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Gauri come to the same spot where she always met ommkara.... in her previous birth....

When she came.... she spot ommkara is sitting at the same rock on which he usually wait for her....
Gauri smile with tear....
Thinking how much she is lucky to have this man.... who keep his promise to be with her for next seven birth....

She slowly approached him...
His back is facing her....
When she reach near him she could hear his sobbing...

Ommkara is so hurt to her behaviour.... he know she is not at a fault.... any human can afraid.... but his heart is aching to see hate in her eyes....

Gauri smile.... he is still innocent like before....
Whenever she got upset on him he usually cried like this.... because he can't handle her ignorance.... and her heart melt quickly....


She said softly placing her hand on his shoulder....
Ommkara quickly stood up and turn to her....

Both looking at each other eyes..
Both can realise each other pain...

"Ga.... Gauri "

Ommkara ask shockingly...
Because Gauri called him omm insted of Mr oberoi....

Gauri smile....

"I remember everything omm.... I love you "

Gauri said.... tears flow from their cheeks.... but this time it's happy tears....

Gauri run and hug him tightly....
She cried...
Ommkara warp his arm around her.... he also cried his heart out....

"I.... I love you Gauri "

He said inbetween his sobs....
Ommkara still not believe....
She come back to him....
Both hug each other and cried...

They are separate since decade....
Gauri is unaware from all this but ommkara..... he is just living in hell without her.... since a long time he is just waiting...

"Don't leave me again please"

Ommkara said breaking the hug...
Gauri cup his face with her small palms.... she wipe his tears.... and kiss his forehead...

"I will never"

She said... Ommkara kiss her palm .... then they sit on rock....

They sit there staring each other for some time.... Ommkara kiss her forehead lovingly... they lost in each other eyes....
No one could believe that she come back for him crossing the life and death line.... this is his true love....

After few Minutes ....
Something stuck Gauri mind...



He said still looking at her without blink....

"How..... how all this.... happened? I mean..... you are not.... human.... wolf"

Gauri couldn't complete .... her heart is shattering into pieces thinking all this...

Ommkara face fell.... he took a deep breath.... looking other side....

Gauri cup his face make him looking at her....

"Please tell me.... how is this happened "

Gauri ask ....

"Do you hate me Gauri that I am not a human?"

Ommkara ask with tearful eyes...
Gauri shakes her head in no...

"No.... never"

Ommkara hold her hands....

"After that incident I thought May be I also dead.... but ... my cruel fate have other plans to give me a monster life... I just hate this life.... I don't want to live.... but I am just waiting for you only"

He said...


After the incident....

3 week passed..... everything is finished in the village.... no one is alive....
The werewolves are gone....

But..... in the forest.... there somewhere a cave.... which no one knows....

Ommkara is laying on floor.... someone is putting hurbs on his wounds....

After 1 week..... Ommkara finally gain conscious....
He slowly open his eyes and found himself in a cave....

He sits up but his whole body is burning in fever.... he saw his wound is bandaged.....

He look here there but no one is there..... he try to get up but fail...

"Sit.... don't try to get up.... you are not well"

Ommkara looks up to hear the voice.... he see a man...

"Who are you? And where am I? "

Ommkara ask...

"My name is tej.... you are injured so I take you here"

Tej said...

And then ommkara remember everything.... he got tears to know that now he have no one... he lose his family and most importantly the love of his life...

"Why you save me? Now I have no reason to live.... my Gauri is no more... my family.... I don't want to live"

Ommkara cried....
Tej sit beside him....

"If I didn't took you here then they will torture you for the crystal "

Tej said.... Ommkara look at him confuse....
He about to ask something but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach....

"Aahhh.... it's paining "

Ommkara cluth his stomach....

"Please do something "

He said but tej is standing there silently....

"I can't do anything "

Tej said....
Ommkara is in pain but he looked at his hand.... and got shock.... his hand is roting....
Spoiling just like a dead person body spoil....

He get shock....

"What is happening with me?"

Ommkara ask...

"You are going to be a wolf soon.... it's the symptoms "

Tej said.... and ommkara stop moving.... he couldn't believe in his ears....

"What....are you..... saying.... "

"You got bitten by a wolf.... and it's 4 week now .... you will turn into a wolf in this full moon day... "

Tej said.... Ommkara is out of words...

"No.... no please ... I don't want to be a wolf.... please kill me before that"

Ommkara plead...

"I can't do anything now.... I take you here.... because if you stay there then that wolfs will be torture you and you give them the crystal "

Tej said...

"Who are you "

"I am also a wolf.... that Danish (main wolf who killed Gauri) also destroy my family....they bite me and I become an wolf... but I am never live with them.. that is why I save you"

Tej said....

"Who is Danish?"

"That one who kill Gauri "

Ommkara felt anger pouring him.... he is getting the aggressive nature of a wolf....

"I will kill him..."






Full moon night....

Ommkara is still in the cave ...
Suddenly he felt his body is burning....
He quickly got up and rub his body..... to soothe but no use...

He quickly come out from the cave to take fresh air.... but...
The moment the moon light of the full moon fall on him....
His pain got increase and his body change.... he screams loudly in pain....


And with in few Minutes he turn into a wolf.....

He scream and aggressively thrown trees and stones...
Tej see this and went to him...

"Ommkara.... Ommkara calm down.... try to control yourself "

Ommkara (wolf) look at him...
Then he hold tej neck and try to kill him.... because he is not in his sense....

"Omm.... Ommkara.... remember.... control yourself.... try to control otherwise you will never get your human self back"

Ommkara (wolf) remember and leave tej..and he calm himself..... and slowly he come back to human form...

After few Minutes.... Ommkara cried to remember everything ....

"I don't want to leave this monster life.... I want to die father "

He cried... he unknowingly call tej as father.... tej hug him ... after a long time he hear father from someone....

"Don't cry ommkara..... I also don't want to live after lose my family.... but I am still alive because I want to take revenge from Danish..."

Tej said.... Ommkara realise he also can't leave him who kill his love.... he wipe his tears....

"I will take revenge father"

But again he remember his Gauri....

"I lose her....but I know she will be back for me.... I will wait for her"

Ommkara said...

(Ok... it's too long now so let's finish it quickly)

After that tej give him a old book in which he learn everything about wolfs.... how can use and control the power... and there is also written about his mate (partner) He learn how to recognise you mate...etc

Ommkara use the power of crystal and he kill most of the wolf army of Danish.. .. but still Danish is alive...

Danish knew about ommkara and hide himself from him .... but still he is greedy for the crystal....

He tried so many times to attack ommkara but always fail and run to save his life..... as ommkara is more powerful than him because of the crystal ....

decade paas...but danish not get successful.... now he is searching for other ways.... to defeat ommkara....

Somehow ommkara about to know that Gauri is going to reborn.... he is happy as well as ready to protect her...

After Gauri born...

Danish is also know about Gauri and ommkara love story...
Now he plan to hurt Gauri and force ommkara to give the crystal....

But always fail because ommkara is always there for Gauri.....

That was ommkara who always around Gauri in her childhood... which Gauri mom saw and scared...

After few years Danish stop his all moves... thinking he would attack on right time....
Ommkara not went near gauri but always keep an eyes on her... but he was fail to save her parents from Danish....

After few years he come to Mumbai as OSO.

He get sonakshi as his gf only to show off.... he just told mishra to get girls... only to show himself as a human being...
He never hurt any girl.... he only paid them to shut their mouths

Flashback end....

Gauri hug ommkara.... both are sobbing..... she couldn't believe how much he went through...

"Now I am not a human anymore Gauri.... Will you love me like before? Don't you hate me"

Ommkara ask...
Gauri kiss his cheek....

"I don't care you are human or not.... I just know one thing.... I LOVE YOU "

Gauri said smiling.... they hug each other again.. .. letting the pain out as tears ....






Next day ....

Rikara come back to Mumbai...
After bid by tej.. .

Tej is really happy that finally ommkara get his love back... but afraid from Danish as well as from ommkara wolf forms...

Rikara said they will found a solution soon.... but now they want to spend time with each other....
Tej said he will be there whenever they need him..

Gauri heard the news that ahana marriage is fixed and now she will live in Delhi...
Gauri dont want to trouble her so she didn't say anything to ahana...

Rikara always spend time with each other..... the media start gossiping the news about them... but they never care....
Little bit ommkara know that Danish is planning something
.. he have to be careful....

After 1 week....


Rikara is sitting in hall in ommkara house....
Gauri's head on his shoulder... they are talking....

"How dare you?"

A voice came and rikara looks up.... they saw sakshi is standing there in anger...
Rikara stood up..

Sakshi come and stood in front of gauri....

"How dare you.... you stole my bf.... you cheap girl"

Sakshi said and about to slap Gauri but ommkara hold her hand....

"Don't you dare to touch her"

Ommkara push sakshi and she fall on sofa....
Sakshi is hell angry...

"You are insulting me for this girl ommkara.... we just hire her as the writer of our movie and you are having affair with her"

Sakshi said with disgust...
Ommkara become angry....

"I am not having affair.... she is my true love.... and I told you hundred times that you are just show off for me.... understand "

He said.... sakshi stood up... this is enough insult for her.... but still he can't lose this billionaire...

"Omm baby she is just trapping you.... please understand "

"Just shut up and get lost before I kill you"

Ommkara rore....
Till Gauri is silent .... but see ommkara anger she interfere...

"Ommkara please calm down.... she don't know anything about us"

Gauri hold ommkara and he is Little calm...
Gauri turn to sakshi...

"Sakshi please leave from now.... we will talk later"

Gauri said...

"You will pay for this"

Sakshi said and went out....
Gauri turn to ommkara...

"What were you doing? She don't know anything so she react like that na"

Gauri said...

"But I already clear her everything before into this relationship "

Ommkara clear.... Gauri smile.

"Ok... calm down.. . I will make coffee for you"

Gauri said...
Ommkara kiss her forehead...








Sakshi is sitting in a pub and drinking continually....
She couldn't believe that ommkara slip from her hands...
She just want to get rid that Gauri....

"Want to take revenge from your bf?"

She heard a voice and looks up... it's a girl from same age of her....

"What do you mean?"

Sakshi ask...

"I know that ommkara Singh oberoi dumped you for that girl"

The girl said...

"Yes.... I just want to kill that Gauri "

Sakshi said gritting her teeth...

"I can help you "

The girl suggest....

"Why you would help me.... what is your benefit.. .. and who are you?"

Sakshi ask confused..

"I am his business rival.... and you want to destroy them.... so why wouldn't work together "

The girl said smirking...
Sakshi smile and shake hands with her....

"Ok then.... done.... but may I know your name?"

Sakshi ask...

"My name is MAYA "




A storm is coming in rikara life...


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