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Hi friends...
So here is a long update..
Upto 2000 words...
I hope it worth for your waiting...


Gauri is sitting near the window.... it's afternoon now...
Ayaan was still in the room....

She is lost in thoughts...
Thinking about that day when she received the news that she is going to be a mother....


"You are pregnant Gauri "

Tej said....
Gauri was literally shock....
She is silent....

"I know.... it's.... it's ommkara child ..... Right?"

Tej ask...
Gauri don't know how to react.... she started crying...
Tej hug her...

"Shhh.... please don't cry Gauri..... you have to be strong now"

Tej console her....

"What is.... ommkara..... I am"

She can't find the words to explain her feelings....

"Please calm down beta"

Tej hug her....
After few Minutes she is a little calm....

"What do you do Now?"

Tej ask her... Gauri looks at him...

"I am asking about the child? You...... you know that you are unmarried Gauri.... and in your human life.... I don't know "

"Do you want to say.... I could abort it"

Gauri ask painfully....
Tej didn't say anything...
Gauri is in deep pain....
She already lose her love...
And now she don't know how to handle this....

"Gauri "

Tej call and she looks up....

"See beta.... you have to accept the truth... ommkara is not going to come back... you have to move on.... it's up to you beta....  whatever you decide I am with you"

Tej said and left the room...
Giving her space to think...

Gauri is sitting on bed lost in thoughts....
She place her palm on her belly.... tear rolled on her cheeks.... she cried....

Usually a girl would be happy when she heard this news...
But she don't know what to do...
She remember the beautiful moments.... she spend with ommkara...

Could she will able to kill the symbol of their love....?
No... she can't....

"Why you leave me ommkara?  Why we met when we destined to be apart"

She cried a lot....
But... she made a decision....

She stood up and went to tej.. .

"Papa.... I want this child.... please "

She said...
Tej hug her....

"I am with you beta.... but.... it's not easy to carry a wolf's child"

Gauri broke the hug and look at him confuse....

"What do you mean? "

She ask...
Tej sigh tensed...

"Ommkara was a wolf... so it's quite possible that this child would have his powers"

"You mean this child May be a wolf?"

"No... I didn't said that... Gauri ommkara was aware from this.... that's why he came to me to ask  for a solution... after.... after you both.... came close"

Tej cleared....

Gauri is just listening him...

"After ommkara leave.... I search for a solution... in an old book.... but before I could found anything ommkara call me and told about your kidnapping.... but I only able to read that ..... if a human got pregnant with a wolf's child...
Then may the child get a wolf's power less or more..."

Tej said...

"Then... what will we do papa"

Gauri ask painfully...
The moment she called him papa tej accept her as his own child...

"Gauri.... it's not confirm yet that this child is having his father's's very rare.... we have to wait to know that...."

Gauri nod.... tej wipe her tears....

"But.... we can't return to your normal life beta.... we have to go far from here"

Tej said...

"Why? Is it because of the society? "

Gauri ask

"No.... I never care of that... it's because if danish know about you .... then May be he come to  harm you to take revenge "

"What...? But Danish was dead?"

"No.... he is a powerful wolf... he can't kill by the strom... he will be back.... so for that.... we have to hide...  because we have not much power to fight with him... and we can also hide your child's power from this world"

Tej explain....
Gauri nod...

After that they went to a small village near a forest...
Which rarely known by people..... and live there...

Gauri's friend ahana try hard to search her friend but couldn't found.... everyone who related to ommkara and Gauri search for them but didn't found anything....

After 3 month...

Gauri is in her 3 month of pregnancy when she felt Labour pain in night....
Tej called a lady daai maa (Who make delivery of pregnant womans in village)
She helped and Gauri blessed with a baby boy.... who's eyes is ice blue colour...

Tej give that woman money and told her to not tell anything to anyone  about this ...

Gauri hold the baby in his arms .... she had happy tears to see her bundle of joy....she hug her baby and cried....
She missed ommkara so much right now...

Tej enter the room and take the baby in his arms....
He kiss the baby...

"He is looking like you Gauri.. but his eyes is like his father"

Gauri smile wiping her tears...

"But papa.... how can it's possible.... I mean... I am in my 3 months.... then how "

"It's the proof that your son had the power.... when it happen .... the pregnancy duration time is for 3 months... like a wolf's pregnancy period"

Tej said....
Gauri is shock....

"Then what will we Do?"

"We have to be more careful and taught your son how to manage his powers... because his power is not less then his father's"

"How.... how do you know ?"

Gauri ask...

"Didn't you see his eyes? It's like his father's when he turn into wolf... it's the proof"

Gauri sigh...
Now she have to be strong...

After that they lived in the house...
Far from everyone....

Ahana and all search for rikara.... and after few years they give up and  stop searching for them.. ..

Flashback end...

"Gauri "

Tej called her...
She come out from the past...

"You should talk to ayaan.... he is a child beta.... let him handle softly "

Tej said...
Gauri stood up and wipe her tears....
Tej is right....
She have to talk to him...
He is still a child.... who have no father's love... only she is everything for him....

She went to the room...









Inside deep forest....

A man come to a well with a woman and some of other man....

The well is really big....
The area is surrounded by bushes and trees....

The man reveal as Danish.. .
And the woman reveal as maya...
The other men are his pack...

He stood up near the well and look inside...
The well water is clear.. .

Inside the clear water...
There is a glass coffin...
And inside the coffin you can see a body was laying.... with closed eyes....a knife is digging on his left chest.... yes... it's ommkara's body.... but his body is not burned.... it's looking fine....

Danish stare the body for a whole 2 minutes....

"Danish..... do you really think that we will find them"

Maya ask...

"We have to find them Maya.. .. otherwise I can't able to use the power of the crystal.... this bloody ommkara cheated on me ..... "

Danish said gritting his teeth...

"But how are you so sure that he had a child?"

A man ask...

"Because I smell Gauri's blood.... she was pregnant at that time when we kidnap her... May be one or two days pregnant "

Danish reply....

"But how could we find that child? It's almost more than 6 year "

Maya ask...

"I will.... I know the way... I am just waiting for a chance.... I have to find ommkara child.... because he is the only  one who is able to make ommkara alive again "

Danish said....

"But ommkara is dead.... then how?"

Another man ask...

"No.... his heart still beating... if the knife get pull out then he will wake up.... no one could pull it except his own child who had his power"

Danish said and look at down to ommkara body again...


After that day.... when ommkara burn himself....

The next day maya and Danish wake up....
Danish gone mad remembering ommkara words that he cant use the crystal power .....

He came back to the place with Maya and found ommkara half burned body....

He about to burned it fully in anger but maya stop him...
She suggest to search tej first so may be they found any way to use this crystal.... maybe tej know something ....

They went to search on tej but didn't found them....
But he found some old books at  tej's place.....

He read them and about to know everything..... there is no way to use this crystal power without some special words.... which only known by ommkara.....

He just gone mad.... thinking ommkara is dead....
But Maya found something which help them...
That ommkara will be alive because he is bitten and not a pure wolf.... so he can't killed by a silver knife....

Maya and danish search for more books and found another one...
From which they know that only the child of the wolf man or who is bitten by the wolf man will able to pull the knife out and make him alive....

Maya and Danish came back to the place.... Danish use his power and some hurbs  and make ommkara body fine.... he put it in a glass coffin and put it inside a well water which is magical.... so his body wouldn't spoil....

Then he started searching for the person who might bitten by ommkara....
But he never found anything...
But he found Gauri's dry  blood at the place.... he know that ommkara loves Gauri and they are living with each other..... he doubt and smell her blood....

He about to know that Gauri was pregnant at that time...
So he started searching Gauri and tej..... because only his child is able to pull the knife and make ommkara alive so danish could ask about the words....

But he didn't found them....
And he is still searching for them.....

Flashback end....

Danish look at Ommkara body...

"You have to come back ommkara..... I waited more than 300 years for the crystal power.... and I'll wait till I found your child.... You have to make me the powerful wolf of the decade.... and after that I will kill you child and your Gauri in front of your eyes... you have to suffer to make me wait ommkara.. "

Danish smirk....










Ayaan was sitting on sofa in hall.... reading a story book...

In afternoon Gauri said sorry to him.... and he forgive his mom... because he loves his mom the most.... like his dad does always...

"Ayaan.... what will you like to eat?:

Gauri came near him...

"Anything maa"

Ayaan said smiling....

"Ok... I will make your favourite pasta.... what say?"

Gauri ask smiling. ...

"Yesssss.... I love you maa"

Ayaan kiss Gauri cheeks...
Gauri smile and went to kitchen...
She know ayaan is growing and it will hard to handle him....
She is afraid to lose him...
She already lose her everything...
And now she can't lose her only child....

She know ayaan is powerful but still he is a child.... he have to learn more about his power and control....
He still a little mischievous boy...

She is making pasta while ayaan is lost in his book...

Suddenly he read a story in which a young boy ran away from his house to fulfil his dreams....

An idea pooped in ayaan's mind....

"Yes I can also do this.... but .... maa"

He thought for sometime...

"Yes.... I will go to the city in night.... and will come back in morning before Maa wake up... I had power of super speed... so it will not difficult.... in this way I will able to see the beautiful outside world and Maa also wouldn't hurt... yes"

He smiled to himself....
This is great idea....


So what do you think?
What will happen now?


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