Part 4

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Lady: yes magical keys. U can do magic with that.

Rishi: how to believe u that u r saying rite?

Lady: u can call me janki dear. I'll Tel u abt a key. U'll trust me.

Seeing him silent she continues.

Janki: ur sister has a bracelet. U can find a key in that. It's "anywhere key".

Rishi: "anywhere key?"

Janki: yes. U can go anywhere u want using that key. 

Rishi with curiosity: how?

Janki: insert key to any door and take name where u want to go and open door. U'll b in that place.

Rishi: really?

Janki: u can try.

Rishi: I'll b back.

He runs from there excitedly. Janki smirks.

He goes to ragini's room. She was taking shower. He sees her bracelet on her table. He checks it. There was key attached in that bracelet. He pulls that and bracelet breaks. He takes key. He sees around. He sees cupboard and inserts key that keyhole takes ice-cream parlor name. He opens door and he sees same ice-cream parlor which they had visited while coming. He gets more excited and goes in and takes many ice-cream. He comes back to ragini's room through that door (I remembered doraemon magic door here😛).

Ragini comes out after shower and sees her broken bracelet. She sees rishi and gets angry on him.

Rag: rish, wat u did? Y did u break this? This was gifted by dad. 

Her eyes get moist seeing broken bracelet. 

Rish: Di, just see wat I got. This key can take us anywhere we want.

Rag: stop it rish. U broke my bracelet. Don't make any stupid reasons.

Rish: di, m serious. Come I'll show u. 

He takes and inserts key in hole and thinks to take her eiffel tower. He opens door but there was nothing instead of clothes.

Rag: stop rish. Go from here.

Rishi goes from there. Ragini closed door and looks at her broken bracelet. Rishi wonders y dint work. He goes to janki.

Rish: u lied to me. It doesn't work every time. I wanted to take my sis to eiffel tower. But it didn't work.

Janki: that key wud work if at other side also there's a door and u must hav visited that place before only. Example u visited ice-cream parlor before so u easily went there.

Rishi: how do u know I went there?

Janki: I saw ice-cream fell on ur t-shirt. I just guessed.

Rishi goes back listening that. Then he remembers Ragini and goes to her.

Rish: di m sry. I dint want to hurt u. I dint lied.

Ragini stopped him: it's ok rish. I got so emotional as it's dad's gift. Sry I got angry on u.

Rish: but di I dint lie.

Ragini dint take his words seriously. 

..... ..... .....


Rudra was playing hockey. A group comes to play with him and joined him without any talk. They played. After playing they comes at side of ground. A boy in that group says

Nik: hi,, m Nikhil.

Rud: m rudra.

Nik: u r new here?

Rud: yes.

Nik: u played wel.

Rud: thanks. U too.

Nik: if u don't mind we will practice daily so that we can get selected for state level.

Rudra smiles nodding yes. Just then a girl comes.

Girl: Bhai, u left this in bike.

Nik: oh thanks. Btw rudra, she's my sis Maya, studying here only but different field. Maya this is rudra my new frnd.

Rudra got mesmerized seeing Maya.

Rud: hi Maya.

Maya too said hi seriously without any smile and goes.

Nik: don't mind. She's like that only. Don't mingle with all easily.

Rud: it's ok.

..... ....

Raglak were in canteen. A girl comes there.

Girl: hi laksh.

Lak: hi tina.

Tina: seems u got new frnd.

Lak: ya. Meet Ragini.

Tina: hi Ragini u r same girl na whose father....

Laksh cuts her in middle.

Lak: Tina. Mind ur business. 

Tina: wat I did. Whole world knows that.

Lak: it's her personal matter. U don't have any rites to interfere.

Tina leaves from there angrily. 

Lak: she's like that only. Don't feel bad.

Rag: I didn't. Coz u understood that's enough for me.

They share an eyelock.


Rishi was roaming in his college alone. He dashes with girl. 

Rish: m sry.

Girl: it's ok.

Rish: u r so beautiful. 

Girl: wat?

Rish: nothing. Btw m rishi. New here.

Girl: ria.

Rish: beautiful name.

Ria: thanks.

She goes. He looks at her till she disappear.

....... .....

Rishi was in home. He heard someone whispered. He goes in that direction. He goes near washbasin. He sees a key attached to it. He takes it. He inserts it in a hole of door nearby. That door turned into mirror. He was surprised to see that. Nishi comes that time and she too sees that. 

Nishi: Wats this rish?

Rish: I had told u abt magical keys? It's one of that.

Just then she sees Yash calling her from that mirror.

Nish: Yash?

Yash: save me nishi. 

She gets emotional. Rishi cudnt see anything in mirror.

Nishi: m coming Yash.

Rishi finds something fishy.

Rish: mom don't go near there.

But nishi was lost seeing Yash. She goes near mirror. It pulled her inside.

She disappeared. Rishi cudnt see her. He screams.

Rish: mom.

He was not getting how to bring her back. He ran to janki. 

Rish: janki, u there?

Jan: tell rishi. Wat happened?

He tells her everything.

Jan: oh no. U call me up. I'll solve it.

Rishi without thinking anything calls her.

Rish: come out of well.

She suddenly appeared in front of him. 

He gets shocked.

Rish: how u came here like this?

Jan: that's not imp. Giv me 'anywhere' key. I'll save ur mom.

Rishi gives her that key. Janki smirks.

Jan: that mirror door is trap. No one came from that till now. Whoever went there, they died there only.

Rish: u had told u'll save her. 

Jan: believing an unknown is not gud dear. Gud bye.

She goes from there using that key. Rishi stands there with teary eyed.

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