001. Edward Black!

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❝Edward Black!❞

.° ( mysterious love - act one )

┆ CH. 1 ┆


When Edward Black was one year old, everything was great. Both of his parents - Sirius black and Marlene black - lived with him at their beautiful house. They wanted a perfect life for him, they wanted him to grow up with great friends, get sorted into a house at Hogwarts, and join the Quidditch team, maybe... They dreamt of the perfect life, Marlene would write down events that happened throughout her life, and wished to someday give it to her son. However, their thoughts and dreams were soon crushed. Sirius's old member of his friend group had killed twelve muggles, and with some help they had made it seem like Sirius had done the killing. Marlene was scared and shocked, she knew her husband would never do anything like that. However, they never gave him a trial, they just threw him in Azkaban, without saying goodbye to his wife or son.

A week later, people avoided the rest of the Black family. Marlene was tragically killed by death eaters in their home. She casted a protection spell and locked her son in their bathroom downstairs, not wanting anyone to hurt him. Her spell worked! He was alive, but without any parents to watch him. A cop came by after neighbors heard something coming from the small two story house. They had to look around the house for any information about a family member that could be alive to watch their son, all while Edward was a crying mess. The detective guessed that he sensed something bad happened, even if he was only one year old. They found a phone book and called someone under the name of Andromeda, who was cousins with Sirius black.

Once Andromeda received the call, she instantly used her fireplace to floo over to her cousin's house. She was in tears. It was in shambles, mostly everything was broken, and she could still see stains on the walls. She knew she had to protect Edward Black, and she would do anything for him, anything he asked.

Eleven years later, Edward Black had a new home in his cousin's house, not knowing that much about his parents, and had just received a big letter. Edward quickly picked up the mail from the ground and ran into the kitchen where everyone else was sitting, eating their breakfast peacefully.

"Edward, what's got you smiling like that?" Andromeda asked as she saw the little boy's smile grow bigger. He instantly put the rest of the mail down on his seat, and looked at his letter addressed to him. It read, Mr. E Black. The second room to the left of the stairs, 14 Hargrove drive, Southern England.

"My Hogwarts letter came! It came! It finally came!" Edward said happily as he read the inside. Andromeda and Ted smiled brightly as Ted started to speak. "That's my boy! I guess we need to go shopping today in Diagon Alley then." Andromeda announced as Edward started to nod his head in agreement. Dora, Nymphadora - their biological daughter started to giggle. "I'll go get dressed." He said as he put the letter on the table. However, Andromeda stopped him. "Nuh-uh. You have to eat a balanced breakfast first."

Edward sighed and looked at Ted. "You do buddy." He quickly sat in his seat and ate his eggs and bread really fast, making the rest of the family look at each other. Grinning, still with his food in his mouth he started to speak, "I'm going to go get ready!"

He got up from the table and started to run up the stairs. He missed a step, which made him stumble but he got up. Not caring, he got accepted into Hogwarts, the best school in the world. Back at the kitchen table, the Tonks members started to laugh uncontrollably.

As the day went on, Edward was smiling widely as he walked with his second cousin, Nymphadora. For the past years that Edward has been living at their house, he sees Nymphadora as an older sister. Nymphadora usually goes by Dora, from her parents, but she doesn't like it. Recently she has been asking them to call her "Tonks," which it seems Edward is the only one that gets it right without having to think about it. Edward has always been to Diagon Alley, but now that he gets to pick stuff up for school, it's different. "Go to Oliverders! Me, mom and dad will wait outside!'' Tonks said to the boy as he walked inside the dark shop, where you could see multiple wands on the shelfs. It took a couple of seconds, but the man himself appeared in front of the desk with a smile on his face.

"Oh! Mr. Black. I have been waiting to meet you," he said with a smile. Edward gave him a confused look, but he remembered Tonks saying how he basically knew who you were without guessing. He carefully picked up a green case, and started to talk. "I remember like it was only a few days ago when your mother and father both came into my shop, buying their own wands." Edward perked up at hearing him talk about his father and mother.

Now, he knows his father is in Azkaban. Andromeda and Ted told him when he was five, and kept asking about his parents. They didn't hold back on any information, just because he had the right to know about his family. However, they did try to make the details about his mother less sad as they told him.

"You knew my parents?" Edward asked as he held onto the wand that Mr. Olivander gave him. "Yes, I know everyone that comes in here. Your mother came in twice to be exact. She needed a new wand for her sixth year. This wand was pretty, but Edward had a feeling it wasn't going to be his.

As he pointed to a wall all the books fell off. "I assumed so. Let me just pick this one here," Mr. Olivander said as went to one of the selves. Once Edward was handed the wand, light came from around him. He felt warm air near him, as he felt his bangs fly up like wind was bushing them. This was his wand. He had the biggest smile on his face. Mr.Olivander then took the wand from him and placed it back into the box. "It's a Pine Wood with 12 ½ and hard flexibility."

Edward nodded, taking in all the information about his new wand. After paying most of his allowance, he happily walked out the store to only see Andromeda. "Where's everybody else?" He asked. "Oh they couldn't wait, dear. They got most of your school supplies and went home to get dinner ready. You know them. Anyway, want to go to one more shop, maybe the bookstore?" Edward nodded. Walking into Flourish and Botts, Andromeda told the boy that she needed a new cooking book, so he wandered off on his own.

He walked upstairs, seeing books about Hogwarts on one side and Quidditch on the other. Bingo. Before he could make his way to see the Quidditch, someone bumped into him.  "Oh! I'm terribly sorry! I was trying to find my dad, it seems to be that me and mum lost him in the crowd." Edward fixed his shirt before looking up at the girl who was talking. She was around his age, had bushy brown hair, somewhat big front teeth, and looked like she knew her stuff. She stuck out her hand, "Hermione Granger. I'm going to be a first year student at Hogwarts." Edward nodded. Man she talked.

He shook her hand however and started to introduce himself. "Edward Black. I'm also going to be a first year student." Hermione smiled brightly as her mum looked at her. "Dear, we have to go find your father, I don't want him to be alone." Hermione nodded as Edward awkwardly swayed side by side.

'Well, it's nice to meet you Edward. I'll see you at school!" Hermione said while waving her hand and then leaving. Edward shook his head as went over to the Quidditch section. He grabbed a book about different Quidditch teams through the ages, and walked down the stairs to see Andromeda. Smiling Andromeda paid for the book and they were on they're way back home.

As Edward was in his bed nice and warm to go to sleep, he drifted off with the biggest smile on his face, ready to start his life at Hogwarts.

{ ronnie speaks } fun fact! edward's wand is my wand! I decided to take my info from pottermore, and use it here! question of the day, what's your hogwarts house, and if you had to chose to be in a different one, what would it be and why? please don't be a ghost reader, I love your comments!

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