[Vol. 6] Chapter 147

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(Third person's POV- omniscient)

Hiroshi came back and saw Kairo and Hana was already there.

As he entered the inn they asked, "Where were you brother Hiroshi? Didn't you rent our rooms?"

He said, "I got entangled with some business but I am booking it now."

Kairo nodded and as Hiroshi headed toward to finally book two rooms, he remembered that he had no money.

He looked at Kairo and said, "Kairo. Lend me some money."

Kairo looked at him for a moment and lend him some money but as Hiroshi stretched his hands out, he asked, "What happened to your hand? There's a biting mark..."

Hiroshi looked at it and said, "I caught an wild animal and it bit me."

A gap formed on Kairo's mouth as he asked, "There are wild animals roaming on the streets?!"

Hiroshi nodded as he paid the owner of the inn. "Unfortunately, yes and quiet a lot of them."

Kairo tightened his grip on Hana's hand after hearing it and Hana's heart fluttered not knowing Kairo's gesture. But she liked it anyway.

Hiroshi, on the other hand, let out a sigh.

The day went by with nothing happening as they dined in the inn and Hana being curious with every other things.

However, it was late at the evening when Kairo sat beside Hiroshi taking one of the tables in the inn. Kairo had went to his room and stayed until Hana fell asleep.

Hiroshi was having beer in a wooden mug as he asked, "You want some beer?"

Kairo nodded as he ordered another mug of beer for him.

Kairo asked, "So, what's tomorrow's plan?"

"We will be moving in the morning since it will take another few hours to reach the capital. We can't delay it."

"I know. Prince Rian wants to do the needful before his marriage, I heard." Kairo said sipping on his beer.

Hiroshi nodded and then teased his junior, "So, I'm seeing you both are getting along well, eh?"

Kairo gave him a look and said, "I have to because all she knows making poisons! And the foods she cooks are almost like she had been living like an animal!"

Hiroshi chuckled. "At least, she is giving her best to please you. Give her some time."

Kairo let out a sigh and leant back and said, "But there's something going on with her..."

"Like what?"

"Remember Prince Rian told me about something weird with her memories...?"

Hiroshi nodded. He remembered it from the Lord Gokudo incident. Arashi had told him to visit him with Hana.

"I think, she is slowly recovering some of her memories when she is asleep. Something bad might have happened..."

Hiroshi got concerned as he asked, "Then why didn't you visit Prince Rian?"

Kairo said, "He is busy with this new mission and his marriage is around the corner. I don't want to occupy his time..."

Hiroshi gave him a glare and slapped on his head telling, "Hana is important to you right? She is your woman now. No matter how strong she seem, you have to make sure she is always safe and sound. That's your job."

Kairo's ears burnt red as he looked away and said, "I am, alright! I haven't left her from my sight. She is clumsy but she is not bad."

Hiroshi smirked and said, "Ho~ so, our Kairo is taking quite a good care of his little wife..."

"Shut up, brother Hiroshi!" He gulped down the beer in one go as Hiroshi chuckled.

Then he said, "But, from what I found, Prince Rian is right. She might wasn't with Lord Gokudo until a year ago. And she doesn't remember her past nor does she remembers her time in the cave. That's something fishy there..."

"Also, she said about a man when she was scared in her sleep." Kairo said taking Hiroshi's attention.

He asked, "What man?"

Kairo shook his head. "I don't know. She is scared of the dark and she would scream in her sleep telling, 'I'm scared of him. He will come.'"

Hiroshi's eyes narrowed down to the slit as he said, "Then I have to report it immediately. Honestly, why didn't you tell it before!"

Kairo said, "Sorry... I thought I should get to know first who is this person she is so scared of...but she doesn't know his name."

Hiroshi asked, "Did she used to have this nightmare before?"

Kairo shook his head. "No. It started after the Lord Gokudo incident."

He scratched his chin and added, "But one thing I'm very concerned about us, she said Lord Gokudo used to come everyday while she was staying in his mansion and used to give her some kind of medicine..."

Hiroshi's face looked grim as he asked, "Does she know what is it?"

Kairo shook his head. "She had been scared of darkness and Lord Gokudo gave her this medicine to make her calm. So she didn't question it."

Hiroshi ran his fingers through his hair and said, "It's very troubling."

He had a chat with Arashi a few days back when Arashi also said that there were some kind of foreign medicines which are used for making a patient sleep tight. The side effects could be their memories being wiped out or being paralyzed for the rest of their lives or be insane.

To know what exactly was this medicine, Arashi needed to check her. But it was true he had been very busy because of the marriage and also this mission.

He added, "Anyway, whoever it is, it seems he certainly has something to do with Hana's identity. Guess, once all of this over, we have to find about it."

Kairo nodded and stood up. "Then I'll be leaving now. She could wake up and get scared if she doesn't find me there."

Hiroshi nodded with a concerned face. Hana shouldn't be left alone. He felt bad that she was very young yet she had to suffer all of this. It seemed Arashi's decision of making her married to Kairo was right.

She was a tickling bomb right now but she was so attached to Kairo so she was fine.

He looked at Kairo who vanished toward the corridors of his room.

Hiroshi muttered, "It seems Kairo is her medicine..."

He stood up as well to retire for tonight since tomorrow he had a lot of work piling up.

First, the scroll and second, that little thief.

28th January, 23

A/n: I don't know if I can end vol 6 in this month... 😭🥺

I'm running behind my schedule... But I'm writing so I can catch up.

Vol 6 has so many plots that I have to place them according to the main plot so I can't leave any of that for the next vol. Also I have an extra vol coming up. Sigh...

I have to run my fingers lol

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