[Vol. 5] Chapter 128

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(Third person's POV- omniscient)

"You are just like me, Hana."

The voice echoed in Hana's head...

"You will end up killing that pretty husband of yours sooner or later."

The last words of her father...or the man who raised her, troubled her by a lot.

She was standing there as she saw there was a commotion when another prince had arrived and took away a foreign looking lady. 

She thought, she was very beautiful...

But she looked sad...

Just like her.

But at least, that lady had someone unlike her.

Hana looked at Kairo and her heart shook in fear. She just couldn't bear to kill him.

But Lord Gokudo was right, she would end up killing him as well.

It was a good thing that she didn't get married to him. He was safe now.

Now, she would go away. Far from him where she wouldn't be able to harm him or his people.

But where would she go?

She had no place to go...

She was exiled from the clan for some reason she didn't remember and all her childhood she remained in a dark, cold cave for a rigorous training. After that she finally started to live with Lord Gokudo in his house but that was only for a few weeks. She still wasn't aware of the outside world.

The only thing she was aware of which she recalled from the clan, was the rule to always protect your partner and kill everyone if anyone tried to harm your closed ones and other than that, nothing else...

She didn't even remember her parents...

She looked down and with a heavy heart, she started to go toward the bridal chamber. She needed to wear something that would be comfortable and not heavy as the bridal cloth she was wearing.

"Where are you going?" She heard Kairo's voice and halted.

She didn't look up as she said, "I am going away..."

"To where?"

She didn't know...yet.

She stayed silent as Kairo took a breath and said, "Listen... You don't have to go anywhere. You can stay here..."

Her head snapped up as she asked, "And to do what? Kill all of you?"

"That is not what I was saying..."

"I can't stay since I am just too dangerous and I would end up hurting your people and," her voice shook as she added, "you..."

Kairo scoffed at her and said, "And I am the one who has the most resistance in my body."

Hana knew he was just taking it lightly just because he survived her poison once.

"You were saved because of my antidote." She said.

"And yet I was the only one who survived your poison." Kairo said with a smug grin.

Well, he wasn't wrong... He was the only person who wasn't paralyzed even when she had stabbed him with Haneru.

She looked at him as she didn't know what to say.

Kairo came near her and said, "Just stay here and learn. Lord Gokudo wasn't the only person who knew some 'things' about poison. You can more things about poison or others...even new things."

Hana only looked at him with wide eyes because she wasn't ever given a choice before. She didn't know anything other than that.

New things...?

Could she really able to learn new things?

Her heart thumped loudly once again excited yet scared.

She said in a breathy voice, "I don't know what to do..."

"How about you stay here as my wife's bodyguard...for now?" That was the voice of the prince as she looked at him.

He had a gentle smile on his face and beside him was, Princess Bianka. That was the woman, Kairo adored the most.

So, she was that Prince's wife?

Princess Bianka came near her and said, "Yes, you can stay with me and learn everything and later you can decide whatever you want to do."

Beside the Prince, there was another man. He looked older than Kairo and he seemed more mature. He said, "Yes, we have many things to learn. You can also learn how to be Kairo's wife..."

Kairo's and Hana's face became red as Kairo growled, "Brother Hiroshi!"

Hiroshi shrugged, "What? You have to take responsibility, Kairo. You can't just leave a girl like that."

Koji nodded, "Yes. That would also mean that we, Kuro soldiers are irresponsible and we play with little girls' emotions."

Hans shook his head and said, "That would harm our reputation, Kairo..."

Kairo looked at them with shocked eyes and then looked Hana whose face was red as a tomato.

Seeing her like that Kairo felt her cheeks getting heated.

So, did he have to marry that girl even when that Gokudo was dead!

He looked at Prince Rian helplessly and he said, "Well, Kairo. Since you have done that to Lady Hana. You need to marry her, unfortunately..."

Now he froze.


"But," he began as Kairo looked at Prince Rian with hopeful gazes, "If Lady Hana refused then it would be fine."

Kairo now looked at Hana with pleading eyes while Hana thought he wanted to marry her thus he was giving her pleading eyes. So she said shyly, "I... don't mind..."

And all of his brothers cheered while Kairo stood there with a blank face.

Princess Bianka giggled at him and said to Hana, "Welcome to Wansai, Hana... From now on, this will be your home where you belong with us."

And Hana's heart fluttered as her lips quivered. She had never thought people would ever accept her and would give her a place where she would belong. Where she could call it a home.

And thus, the poisonous lady, Lady Hana swore that as a Toushi, she would never let her close ones suffer. She would kill anyone if they tried to harm these people who had given her a home.

She started to cry but she didn't know what was this feeling. Was it happiness? Was it sadness?

Whatever it was, all she felt warm and deep appreciation for kindness she received from them. She had never received that kind of treatment and now that she got the taste of it, she didn't just want to let it go.

Princess Bianka came near and patted her head as she said, "There, there! Don't cry now! You still have to marry our Kairo, aren't you?"

She nodded as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands but the tears won't stop. She felt everyone's gazes and it made her embarrassed since she never liked to cry in front of anyone so she buried her face on Princess Bianka's chest and the princess welcomed her with hands and let her calm on her chest.

The warmth she felt from her was melting all of her sadness, all of her coldness and every bitter memories she had started to perish from her mind. Now she knew why Kairo adored her so much.

Because she almost felt like a mother. And suddenly, she recalled a face.

It was a beautiful black haired lady, smiling at her with the same eyes as hers.

She had a gentle face and a tender smile and was very beautiful. Was it how her mother looked like?

She didn't remember her... But why?

Princess Bianka was still patting her head and said, "We will all take good care of you, Hana... Especially Kairo. He is an amazing person. He certainly has an anger issue but I'm sure, you will get to know him soon."

She nodded and the Prince came near as he patted her head as well.

He smiled and said, "Hana, as Gokudo said, you are not her daughter. How about we try to find what happened to your parents?"

She looked up at him and nodded. "But what if I'm the killer?"

He said, "I'm sure you're not the killer."

She was shocked how could he say that for sure when he barely knew her for a few days. But in those days, they didn't even talked. She was confined in a room she was given and she knew they were keeping an eye on her all the time.

Prince Rian must have read her thoughts as he asked, "What do you remember from your childhood days?"

She tried to recall but she couldn't. She shook her head and said, "Nothing... Only a face but I think that is my mother's face which I just recalled now."

He nodded and said, "Alright. How about we first try to have a talk with the Toushi clan then?"

She looked at him with wide eyes. "But I was exiled!"

He asked, "And do you remember being exiled?"

And she realised she didn't remember herself being exiled. And she certainly didn't remember why did she knew the rule of them. Because apart from the dark cave, she didn't remember a thing before that.

She looked troubled and said, "All I know the darkness of the cave and the dampness of the forest... And..."

She caught her head as it started to throb. She didn't recalled her training.

She didn't know how did she learnt that because in the cave, Gokudo would only inject her some liquids and would teach her about the poisons.

She said, "I don't remember anything! Why?"

Arashi's eyes turned dark and Bianka looked at her worriedly. Even Kairo and others were giving her pitiful looks because they had no idea what she had gone through until now.

Princess Bianka asked Prince Rian, "What has happened to her memories?"

Arashi seemed to be in a deep thought as he said, "I need to read some books before coming to any conclusions... But I think she wasn't with Gokudo until a year ago."

Everyone froze and looked shocked even Hana was frozen with shock. But she thought she was with Gokudo for a long time...

Arashi said, "Anyways, Kairo, marry her and make sure you come with her to me everyday for a regular checkup."

Kairo looked serious as he nodded. "Okay..."

And Hiroshi started to tease him, "So, are you ready now? To marry her?"

Kairo grumbled, "Do I have a choice?"

He smiled evilly and said, "No. You don't."

Kairo sighed and said defeatedly, "Figures..."

For a second, his eyes fell on Hana who was wiping away her tears and looked at Princess Bianka with a pair of sparkling eyes as if she was waiting for her attention as his heart thumped. He thought to himself, "She is cute..."

And his face heated.

29th December, 22
A/n: Sorry for the late update. I'm so busy...

Also, Vol 5 has only two chapters more. And it will be finished... XD

Thank you for 350k views on the book here... Honestly, I never really thought of having this much attention and love for the book.

I started this book back in 2018, around June or maybe July. It has been 4 years...

I was reading a manga the night before I started this book. I was reading a mango on a doctor who was a jerk and from a mountain. I honestly don't remember the name of the manga but that doctor fascinated me because he was using all the natural things for his patients and it was a harem so eventually the ladies who were his patients started to fall in love with him.

That night, I dreamt about a character around 3 a.m. (I remember it because I immediately woke up and started to write the book in bits) he was saving someone and I dreamt about a girl who was crying. He saved her from something (I don't remember since it was vague) and she started to follow him everywhere.

I woke up and wrote the book in just one chapter 😂

It was hilarious and honesty even I was having a hard time to figure out what the hell did I just write!

I wrote it on a paper (it was my college assignment paper) 😂 I had an assignment submission next day and I had ended up submitting that paper as well.

And the professor even gave me full marks and that's when I knew they don't really check 🤣

Anyways, after I got back the paper, what I saw in that paper, I became traumatized because of my writing style, of course...

Because I was sleep-writing so most of my words were jumbled up. But finally, I figured out what I wrote and started to write.

At first, the story I wrote was around 500 words on each chapter and the plots were all over the place. It was horrible and embarrassing! But then I added details, however, it was still a disaster!

Then I stopped writing the book for a year... Well, for two years. I didn't write. A lot of things happened and I finally started to write from April, 2022.

It has been 9 months and I got so attached to the characters that I literally get dreams about them. 🤣

Most of the plots will go back to the original plot at the end, I promise you. But the extra sub plots are all I got from dreaming about them. And magically, all the plots are going in one place... Which is terrifying and weird and also amazing. Haha.


So, for now, I am sorry for not updating two chapters a day but don't worry, I won't abandon the book now since we all have reached the middle of the book.

Err... Yes! I still have 5 more vol... Sorry about that... 😫

But I will try not to offend you all with a bad ending. XD

Okay, see ya! I will update another chapter tomorrow!

Until then, oyasumi! ❤️

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