[Vol. 7] Chapter 182

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Note: The following two chapters might display some darker contents, hatred, madness, tortures. But I tried not to make it too gore. Still, if you don't like it, you may skip it. Also, bear in mind, Kairo is an adult. In modern era he might not be but I'm writing in previous era.

Futama Sameda. A boy from a small village. He only had his family but due to lack of food, his parents had to sell him and his sisters...

Fate was really weird. A small village boy came to a village of assassins... He got trained and he took his revenge on his parents as well.

But he still didn't feel any salvation...until he met that girl.

Futama's eyes blinked opened, blood have clodded around his lids and wounds. But there wasn't any pain because his body felt numb.

He heard a voice, "So, you ready to talk or want me to continue?"

He knew it was Kairo. That bastard!

Kairo was drinking water and suddenly, Futama felt thirsty as well. After drinking, Kairo smiled and poured the rest of the water before his eyes, making his thirst increase than ever.

Futama laughed with a lot of struggle. He felt he had no energy left, he felt hungry and thirsty. And they weren't letting him sleep either. They certainly knew how to keep him alive. They were giving him food and water but in small quantities enough to stay alive but at the same time to make him want for more.

He said, "No matter how much you struggle to let me tell you. I won't. And you won't be able to keep me here."

"Why? Will anyone come to save you?"

"Oh, no. No one. But I don't need anyone. Because I am going to choose my own death!" Well, if they won't let him die then he could chose his death himself. And Futama bit the small tube he had placed at the end of his teeth.

He knew it would take a few seconds to die and then he would see the horror in their faces for not getting any information out of him. He grinned but nothing happened...

His smile faltered as he bit it once again. The bitter taste of it was coming to his tongue but why it wasn't killing him?

"What? The pill is not working?" Kairo asked as he smirked which made Futama's eyes widened.

Kairo laughed as he said, "You know, Futama, there is a reason why I am the one who is interrogating you..." His eyes had gotten sharp as he added, "Because I know exactly what a captive could do when he is driven to a corner."

He continued as Kairo stood straight and took a step toward him, "First, you wouldn't want to give away those information you have so, the last thing would be, killing yourself." He took another step, "but what if your hands are tied or you have no hands or energy to kill yourself?"

Kairo let out an evil grin and added, "You put something in your mouth and hide it. So, in the mean time, you can kill yourself."

Futama's eyes, now, bulged out of his sockets as he had no idea he would think to this extent. From the start, when he got captured, he had no plans on giving out any information. He was just playing with them and in the end, he wanted them to go round and round in finding their true culprit.

Kairo said, "The pill you had hidden between your teeth, I had already replaced it with an antidote. So, if you had some other poisons working in you, it will be nullified by now."

He gave him a wide smile. "In other words, you can't even kill yourself anymore... The only person who can bless you with taking your life is me..." Kairo let out a sigh as he added, "But I'm not in a mood for killing someone who has a worth of a lot of information..."

Futama gritted his teeth as he shouted, "No matter how much you torture me, I won't ever tell you anything!"

Kairo laughed as if he was expecting it. "I know that very well but..." He looked at Futama with pitiful looks which felt like he was mocking him. "Isn't it funny, Futama Sameda, the information which had been keeping you alive until now, just backfired?"

Futama only glared as he couldn't say anything. It certainly had backfired...

"Now, you can't run, you can't call for help, you can't even kill yourself..." Kairo said, "And it is worse than death... Because you can't even die... I won't let you."

Kairo turned around as he added, "The next process will be: I will keep torturing you and when you feel like you are dying, I will tend your wounds just to keep you alive so I can keep it continue..." He turned his head to look into Futama's eyes, "Unless, you give me what I want..."

Futama spat at him as he remarked, "You are certainly terrifying... aren't you? Did Rian trained you to be like him?"

Kairo smiled and shook his head, "Oh no... I am merely immitating half of his terrifying nature... The rest will be done by him..."

"What do you mean?" Futama's brows drawn near.

And the next thing he saw was a different entity entering the dungeon chamber. It was Rian. The prince of Wansai.

Futama laughed. "Long time, my old friend!"

Arashi's brows knitted on his forehead as he took a good look on Futama and he said, "I don't even know you."

"Of course you don't... You even forgot Yukina... didn't you?" Futama asked which made Arashi frown.

At that, he laughed hysterically because it was the expression he wanted to see for a long time. The tensed, worried face mixed with fear.

"You are one heck of a bastard! Rian..." He said in between his laughter yet tears running down on his cheeks. He looked like some mad demon had took a possession of his body as he growled, "You killed Yukina and now you came back with a wife, pampering her with love and affection like Yukina never existed! Hypocrite!" He spat again as Arashi got stunned.

Kairo didn't understand who was Yukina as he looked between them but didn't let any emotions play on his face.

Arashi's face had darkened at the name of Yukina as he stood there quietly while the man shouted, pouring his anger, pain on him. "She fought with her own people for you yet you killed her! You hypocrite! I hope you rot in hell and I will be sure to greet you there!"

He didn't know why Yukina's name appeared again after all this time? It took him years to forget but people won't let him forget her... Was everything he had failed to do in his past was coming back to him?

Arashi's palms were clenched as he asked with a cold voice, "Is this why you wanted me and my wife dead?"

Futama laughed again. "Oh no! Why would I need to when your own people want you dead badly? I just helped them..."

His own people...

Futama's laugh subsided as he said, "I will see your expression when you come to know that the people you you chose to protect, the people for whom you killer her will be the one to stab your back..."

Futama said, his eyes glowing in the darkness as revenge and hatred had devoured them, "My people will be coming, Rian. To take your dear wife's head! Be prepared!"

Arashi just looked at him for a moment without saying anything. He didn't know who were the people he was talking about but from judging him, he had a hunch. Guess, old deeds do come back to hunt you down.

Arashi asked, "Only my wife's?"

Futama didn't understand as he gave him a questioning gaze and Arashi looked at Kairo.

It didn't take them long to understand two things...

One, Futama had no clue that Bianka was bearing his heir.

And two, it meant, there were two culprits who wanted her dead and one of them wanted both of them dead.

4th April, 23

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