashi nodded stiffly as he said, "Ah! Yes, take the injured here as fast as you can since...since..."

It seemed like both were out of words at the moment but I was the same as them since...since...


16th December, 22

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